
SANCTUARY Roland André

University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine > Department of Physics and Materials Science

Main Referenced Co-authors
BALLER, Jörg  (42)
KRÜGER, Jan-Kristian  (33)
Müller, Ulrich  (28)
PHILIPP, Martine  (24)
Possart, Wulff (12)
Main Referenced Keywords
nanocomposites (7); elastomers (4); glass transition (4); polymers (4); confinement (3);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Laboratory of the physiscs of advanced Materials (1)
University of Luxembourg: Laboratory of the physics of advanced Materials (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Physics (65)
Materials science & engineering (20)
Physical, chemical, mathematical & earth Sciences: Multidisciplinary, general & others (2)

Publications (total 67)

The most downloaded
SANCTUARY, R., PHILIPP, M., Kieffer, J., Müller, U., Possart, W., & KRÜGER, J.-K. (2010). Trans-Interfacial Polymerization and Matter Transport Processes in Epoxy-Alumina Nanocomposites Visualized By Scanning Brillouin Microscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 114 (25), 8396-8404. doi:10.1021/jp101932h

The most cited

104 citations (Scopus®)

BALLER, J., BECKER, N., ZIEHMER, M., THOMASSEY, M., ZIELINSKI, B., Müller, U., & SANCTUARY, R. (2009). Interactions between silica nanoparticles and an epoxy resin before and during network formation. Polymer, 50 (14), 3211-3219. doi:10.1016/j.polymer.2009.05.020

HONORATO RIOS, C., LEHR, C. M., SCHÜTZ, C., SANCTUARY, R., Osipov, M., BALLER, J., & LAGERWALL, J. (2018). Fractionation of cellulose nanocrystals: enhancing liquid crystal ordering without promoting gelation. NPG asia materials. doi:10.1038/s41427-018-0046-1
Peer reviewed

Kane, K. I. W., Moreno, E. L., LEHR, C. M., Hachi, S., Dannert, R., SANCTUARY, R., WAGNER, C., Fleming, R. M. T., & BALLER, J. (2018). Determination of the rheological properties of Matrigel for optimum seeding conditions in microfluidic cell cultures. AIP ADVANCES, 8 (12). doi:10.1063/1.5067382
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Honorato, C., LEHR, C. M., Schutz, C., SANCTUARY, R., Osipov, M., BALLER, J., & LAGERWALL, J. (2018). Fractionation of cellulose nanocrystals enhances liquid crystal ordering without promoting gelation. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 256, 2.

Dannert, R., Winter, H. H., SANCTUARY, R., & BALLER, J. (2017). Influence of suspension viscosity on Brownian relaxation of filler particles. Rheologica Acta, 56 (7-8), 615-622. doi:10.1007/s00397-017-1019-y
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DANNERT, R., SANCTUARY, R., & BALLER, J. (October 2015). Timescales of microstructure relaxation in sheared colloidal hard sphere suspensions [Paper presentation]. 87th Annuel meeting Society of Rheology.

DI GIAMBATTISTA, C., SANCTUARY, R., PERIGO, E. A., & BALLER, J. (06 August 2015). Relaxations in the metastable rotator phase of n-eicosane. Journal of Chemical Physics, 143, 054507. doi:10.1063/1.4928059
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DANNERT, R., SANCTUARY, R., & BALLER, J. (April 2015). Brownian stress relaxation in sheared nanocomposites: Non-monotonic concentration dependency of relaxation frequencies [Paper presentation]. AERC meeting.

DANNERT, R., SANCTUARY, R., & BALLER, J. (March 2015). The influence of Brownian motion on sheared nanocomposites: New experimental results and a revision of Peclet-time as a characteristic time scale [Poster presentation]. DPG spring meeting.

DANNERT, R., SANCTUARY, R., & BALLER, J. (March 2015). Slow dynamics in sheared DGEBA/SiO2 suspensions [Paper presentation]. DPG spring meeting.

