

University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance (FDEF) > Department of Economics and Management (DEM)

Main Referenced Co-authors
Severini, Thomas A. (18)
Schumann, Martin (7)
SCHUMANN, Martin  (4)
COSMA, Antonio  (3)
KOSTYRKA, Andreï  (3)
Main Referenced Keywords
Conditional moment models (1); Endogenous and exogenous stratification (1); Generalized method of moments (1); Smoothed empirical likelihood (1); Stratification (1);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Quantitative methods in economics & management (36)

Publications (total 36)

The most downloaded
Schumann, M., Severini, T. A., & TRIPATHI, G. (2023). The role of score and information bias in panel data likelihoods. Journal of Econometrics, 235, 1215-1238.

The most cited

121 citations (OpenCitations)

Kitamura, Y., TRIPATHI, G., & Ahn, H. (2004). Empirical Likelihood Based Inference in Conditional Moment Restriction Models. Econometrica, 72, 1667-1714. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0262.2004.00550.x

COSMA, A., KOSTYRKA, A., & TRIPATHI, G. (2024). Missing endogenous variables in conditional moment restriction models. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

Schumann, M., Severini, T. A., & TRIPATHI, G. (2023). The role of score and information bias in panel data likelihoods. Journal of Econometrics, 235, 1215-1238.
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Schumann, M., Severini, T. A., & TRIPATHI, G. (2021). Integrated likelihood based inference for nonlinear panel data models with unobserved effects. Journal of Econometrics, 223, 73-95. doi:10.1016/j.jeconom.2020.10.001
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Schumann, M., Severini, T. A., & TRIPATHI, G. (01 December 2020). Integrated likelihood based inference for nonlinear panel data models with unobserved effects [Paper presentation]. Invited Seminar, Toulouse School of Economics.

Schumann, M., Severini, T. A., & TRIPATHI, G. (14 October 2020). Integrated likelihood based inference for nonlinear panel data models with unobserved effects [Paper presentation]. SanDAL Workshop on Data Science, University of Luxembourg.

COSMA, A., KOSTYRKA, A., & TRIPATHI, G. (2019). Inference in Conditional Moment Restriction Models When there is Selection Due to Stratification. In K. P. Huynh, D. T. Jacho-Chávez, ... G. TRIPATHI (Eds.), The Econometrics of Complex Survey Data (pp. 137-171). United Kingdom: Emerald Publishing Limited. doi:10.1108/S0731-905320190000039010
Peer reviewed

Schumann, M., Severini, T. A., & TRIPATHI, G. (12 April 2018). Integrated likelihood based inference for nonlinear panel data models with unobserved effects [Paper presentation]. Invited seminar at the Department of Economics and Business Economics, Aarhus University (CREATES).

Schumann, M., & TRIPATHI, G. (2018). Convexity of probit weights. Statistics and Probability Letters, 143, 81-85. doi:10.1016/j.spl.2018.07.022
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COSMA, A., KOSTYRKA, A., & TRIPATHI, G. (2017). Inference in conditional moment restriction models when there is selection due to stratification. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

Schumann, M., & TRIPATHI, G. (2017). Monotonicity of probit weights. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

Chen, T., & TRIPATHI, G. (2017). A simple consistent test of conditional symmetry in symmetrically trimmed tobit models. Journal of Econometrics, 198, 29-40. doi:10.1016/j.jeconom.2016.12.003
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SCHUMANN, M., Severini, T. A., & TRIPATHI, G. (2017). Integrated likelihood based inference for nonlinear panel data models with unobserved effects. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

SCHUMANN, M., Severini, T. A., & TRIPATHI, G. (10 June 2015). Integrated likelihood based inference for nonlinear panel data models with unobserved effects [Paper presentation]. London School of Economics (LSE).

SCHUMANN, M., Severini, T. A., & TRIPATHI, G. (09 June 2015). Integrated likelihood based inference for nonlinear panel data models with unobserved effects [Paper presentation]. University College London (UCL).

SCHUMANN, M., Severini, T. A., & TRIPATHI, G. (21 May 2015). Integrated likelihood based inference for nonlinear panel data models with unobserved effects [Paper presentation]. KU-Leuven.

