DEROEY, K., & Jane Helen Johnson. (In press). Importance marking in EMI and L1 lectures: a case of similarities and idiolect. Journal of English Medium Instruction. Peer reviewed |
DEROEY, K. (2025). Language in academic lectures. In H. Nesi & P. Milin (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics (3). United Kingdom: Elsevier. Peer reviewed |
DEROEY, K. (2025). Listening to lectures. In P. Thompson & K. Hyland (Ed.), Handbook of English for Academic Purposes. Routledge. Peer reviewed |
DEROEY, K. (10 December 2024). Designing EMI Lecturer Training Programmes: What and How?” [Paper presentation]. UNIVERSEH EMI SIG. Editorial reviewed |
DEROEY, K. (10 December 2024). Designing EMI lecturer training: what and how? [Paper presentation]. UNIVERSEH EMI SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP MEETING, Krakau, Poland. |
DEROEY, K. (13 September 2024). Designing EMI lecturer training programmes: what and how? [Paper presentation]. Multilingualism & the Anglosphere, Durham, United Kingdom. Peer reviewed |
DEROEY, K., & Skipp, J. (12 September 2024). Personalized learning through flexible delivery [Paper presentation]. Multilingualism & the Anglosphere, Durham, United Kingdom. Peer reviewed |
DEROEY, K. (12 September 2024). Authenticity in EAP materials: The Case of Academic Listening Coursebooks [Paper presentation]. Multilingualism & the Anglosphere, Durham, United Kingdom. Peer reviewed |
DEROEY, K. (2024). Student-centred learning through flipped classrooms [Paper presentation]. Advancing Competence in Teaching for Student Success Teaching day, Belval, Luxembourg. |
Skipp, J., & DEROEY, K. (2024). Designing and managing an online, personalised research writing course for postgraduates. In C. McDiarmid (Ed.), Exploring pedagogical approaches in EAP teaching. Garnet. Peer reviewed |
DEROEY, K. (06 December 2023). EMI lecturer training: content, delivery, ways forward [Paper presentation]. EMI Symposium: Fostering collaboration, Oxford, United Kingdom. Peer reviewed |
DEROEY, K. (25 August 2023). Decolonising EMI lecturer training [Paper presentation]. BAAL Conference: Opening up applied linguistics, York, United Kingdom. |
DEROEY, K., & Skipp, J. (21 May 2023). Teaching research writing with a flipped classroom approach [Paper presentation]. UNNC EAP / ESP conference: Transformations in Context, online, China. |
DEROEY, K. (21 May 2023). EMI lecturer training: what and how? [Paper presentation]. UNNC EAP / ESP conference: Transformations in Context, online, China. doi:10.1016/j.jeap.2023.101223 |
DEROEY, K., & Skipp, J. (13 May 2023). Personalising a writing course with a flipped classroom approach [Paper presentation]. NATESOL. |
DEROEY, K. (13 May 2023). Constructive (re)alignment and creative (mis)alignment: Working with the BALEAP accreditation scheme criteria [Paper presentation]. BALEAP Accreditation Scheme, London, United Kingdom. |
DEROEY, K., & Skipp, J. (20 April 2023). Deconstructing a writing course through independent, personalised learning [Paper presentation]. British Association for Lecturers in English for Academic Purposes Biennial Conference, Warwick, United Kingdom. |
DEROEY, K. (March 2023). A survey of English medium instruction lecturer training programmes: content, delivery, ways forward. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 62 (101223). Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
DEROEY, K. (March 2023). Editorial 'Lecture discourse and lecture training'. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 62 (101223). Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
DEROEY, K., & Skipp, J. (2023). Designing and delivering an online research article writing course for doctoral students in Luxembourg during Covid-19. In J. Fenton, J. Gimenez, K. Mansfield, ... M. Spinillo (Eds.), International perspectives on teaching academic English in turbulent times (pp. 81-94). Routledge. Peer reviewed |
DEROEY, K. (Ed.). (2023). Lecture discourse and lecturer training. Journal of English for Academic Purposes. doi:10.1016/j.jeap.2023.101240 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
DEROEY, K. (09 June 2022). A survey of EMI lecturer training programmes: content, delivery, ways forward [Paper presentation]. Norwegian Forum for English for Academic Purposes Conference. |