DANNERT, R., SANCTUARY, R., & BALLER, J. (22 January 2015). Unexpected maximum in the concentration dependency of the relaxation frequency of Brownian stress in a colloidal suspension. Journal of Rheology, 59 (2), 391-404. doi:10.1122/1.4906227
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Djemour, A., SANCTUARY, R., & BALLER, J. (2015). Mobility restrictions and glass transition behaviour of an epoxy resin under confinement. Soft Matter, 11 (13), 2683-2690. doi:10.1039/c4sm02774d
Peer reviewed

SUSHKO, R., FILIMON, M., DANNERT, R., ELENS, P., SANCTUARY, R., & BALLER, J. (03 October 2014). Anomalous glass transition behavior of SBR–Al2O3 nanocomposites at small filler concentrations. Nanotechnology, 25 (42), 425704. doi:10.1088/0957-4484/25/42/425704
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SUSHKO, R., BALLER, J., FILIMON, M., & SANCTUARY, R. (15 May 2014). Comparative study of the effect of untreated, silanized and grafted alumina nanoparticles on thermal and dynamic mechanical properties of the styrene-butadiene rubber. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1599, 158. doi:10.1063/1.4876802

SUSHKO, R., BALLER, J., FILIMON, M., & SANCTUARY, R. (03 April 2014). Anomaly in thermal and mechanical properties of SBR/alumina nanocomposites [Paper presentation]. DPG annual conference, Dresden, Italy.

DI GIAMBATTISTA, C., BALLER, J., & SANCTUARY, R. (March 2014). Relaxation of the complex heat capacity of Eicosane in the Rotator phase [Paper presentation]. DPG.

DI GIAMBATTISTA, C., BALLER, J., & SANCTUARY, R. (March 2014). Comparison of the metastable and the stable phase of eicosane via thermal analysis [Poster presentation]. DPG.

DANNERT, R., ELENS, P., BALLER, J., & SANCTUARY, R. (March 2014). Strain-induced low-frequency relaxation in colloidal DGEBA/SiO2 suspensions [Poster presentation]. DPG Annual meeting.

DANNERT, R., SANCTUARY, R., Thomassey, M., Elens, P., KRÜGER, J.-K., & BALLER, J. (2014). Strain-induced low-frequency relaxation in colloidal DGEBA/SiO2 suspensions. Rheologica Acta, 53 (9), 715-723. doi:10.1007/s00397-014-0788-9
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ALEKSANDROVA, R., Philipp, M., Müller, U., Jiménez Riobóo, R., Ostermeyer, M., SANCTUARY, R., Müller-Buschbaum, P., & KRÜGER, J.-K. (2014). Phase Instability and Molecular Kinetics Provoked by Repeated Crossing of the Demixing Transition of PNIPAM Solutions. Langmuir, 30, 11792−11801. doi:10.1021/la5026763
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PHILIPP, M., ALEKSANDROVA, R., Müller, U., Ostermeyer, M., SANCTUARY, R., Muller-Buschbaum, P., & KRÜGER, J.-K. (2014). Molecular versus macroscopic perspective on the demixing transition of aqueous PNIPAM solutions by studying the dual character of the refractive index. Soft Matter, 10 (37), 7297-7305. doi:10.1039/c4sm01222d
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SUSHKO, R., BALLER, J., FILIMON, M., & SANCTUARY, R. (September 2013). Effect of grafted alumina nanoparticles on thermal and dynamic mechanical properties of the styrene-butadiene rubber [Poster presentation]. International Soft Matter Conference 2013, Roma, Italy.

DJEMOUR, A., BALLER, J., DI GIAMBATTISTA, C., FILIMON, M., & SANCTUARY, R. (August 2013). Dynamics of a low molecular weight glass former confined in porous glasses with or w/o surface treatment [Poster presentation]. International Soft Matter Conference 2013, Rome, Italy.

