
HAAS Christina

University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE) > LUCET

Main Referenced Co-authors
HADJAR, Andreas  (4)
HEINEN, Andreas  (4)
Notten, Natascha (3)
Salverda, Wiemer (3)
SCHUMACHER, Anette  (3)
Main Referenced Keywords
Luxembourg (5); Youth (4); Transition (3); sequence analysis (2); trajectories (2);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Education, Culture, Cognition & Society (ECCS) > Institute of Education & Society (InES) (3)
Integrative Research Unit: Social and Individual Development (INSIDE) > Institute for Health and Behaviour (2)
Integrative Research Unit: Social and Individual Development (INSIDE) > Institute for Research on Generations and Family (2)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Sociology & social sciences (21)
Education & instruction (4)

Publications (total 22)

The most downloaded
WILLEMS, H., WEIS, D., BIEWERS, S., HAAS, C., HEINEN, A., JOACHIM, P., MEYERS, C., SCHARF, J., SCHUMACHER, A., & VUORI, A. W. (2015). Übergänge vom Jugend- ins Erwachsenenalter: Verläufe, Perspektiven, Herausforderungen. In MENJE & UL (Eds.), Übergänge vom Jugend- ins Erwachsenenalter. Kurzfassung des nationalen Berichtes zur Situation der Jugend in Luxemburg 2015 (pp. 19-64). Luxemburg, Luxembourg: MENJE - UL.

The most cited

46 citations (Scopus®)

HAAS, C., & HADJAR, A. (2020). Students’ trajectories through higher education: a review of quantitative research. Higher Education, 1099-1118 (79), 6. doi:10.1007/s10734-019-00458-5

HAAS, C., & HADJAR, A. (2024). Social Inequalities in Study Trajectories: A Comparison of the United States and Germany. Sociology of Education. doi:10.1177/00380407241228553
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GEWINNER, I., HAAS, C., & HADJAR, A. (2021). Factsheet No. 6. Studierende in Luxemburg. In University of Luxembourg, LUCET & SCRIPT, Nationaler Bildungsbericht Luxemburg 2021 (pp. 182-183). LUCET/SCRIPT.
Peer reviewed

HAAS, C. (2021). Wie beeinflusst die soziale Herkunft Studienverläufe von Bachelorstudierenden in Deutschland? In B. Blättel-Mink (Ed.), Gesellschaft unter Spannung. Verhandlungen des 40. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie 2020 (pp. 13).
Peer reviewed

HAAS, C. (2021). Higher education trajectories and social origin in Germany and the United States: A comparative sequence-analytical approach [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

HAAS, C., & HADJAR, A. (2020). Students’ trajectories through higher education: a review of quantitative research. Higher Education, 1099-1118 (79), 6. doi:10.1007/s10734-019-00458-5
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HAAS, C. (13 September 2019). Social stratification in higher education trajectories: A sequence-analytical approach [Paper presentation]. ECSR conference on inequality over the life course, Lausanne, Switzerland.

HAAS, C. (16 May 2019). The social stratification of higher education trajectories: A sequence-analytical approach [Paper presentation]. 1st International DZHW User Conference on Dynamics in the Student and Academic Life Course, Hanover, Germany.

HAAS, C. (26 March 2019). The social stratification of student trajectories in German higher education [Poster presentation]. LERN-Jahrestagung, Nürnberg, Germany.

HAAS, C., & HADJAR, A. (22 March 2019). The social stratification of student trajectories in German higher education [Poster presentation]. ISA RC28 (Social stratification) Spring Meeting, Frankfurt, Germany.

HAAS, C. (30 August 2018). Same same, but different? Unequal student pathways in German higher education [Paper presentation]. CHER 31st Annual Conference "Differentiation and Integration in Higher Education: Patterns and Dynamics”, Moscow, Russia.