DEROEY, K., & Johnson, J. H. (27 May 2021). Metadiscourse by native and non-native English speakers: importance marking in lectures [Paper presentation]. Third Metadiscourse Across Genres Conference: Metadiscourse in Intra/Inter/Cross-cultural Communication. |
DEROEY, K. (08 April 2021). Designing EMI lecturer training programmes: what and how [Paper presentation]. BALEAP Conference. |
DEROEY, K., & Skipp, J. (08 April 2021). Designing and managing an online, personalised research writing course for postgraduates [Paper presentation]. BALEAP Conference. |
DEROEY, K. (04 March 2021). Constructing effective and efficient EAP curricula [Paper presentation]. Annual Conference of the German Association of University Language Centres, Germany. |
DEROEY, K., & Johnson, J. H. (23 February 2021). Importance marking in EMI lectures: A comparative study [Paper presentation]. International Online Spring Conference, Higher Education in Israel Network of English Teachers. |
DEROEY, K. (2021). Lecturer training for English Medium Instruction: what and how? In B. D. A. M. E. Bond, Innovation, exploration and transformation. Proceedings of the 2019 BALEAP Conference. Reading, United Kingdom: Garnet. Peer reviewed |
HUEMER, B., DEROEY, K., & LEJOT, E. (30 October 2019). Comparing Academic Languages: German, English, French [Paper presentation]. 5th Saarbrücken Conference on Foreign Language Teaching, Saarbrücken, Germany. |
DEROEY, K. (23 July 2019). Bracketing in student writing: its uses (and abuses) [Paper presentation]. 10th International Corpus Linguistics Conference, Cardiff, United Kingdom. |
DEROEY, K. (26 April 2019). Teaching and learning in an internationalized context: challenges and strategies [Paper presentation]. Invited talk. |
DEROEY, K. (13 April 2019). How can we support lecturers in English-medium instruction? [Paper presentation]. BALEAP Conference: Innovation, Exploration and Transformation, Leeds, United Kingdom. |
DEROEY, K. (18 March 2019). Anyway, the point is’: a corpus study of lexicogrammatical importance markers in lectures [Paper presentation]. Invited talk, Metz, France. |
DEROEY, K., HUEMER, B., & LEJOT, E. (2019). The discourse structure of literature review paragraphs: a multilingual study. In Schreibwissenschaft. Böhlau. Peer reviewed |
DEROEY, K. (2019). Panel discussion: academic writing across languages: multilingual and contrastive approaches in higher education. In B. HUEMER, E. LEJOT, ... K. DEROEY, Academic writing across languages: multilingual and contrastive approaches in higher education (pp. 255-260). Vienna, Unknown/unspecified: Böhlau Verlag. Peer reviewed |
HUEMER, B., LEJOT, E., & DEROEY, K. (Eds.). (2019). Academic writing across languages: multilingual and contrastive approaches in higher education. Vienna, Austria: Böhlau. |
DEROEY, K. (09 June 2018). Designing personalized, interactive materials for presentation skills [Paper presentation]. BALEAP Priofessional Interest Meeting: Speaking, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom. |
DEROEY, K. (2018). The representativeness of lecture listening coursebooks: language, lectures, research-informedness. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 34, 57-67. doi:10.1016/j.jeap.2018.03.011 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
DEROEY, K. (23 November 2017). Confronting corpora with coursebooks: the case of lecture listening [Paper presentation]. 1st International Conference on Corpus Analysis in Academic Discourse. |
DEROEY, K. (22 November 2017). Markers of lesser importance in lecture discourse [Paper presentation]. 1st International Conference on Corpus Analysis in Academic Discourse. doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.27149.64481 |
DEROEY, K. (10 June 2017). Luxembourgish English pronunciation: first forays [Paper presentation]. Mapping English in Luxembourg: an interdisciplinary conference, Luxembourg. |
DEROEY, K. (2017). How representative are EAP listening books of real lectures? In J. Kemp (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2015 BALEAP Conference. EAP in a rapidly changing landscape: Issues, challenges and solutions. Reading, United Kingdom: Garnet. Peer reviewed |
DEROEY, K. (19 November 2016). Metadiscourse in lectures: the case of importance marking [Paper presentation]. 42nd Austrian Linguistics Conference. Workshop: Metadiscourse in spoken discourse, Graz, Austria. |