DJEMOUR, A., BALLER, J., DI GIAMBATTISTA, C., FILIMON, M., & SANCTUARY, R. (July 2013). Nanoscale confinement of a low molecular weight glass former [Poster presentation]. 7th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems, Barcelona, Spain.

BALLER, J., & SANCTUARY, R. (July 2013). Cooperativity, geometrical constraints and slowed dynamics in glass-forming epoxy nanocomposites [Poster presentation]. 7th International Discussion Meeting on relaxations in Complex Systems, Barcelona, Spain.

SUSHKO, R., BALLER, J., FILIMON, M., & SANCTUARY, R. (June 2013). Anomalous behaviour of SBR/Al2O3 nanocomposites at small filler concentrations [Poster presentation]. EPF 2013, Pisa, Italy.

FILIMON, M., DI GIAMBATTISTA, C., BALLER, J., & SANCTUARY, R. (May 2013). Polymer physics: Heterogeneties and surface dependence molecular organization [Paper presentation]. SoftComp Annual Meeting 2013, Rimini, Italy.

SUSHKO, R., BALLER, J., & SANCTUARY, R. (March 2013). Thermal and mechanical properties of styrene butadiene rubber/alumina nanocomposites [Poster presentation]. DPG annual conference, Regensburg, Germany.

DJEMOUR, A., BALLER, J., DI GIAMBATTISTA, C., FILIMON, M., & SANCTUARY, R. (March 2013). Nanoscale confinement of a low molecular weight liquid [Poster presentation]. DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Kondensierte Materie (SKM), Regensburg, Germany.

PHILIPP, M., Müller, U., ALEKSANDROVA, R., SANCTUARY, R., Müller-Buschbaum, P., & KRÜGER, J.-K. (2013). Immense elastic nonlinearities at the demixing transition of aqueous PNIPAM solutions. Soft Matter, 9, 5034-5041. doi:10.1039/c3sm00034f
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Müller, U., PHILIPP, M., THOMASSEY, M., SANCTUARY, R., & KRÜGER, J.-K. (2013). Temperature modulated optical refractometry: A quasi-isothermal method to determine the dynamic volume expansion coefficient. Thermochimica Acta, 555, 17-22. doi:10.1016/j.tca.2012.12.011
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PHILIPP, M., Müller, U., Jiménez Riobóo, SANCTUARY, R., Müller-Buschbaum, P., & KRÜGER, J.-K. (2013). Kinetic processes at the demixing transition of PNIPAM solutions. Soft Matter, 9, 887–9896. doi:10.1039/c3sm51333e
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FILIMON, M., Schmauch, J., & SANCTUARY, R. (2013). Nanoscale Characterization of Amine-Epoxy Interphase in 3D Confinement network (porous glass) [Poster presentation]. SoMAS-„Soft Matter Science: Concepts for the Design of Functional Materials“ 2013.

PHILIPP, M., Müller, U., SANCTUARY, R., SECK, P., & KRÜGER, J.-K. (2012). Scanning Brillouin Microscopy: Acoustic Microscopy at Gigahertz Frequencies. Archives des Sciences Naturelles, Physiques et Mathématiques, NS 46 (Special volume (invited Review Article)).

PHILIPP, M., Müller, U., Gervais, P.-C., Wehlack, C., Possart, W., SANCTUARY, R., Klee, J. E., & KRÜGER, J.-K. (2012). Influence of Nanoparticles on the Coupling Between Optical Dipoles in Epoxy-Silica Nanocomposites During Network Formation. The Journal of Adhesion, 88 (7), 566-588. doi:10.1080/00218464.2012.682875

KRÜGER, J.-K., Müller, U., ZIELINSKI, B., PHILIPP, M., & SANCTUARY, R. (2012). Competition Between Chemical Network Formation and Physical Adsorption and Desorption Processes in a Silica-Filled Silicone Rubber: Calorimetry versus Refractometry Studies. Journal of Adhesion, 88 (7), 649-663. doi:10.1080/00218464.2012.682926

