

University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE) > Department of Social Sciences (DSOC) > Education and Society

Main Referenced Co-authors
Alves, Natália (9)
Guimarães, Paula (7)
Cavaco, Carmen (6)
POWELL, Justin J. W.  (6)
ZAPP, Mike  (6)
Main Referenced Keywords
education (4); educational research (4); higher education (4); European Union (2); Germany (2);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Education, Culture, Cognition & Society (ECCS) > Institute of Education & Society (InES) (6)
Institute of Education & Society (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Sociology & social sciences (26)
Education & instruction (9)
Political science, public administration & international relations (3)

Publications (total 34)

The most downloaded
Marrocos, L. (Ed.), Bruno, A. (Ed.), Rodrigues, S. (Ed.), MARQUES, M. (Ed.), Guimarães, P. (Other coll.), & Cavaco, C. (Other coll.). (2014). Proceedings of Local Change, Social Actions and Adult Learning: Challenges and Responses. ESREA Network on Between Global and Local: Adult Learning and Development. IEUL.

The most cited

54 citations (OpenAlex)

MARQUES, M., POWELL, J. J. W., ZAPP, M., & Biesta, G. (2017). How does research evaluation impact educational research? Exploring intended and unintended consequences of research assessment in the United Kingdom, 1986–2014. European Educational Research Journal, 16 (6), 820 - 842. doi:10.1177/1474904117730159

MARQUES, M., Rohde-Liebenau, J., & Graf, L. (2024). Connecting internal and external dynamics in European intersectoral policy coordination – the case of education and employment. Journal of European Integration, 1-21. doi:10.1080/07036337.2024.2379425
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ZAPP, M., MARQUES, M., & Brant, T. (2024). The Structures of World Society: Geography, Discourse, and Interorganizational Networks in Global Education, 1900–2018. Comparative Education Review, 000-000. doi:10.1086/729667
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MARQUES, M., Graf, L., & Rohde-Liebenau, J. (2023). Forming a supranational boundary-spanning policy regime – European intersectoral coordination in education and employment. Journal of Education and Work. doi:10.1080/13639080.2023.2275780
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Graf, L., MARQUES, M., Sorensen, T. B., & Dumay, X. (2023). The emergence of European boundary-spanning policy regimes: analysing intersectoral policy coordination in education and employment. Journal of Education and Work, 1-13. doi:10.1080/13639080.2023.2275778
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MARQUES, M., & Graf, L. (2023). Pushing Boundaries: The European Universities Initiative as a Case of Transnational Institution Building. Minerva: A Review of Science, Learning and Policy. doi:10.1007/s11024-023-09516-w
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MARQUES, M. (2023). Governing European Educational Research Through Ideas? Incremental Ideational Change in the European Union’s Framework Programme (1994–2020). European Journal of Education.
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Fu, Y. C., MARQUES, M., Tseng, Y.-H., POWELL, J. J. W., & BAKER, D. (2022). An evolving international research collaboration network: spatial and thematic developments in co-authored higher education research, 1998–2018. Scientometrics, 127, 1403-1429. doi:10.1007/s11192-021-04200-w
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MARQUES, M. (2022). Neo-Nationalism and Universities. Populists, Autocrats, and the Future of Higher Education. European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology.
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ZAPP, M., Frank, D. J., & MARQUES, M. (2022). Animals in world society: Constitutional and legislative incorporation, 1972–2020. International Journal of Comparative Sociology. doi:10.1177/00207152221112850
Peer reviewed

Graf, L., & MARQUES, M. (2021). Towards a European model of collective skill formation? Analysing the European Alliance for Apprenticeships. Journal of Education Policy. doi:10.1080/02680939.2022.2097317
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MARQUES, M. (2021). How do policy instruments generate new ones Analysing policy instruments feedback and interaction in educational research in England, 1986-2014. Research Policy. doi:10.1016/j.respol.2021.104367
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MARQUES, M., & POWELL, J. J. W. (2020). Ratings, Rankings, Research Evaluation: How do Schools of Education Behave Strategically within Stratified UK Higher Education? Higher Education, 79, 829-846. doi:10.1007/s10734-019-00440-1
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MARQUES, M. (2018). Research governance through public funding instruments: Institutional change of educational research in the European Union and England, 1984-2014 [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

MARQUES, M., POWELL, J. J. W., ZAPP, M., & BIESTA, G. (2018). The RAE/REF have engendered evaluation selectivity and strategic behaviour, reinforced scientific norms, and further stratified UK higher education. The London School of Economics and Political Science - LSE Impact Blog.