Severini, T. A., & TRIPATHI, G. (11 July 2014). Nonparametric estimation of returns to scale [Paper presentation]. Warsaw International Economic Meeting (WIEM) - Warsaw, Poland.

Severini, T. A., & TRIPATHI, G. (30 January 2014). Nonparametric estimation of returns to scale [Paper presentation]. CREST (Paris) Research Seminar.

Matschke, X., & TRIPATHI, G. (2013). Macht Junk Food abhängig? D'Lëtzebuerger Land.

Chen, T., & TRIPATHI, G. (2013). Testing conditional symmetry without smoothing. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 25, 273-313. doi:10.1080/10485252.2012.752083
Peer reviewed

Severini, T. A., & TRIPATHI, G. (2013). A survey of semiparametric efficiency bounds for some microeconometric models. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

Severini, T. A., & TRIPATHI, G. (2013). Nonparametric estimation of returns to scale [Paper presentation]. Canadian Economics Association Annual Meeting (Montreal).

Severini, T. A., & TRIPATHI, G. (2013). Nonparametric estimation of returns to scale [Paper presentation]. International Year of Statistics Conference (Luxembourg).

Severini, T. A., & TRIPATHI, G. (2013). Semiparametric efficiency bounds for microeconometric models: A survey. Foundations and Trends in Econometrics, 6, 163-397. doi:10.1561/0800000019
Peer reviewed

Severini, T. A., & TRIPATHI, G. (2012). Efficiency Bounds for estimating Linear Functionals of Nonparametric Regression Models with Endogenous Regressors. Journal of Econometrics, 170, 491-498. doi:10.1016/j.jeconom.2012.05.018
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TRIPATHI, G. (2011). Moment Based Inference with Stratified Data. Econometric Theory, 27, 47-73. doi:10.1017/S0266466610000125
Peer reviewed

TRIPATHI, G. (2011). Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) Based Inference with Stratified Samples when the Aggregate Shares are known. Journal of Econometrics, 165, 258-265. doi:10.1016/j.jeconom.2011.08.004
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Devereux, P. J., & TRIPATHI, G. (2009). Optimally Combining Censored and Uncensored Datasets. Journal of Econometrics, 151, 17-32. doi:10.1016/j.jeconom.2009.03.012
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Hardle, W., Kim, W., & TRIPATHI, G. (2009). Nonparametric Estimation of Additive Models with Homogenous Components. In Economic Essays: A Festschrift for Werner Hildenbrand (pp. 159-179). Springer Verlag Berlin.

Severini, T. A., & TRIPATHI, G. (2006). Some Identification Issues in Nonparametric Linear Models with Endogenous Regressors. Econometric Theory, 22, 258-278. doi:10.1017/S0266466606060117
Peer reviewed

Kitamura, Y., TRIPATHI, G., & Ahn, H. (2004). Empirical Likelihood Based Inference in Conditional Moment Restriction Models. Econometrica, 72, 1667-1714. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0262.2004.00550.x
Peer reviewed

TRIPATHI, G., & Kitamura, Y. (2003). Testing Condtional Moment Restrictions. Annals of Statistics, 31, 2059-2095.
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TRIPATHI, G., & Kim, W. (2003). Nonparametric Estimation of Homogenous Functions. Econometric Theory, 19, 640-663. doi:10.1017/S026646660319408X
Peer reviewed

Severini, T. A., & TRIPATHI, G. (2001). A Simplified Approach to Computing Efficiency Bounds in Semiparametric Models. Journal of Econometrics, 102, 23-66. doi:10.1016/S0304-4076(00)00090-7
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TRIPATHI, G. (2000). Review of "Econometric Methods" by Jack Johnston and John DiNardo. Econometric Theory, 16, 139-142.
Peer reviewed

TRIPATHI, G. (2000). Local semiparametric efficiency bounds under shape restrictions. Econometric Theory, 16, 729-739. doi:10.1017/S0266466600165053
Peer reviewed

TRIPATHI, G. (1999). A Matrix Extension of the Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality. Economics Letters, 63, 1-3. doi:10.1016/s0165-1765(99)00014-2
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