Phillip, M., Müller, U., ALEKSANDROVA, R., SANCTUARY, R., Müller-Buschbaum, P., & KRÜGER, J.-K. (2012). On the elastic nature of the demixing transition of aqueous PNIPAM solutions. Soft Matter, 8, 11387-11395. doi:10.1039/c2sm26527c
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Müller, U., Philipp, M., Gaukler, J. C., Possart, W., SANCTUARY, R., & Krüger, J. K. (2012). Dissolution, transport and reaction at a DICY/DGEBA interface. Journal of Adhesion, 88 (3), 253-276. doi:10.1080/00218464.2012.655183
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KRÜGER, J.-K., Müller, U., PHILIPP, M., SANCTUARY, R., & THOMASSEY, M. (14 January 2011). Optical Refraction: an alternative view on the effect of nanoparticles on polymeric network formation and the resulting nanocomposites [Paper presentation]. Colloque 2011 de l’Institut Jean Lamour, Nanomatériaux-Nanosciences, Nancy, France.

PHILIPP, M., Müller, U., SANCTUARY, R., Kieffer, J., Possart, W., & KRÜGER, J.-K. (2011). On the interplay between matter transport and structure formation at epoxy-hardener interfaces visualized by scanning Brillouin microscopy. Soft Matter, 7 (1), 118-124. doi:10.1039/C0SM00505C
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BALLER, J., THOMASSEY, M., ZIEHMER, M., & SANCTUARY, R. (2011). The catalytic influence of alumina nanoparticles on epoxy curing. Thermochimica Acta, 517, 34-39. doi:10.1016/j.tca.2011.01.029
Peer reviewed

BALLER, J., THOMASSEY, M., ZIEHMER, M., SANCTUARY, R., Tsai, L. D., & Hwang, M. R. (2011). Thermal and chemical glass transition of thermosets in the presence of two types of inorganic nanoparticles. In Thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers and composites (pp. 197-212). Hauppauge, Unknown/unspecified: Nova Science Publishers.

PHILIPP, M., Müller, U., SANCTUARY, R., Gaukler, J. C., Wehlack, C., Possart, W., & KRÜGER, J.-K. (2011). Heterogeneous Transport Processes and Unexpected Structure Formation in Layered Epoxy and Epoxy-Alumina Nanocomposite Systems. Journal of Adhesion, 87 (11), 1073-1098. doi:10.1080/00218464.2011.609448
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MICHELS, A., BICK, J.-P., Birringer, R., Ferdinand, A., BALLER, J., SANCTUARY, R., Philippi, S., Lott, D., Balog, S., Rotenberg, E., Kaindl, G., & Döbrich, K. M. (2011). Influence of crystallite size and temperature on the antiferromagnetic helices of terbium and holmium metal. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 83, 224415-1. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.83.224415
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Müller, U., PHILIPP, M., GERVAIS, P. C., Possart, P. D. W., Wehlack, C., Kieffer, J., SANCTUARY, R., & KRÜGER, J.-K. (2010). Combination of high performance refractometry and infrared spectroscopy as a probe for chemically induced gelation and vitrification of epoxies. New Journal of Physics, 12, 083036-083036. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/12/8/083036
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SANCTUARY, R., PHILIPP, M., Kieffer, J., Müller, U., Possart, W., & KRÜGER, J.-K. (2010). Trans-Interfacial Polymerization and Matter Transport Processes in Epoxy-Alumina Nanocomposites Visualized By Scanning Brillouin Microscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 114 (25), 8396-8404. doi:10.1021/jp101932h
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SANCTUARY, R., PHILIPP, M., Müller, U., Possart, W., Jiménez-Riobóo, R., & KRÜGER, J.-K. (2009). Space and time resolving molecular acoustics as a tool to visualize epoxy formation at a planar hardener-resin interface. Chemical Physics Letters, 476 (1-3), 11-14. doi:10.1016/j.cplett.2009.05.076
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PHILIPP, M., Vergnat, C., Müller, U., SANCTUARY, R., BALLER, J., Possart, W., Alnot, P., & KRÜGER, J.-K. (2009). Second order elasticity at hypersonic frequencies of reactive polyurethanes as seen by generalized Cauchy relations. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 21, 035106-035114. doi:10.1088/0953-8984/21/3/035106
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BALLER, J., BECKER, N., ZIEHMER, M., THOMASSEY, M., ZIELINSKI, B., Müller, U., & SANCTUARY, R. (2009). Interactions between silica nanoparticles and an epoxy resin before and during network formation. Polymer, 50 (14), 3211-3219. doi:10.1016/j.polymer.2009.05.020
Peer reviewed