ZAPP, M., MARQUES, M., POWELL, J. J. W., Biesta, G. (Other coll.), & Helgetun, J. B. (Other coll.). (2018). European Educational Research (Re)Constructed. (First Edition). Oxford, United Kingdom: Symposium Books.
Editorial reviewed

MARQUES, M., POWELL, J. J. W., ZAPP, M., & Biesta, G. (2017). How does research evaluation impact educational research? Exploring intended and unintended consequences of research assessment in the United Kingdom, 1986–2014. European Educational Research Journal, 16 (6), 820 - 842. doi:10.1177/1474904117730159
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ZAPP, M., MARQUES, M., & POWELL, J. J. W. (2017). Two worlds of educational research? Comparing the levels, objects, disciplines, methodologies and themes in educational research in the United Kingdom and Germany, 2005–2015. Research in Comparative and International Education, 12 (4), 375-397. doi:10.1177/1745499917740658
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Cavaco, C., Alves, N., DIERENDONCK, C., Alves, P., Machado, A., Rodrigues, P., MARQUES, M., & Paulos, C. (Eds.). (2016). Avaliação e Aprendizagens. Évaluations et Apprentissages. Actes du Colloque de l'ADMEE-Europe. IEUL.

MARQUES, M. (27 April 2015). Book Review - Higher Education Governance and Policy Change in Western Europe. International challenges to historical institutions. Journal of Education Policy, 31 (1), 2016. doi:10.1080/02680939.2015.1035501
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Guimarães, P., & MARQUES, M. (2015). Políticas de combate ao insucesso e abandono escolar numa perspetiva de género na União Europeia e Portugal - da inexistência à desarticulação. In C. Cavaco, N. Alves, ... F. Guimarães (Eds.), Abandono e Insucesso Escolar - Construir uma Perspetiva de Género. IEUL.

Alves, N., Rummert, S., & MARQUES, M. (Eds.). (2014). Educação de Jovens e Adultos em Portugal e no Brasil: Políticas, Práticas e Atores. IEUL.

Alves, N., MARQUES, M., Guimarães, P., Almeida, A., & Canário, R. (2014). Strangers in the Classroom? Learning ways of being and teaching in Education and Training Courses in Portugal. In SGEM2014 Conference on Psychology and Psychiatry, Sociology and Healthcare, Education, Volume: Vol. 2.
Peer reviewed

Alves, N., Guimarães, P., MARQUES, M., & Almeida, A. (2014). Education and Training Courses in Portugal: another kind of schooling? In SGEM2014 Conference Proceedings.
Peer reviewed

Alves, N., Guimarães, P., MARQUES, M., & Cavaco, C. (2014). “School Means Nothing to me”. Vocationalism and School Disaffiliation in Education and Training Courses in Portugal. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.01.910
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MARQUES, M. (2014). Finding and tracing the effects of governance processes in the New Opportunities Initiative: an outline. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 33 (3), 290-308. doi:10.1080/02601370.2014.896087
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Guimarães, P., Alves, N., Cavaco, C., & MARQUES, M. (2014). Is Adult Education and Training Policy (1999-2011) in Portugal based on a Dilemma? The Critical Construction of the Employable Learner. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.01.906
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Almeida, A., Alves, N., MARQUES, M., & Canário, R. (2014). Higher Education in Portugal in the Last Decades: Old Trends, Recent Challenges. In SGEM2014 Conference Proceedings. doi:10.5593/sgemsocial2014/B13/S3.045
Peer reviewed

Marrocos, L. (Ed.), Bruno, A. (Ed.), Rodrigues, S. (Ed.), MARQUES, M. (Ed.), Guimarães, P. (Other coll.), & Cavaco, C. (Other coll.). (2014). Proceedings of Local Change, Social Actions and Adult Learning: Challenges and Responses. ESREA Network on Between Global and Local: Adult Learning and Development. IEUL.

Alves, N., Cavaco, C., Guimarães, P., & MARQUES, M. (Eds.). (2013). Atas do VI Seminário Luso-Brasileiro Educação, Trabalho e Movimentos Sociais – das políticas às lógicas de ação. IEUL.

MARQUES, M. (2013). Quadros de regulação nos Cursos de Educação e Formação: dos modos de funcionamento ao (des)ânimo docente. In N. Alves (Ed.), Educar e Qualificar: Reflexões em torno da Iniciativa Novas Oportunidades. IEUL.
Peer reviewed

Alves, N., & MARQUES, M. (2013). Políticas de Educação e Formação de Jovens e Adultos no dealbar do século XXI - instituições e atores. In N. Alves (Ed.), Educar e Qualificar: Reflexões em torno da Iniciativa Novas Oportunidades. IEUL.
Peer reviewed

MARQUES, M., & Alves, N. (2013). O Programa Novas Oportunidades numa agenda globalmente estruturada para a educação. Revista Perspectiva. doi:10.5007/2175-795X.2013v31n2p425
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MARQUES, M. (2013). Positioning Portugal in the European Education Space - the end(less) path to modernization. In O. Ünlühisarcikli, G. Güvercin, O. Seçkin, ... I. Sabirli (Eds.), Positioning and conceptualizatizing adult education and learning within local development. Istanbul, Turkey: Bogaziçi University Press.

Alves, N., MARQUES, M., Canário, R., & Cavaco, C. (2013). Os CEF são um tumor que corrói os tecidos sãos das escolas onde estão implantados” – os CEF na blogosfera. In Educar e Qualificar: Reflexões em torno da Iniciativa Novas Oportunidades. IEUL.
Peer reviewed

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