HAAS, C. (25 April 2018). Studienverläufe im deutschen Hochschulsystem im Kontext von Expansion und Diversifizierung [Paper presentation]. Abbruch, Umbruch, Aufbruch? Lebensverläufe junger Menschen und Ungleichheit in Ausbildung, Studium und Beruf (LUASB).

HAAS, C., & van de Werfhorst, H. (2017). Ahead of the pack? Explaining the unequal distribution of scholarships in Germany. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 38 (5), 705-720. doi:10.1080/01425692.2016.1158637
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WILLEMS, H., WEIS, D., BIEWERS, S., HAAS, C., HEINEN, A., JOACHIM, P., MEYERS, C., SCHARF, J., SCHUMACHER, A., & VUORI, A. W. (2015). The transition from youth into adulthood: processes, perspectives, challenges. In MENJE & UL (Eds.), The Transition from Youth into Adulthood. Summary of the National Report on the Situation of Young People in Luxembourg 2015 (pp. 19-64). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: MENJE - UL.

SCHUMACHER, A., HAAS, C., WEIS, D., & HEINEN, A. (2015). Übergänge vom Bildungssystem in die Arbeitswelt. In H. WILLEMS (Ed.), Übergänge vom Jugend- ins Erwachsenenalter: Verläufe, Perspektiven, Herausforderungen (pp. 61-162). Luxemburg, Luxembourg: MENJE.

WILLEMS, H., WEIS, D., BIEWERS, S., HAAS, C., HEINEN, A., JOACHIM, P., MEYERS, C., SCHARF, J., SCHUMACHER, A., & VUORI, A. W. (2015). Übergänge vom Jugend- ins Erwachsenenalter: Verläufe, Perspektiven, Herausforderungen. In MENJE & UL (Eds.), Übergänge vom Jugend- ins Erwachsenenalter. Kurzfassung des nationalen Berichtes zur Situation der Jugend in Luxemburg 2015 (pp. 19-64). Luxemburg, Luxembourg: MENJE - UL.

HAAS, C., & HEINEN, A. (2015). Soziodemografische Merkmale der Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen in Luxemburg. In H. WILLEMS (Ed.), Übergänge vom Jugend- ins Erwachsenenalter: Verläufe, Perspektiven, Herausforderungen (pp. 49-60). MENJE.

Salverda, W., De Graaf-Zijl, M., Lancee, B., Notten, N., & HAAS, C. (2014). The Netherlands: Policy-enhanced Inequalities Tempered by Household Formation. In B. Nolan, W. Salverda, D. Checchi, I. Marx, A. McKnight, I. György Tóth, ... H. van de Werfhorst (Eds.), Changing Inequalities & Societal Impacts in Rich Countries. Thirty Countries' Experiences (pp. 459-487). Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.

Salverda, W., de Graaf-Zijl, M., Lancee, B., Notten, N., Ooms, T., & HAAS, C. (2014). Growing Inequalities and their Impacts in the Netherlands. In W. Salverda, B. Nolan, D. Checchi, I. Marx, A. McKnight, I. György Tóth, ... H. van de Werfhorst, Changing Inequalities in Rich Countries: Analytical and Comparative Perspectives. Oxford University Press.

Salverda, W., & HAAS, C. (2014). Earnings, Employment, Income Inequality. In W. Salverda, B. Nolan, D. Checchi, I. Marx, A. McKnight, I. György Tóth, ... H. van de Werfhorst (Eds.), Changing Inequalities in Rich Countries. Analytical and Comparative Perspectives (pp. 49-81). Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
Peer reviewed

HAAS, C. (2013). Income Inequality and Support for Development Aid. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

van de Werfhorst, H., György Tóth, I., Horn, D., Medgyesi, M., Notten, N., Burgoon, B., & HAAS, C. (2012). Political and Cultural Impacts of Inequality. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

HAAS, C. (2012). Ahead of the Pack. Explaining the Unequal Distribution of Scholarships in Germany [Bachelor/master dissertation, UvA - Universiteit van Amsterdam]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

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