SANCTUARY, R., KRÜGER, J.-K., BALLER, J., ZIELINSKI, B., Müller, U., ZIEHMER, M., BECKER, N., & PHILIPP, M. (2009). Influence of Al2O3 nanoparticles on the isothermal cure of an epoxy resin. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 21, 035118-035126. doi:10.1088/0953-8984/21/3/035118
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PHILIPP, M., Collette, F., Veith, M., SECK, P., SANCTUARY, R., Müller, U., Kieffer, J., & KRÜGER, J.-K. (2009). Mixing Behavior and Interphase Formation in the Diethylene Triamine-Water System Studied by Optical Imaging and Spatially Resolved Brillouin Scattering. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 113 (38), 12655-12662. doi:10.1021/jp904714g
Peer reviewed

PHILIPP, M., Müller, U., Jiménez Riobóo, R. J., BALLER, J., SANCTUARY, R., Possart, W., & KRÜGER, J.-K. (2009). Interphases, gelation, vitrication, porous glasses and the generalized Cauchy relation: epoxy/silica nanocomposites. New Journal of Physics, 11 (2), 023015. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/11/2/023015
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PHILIPP, M., Müller, U., SANCTUARY, R., BALLER, J., & KRÜGER, J.-K. (2008). Organization versus frustration: low temperature transitions in a gelatine-based gel. New Journal of Physics, 10, 093028-093043. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/10/9/093028
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Müller, U., PHILIPP, M., Bactavatchalou, R., SANCTUARY, R., BALLER, J., ZIELINSKI, B., Possart, W., Alnot, P., & KRÜGER, J.-K. (2008). Chemically induced transition phenomena in polyurethanes as seen from generalized mode Grüneisen parameters. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 20 (20), 205101-205108. doi:10.1088/0953-8984/20/20/205101
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Müller, U., Bactavatchalou, R., BALLER, J., PHILIPP, M., SANCTUARY, R., ZIELINSKI, B., Alnot, P., Possart, W., & KRÜGER, J.-K. (2008). Acoustic Profilometry Of Interphases In An Epoxy Due To Segregation and Diffusion Using Brillouin Microscopy. New Journal of Physics, 10 (2), 023-031. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/10/2/023031
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PHILIPP, M., Gervais, P.-C., SANCTUARY, R., Müller, U., BALLER, J., Wetzel, B., & KRÜGER, J.-K. (2008). Effect of mixing sequence on the curing of amine-hardened epoxy/alumina nanocomposites as assessed by optical refractometry. eXPRESS Polymer Letters, 2 (8), 546-552. doi:10.3144/expresspolymlett.2008.66
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KRÜGER, J.-K., Alnot, P., BALLER, J., Bactavatchalou, R., DOROSZ, S., Henkel, M., Kolle, M., Krüger, S. P., Müller, U., PHILIPP, M., Possart, W., SANCTUARY, R., & Vergnat, C. (2007). About the nature of the structural glass transtion: an experimental approach. In M. Henkel, M. Pleimling, ... R. SANCTUARY (Eds.), Aging of the Glass Transition (pp. 61-159). Springer. doi:10.1007/3-540-69684-9_3
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PHILIPP, M., SANCTUARY, R., BALLER, J., ZIELINSKI, B., & KRÜGER, J.-K. (2007). Temperature modulated Differential Scanning Calorimetry: The Dynamic Aspect of the Specific Heat Capacity and its Relation to Entropy Production. In Beiträge zur Experimentalphysik, Didaktik und computergestützten Physik (pp. 20). Logos Verlag.

SANCTUARY, R., BALLER, J., KRÜGER, J.-K., Schaefer, D., Bactavatchalou, R., Wetzel, B., Possart, W., & Alnot, P. (2006). Complex specific heat capacity of two nanocomposite systems. Thermochimica Acta, 445 (2), 111-115. doi:10.1016/j.tca.2005.05.024
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Bactavatchalou, R., Alnot, P., BALLER, J., Kolle, M., Müller, U., PHILIPP, M., Possart, W., Rouxel, D., SANCTUARY, R., Tschöpe, A., Vergnat, C., Wetzel, B., & KRÜGER, J.-K. (2006). The generalized Cauchy relation: a probe for local structure in materials with isotropic symmetry. Journal of Physics. Conference Series, 40, 111-117. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/40/1/014
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Vincent, B., KRÜGER, J.-K., Elmazria, O., Bouvot, L., Mainka, J., SANCTUARY, R., Rouxel, D., & Alnot, P. (2005). Imaging of microwave-induced acoustic fields in LiNbO3 by high-performance Brillouin microscopy. Journal of Physics : D Applied Physics, 38 (12), 2026-2030. doi:10.1088/0022-3727/38/12/026
Peer reviewed

KRÜGER, J.-K., Mainka, J., Alnot, P., Rouxel, D., SANCTUARY, R., Le Brizoual, L., Elmazria, O., & Vincent, B. (2005). Mapping of Microwave-Induced Phonons by µ-Brillouin Spectroscopy: Hypersons in ZnO on Silicon. Journal de Physique IV, 129, 61-63. doi:10.1051/jp4:2005129013
Peer reviewed

KRÜGER, J.-K., Possart, W., Bactavatchalou, R., Müller, U., Britz, T., SANCTUARY, R., & Alnot, P. (2004). Gradient of the Mechanical Modulus in Glass-Epoxy-Metal Joints as Measured by Brillouin Microscopy. Journal of Adhesion, 80 (7), 585-599. doi:10.1080/00218460490476973
Peer reviewed

SANCTUARY, R., Bactavatchalou, R., Müller, U., Possart, W., Alnot, P., & KRÜGER, J.-K. (2003). Acoustic profilometry within polymers as performed by Brillouin microscopy. Journal of Physics : D Applied Physics, 36 (21), 2738-2742. doi:10.1088/0022-3727/36/21/023
Peer reviewed

KRÜGER, J.-K., Britz, T., le Coutre, A., BALLER, J., Possart, W., Alnot, P., & SANCTUARY, R. (2003). Different glassy states, as indicated by a violation of the generalized Cauchy relation. New Journal of Physics, 5 (80), 1-11. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/5/1/380
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SANCTUARY, R., Jundt, D., Baumert, J., & Gunter, P. (1985). Nonlinear optical properties of Rb2ZnCl4 in the incommensurate and ferroelectric phases. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 32 (3), 1649-1660. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.32.1649
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SANCTUARY, R., & Guenter, P. (1984). ELECTROOPTIC PROPERTIES OF Rb//2ZnCl//4 IN THE INCOMMENSURATE AND FERROELECTRIC PHASES. Physica Status Solidi A. Applied Research, 84 (1), 103-111. doi:10.1002/pssa.2210840113
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Günter, P., SANCTUARY, R., Rohner, F., Arend, H., & Seidenbusch, W. (1981). Evidence for low temperature phase transition in Rb2ZnCl4 from dielectric constant and birefringence measurements. Solid State Communications, 37 (11), 883-888. doi:10.1016/0038-1098(81)90502-0
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