HUEMER, B., DEROEY, K., & LEJOT, E. (02 September 2016). Designing a multilingual course to support second and third language acquisition [Paper presentation]. 10th International Conference on Multilingualism and Third Language Acquisition, Vienna, Austria. |
DEROEY, K. (11 June 2016). What can EAP tutors do for EMI lecturers? [Paper presentation]. EMI in Higher Education: the challenges and the opportunities, Southampton, United Kingdom. |
DEROEY, K., LEJOT, E., & HUEMER, B. (31 July 2015). Multilingualism at the University of Luxembourg: policy, practice and attitudes [Paper presentation]. 14th International Pragmatics Conference, Antwerpen, Belgium. |
LEJOT, E., HUEMER, B., & DEROEY, K. (June 2015). Writing support in a multilingual context: what do staff and students need? [Paper presentation]. EATAW conference 2015, Tallinn, Estonia. |
DEROEY, K. (17 April 2015). How representative are EAP listening books of real lectures? [Paper presentation]. Katrien DEROEY, Leicester, United Kingdom. |
DEROEY, K. (17 July 2014). Confronting EAP textbooks with corpus evidence: the case of academic listening [Paper presentation]. Katrien DEROEY, Lancaster, United Kingdom. |
DEROEY, K. (21 June 2014). Corpus-based materials design for EAP listening: the road less travelled [Paper presentation]. EAP AND CORPORA, Coventry, United Kingdom. |
DEROEY, K. (21 June 2014). Using FileMaker Pro to get the most from your corpus data [Paper presentation]. EAP and corpora, Coventry, United Kingdom. |
DEROEY, K. (20 June 2014). Importance marking in lectures by native and non-native speakers [Paper presentation]. Inter-Varietal Applied Corpus Studies, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom. |
DEROEY, K. (2014). ‘Anyway, the point I'm making is’: Lexicogrammatical relevance marking in lectures. In L. Vandelanotte, K. Davidse, C. Gentens, ... D. Kimps (Eds.), Advances in Corpus Linguistics: Developing and Exploiting Corpora (pp. 265-291). Amsterdam/New York, Unknown/unspecified: Rodopi. Peer reviewed |
DEROEY, K. (2014). 'Anyway, the point is': hoe signaleren docenten (minder) belangrijke informatie? Over Taal, 53 (1). Peer reviewed |
DEROEY, K. (23 July 2013). Anyway, the point I’m making is: relevance marking in lectures [Paper presentation]. Corpus Linguistics, Lancaster, United Kingdom. |
DEROEY, K. (21 April 2013). How do lecturers convey what is (less) important information? [Paper presentation]. The English Language in Teaching in European Higher Education, Copenhagen, Denmark. |
DEROEY, K. (18 April 2013). Educational cooperation with Vietnam: English language and cultural considerations [Paper presentation]. Interactive workshop: Roads to a successful and sustainable collaboration with Vietnam, Ghent, Belgium. |
DEROEY, K. (2013). Marking importance in lectures: Interactive and textual orientation. Applied Linguistics. doi:10.1093/applin/amt029 Peer reviewed |
DEROEY, K. (2013). Relevance marking in lectures: a corpus-based study [Doctoral thesis, UGent - Universiteit Gent]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. |
DEROEY, K. (30 May 2012). Relevance markers in lectures [Paper presentation]. International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English, Lancaster, United Kingdom. |
DEROEY, K., & Taverniers, M. (2012). ‘Just remember this’: Lexicogrammatical relevance markers in lectures. English for Specific Purposes, 31 (4), 221-233. doi:10.1016/j.esp.2012.05.001 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
DEROEY, K., & Taverniers, M. (2012). ‘Ignore that ‘cause it’s totally irrelevant’: Marking lesser relevance in lectures. Journal of Pragmatics, 44 (14), 2085-2099. doi:10.1016/j.pragma.2012.10.001 Peer reviewed |
DEROEY, K. (2012). What they highlight is ...: The discourse functions of basic wh-clefts in lectures. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 11 (2), 112-124. doi:10.1016/j.jeap.2011.10.002 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
DEROEY, K. (19 July 2011). The important point is: highlighting information in lectures [Paper presentation]. Corpus Linguistics, Birmingham, United Kingdom. |
DEROEY, K. (24 June 2011). The important point is: highlighting information in lectures [Paper presentation]. CERLIS, Bergamo, Italy. |
DEROEY, K. (12 April 2011). Ignore that 'cause it's totally irrelevant: marking less important information in lectures [Paper presentation]. Katrien DEROEY, Portsmouth, United Kingdom. |
DEROEY, K., & Taverniers, M. (2011). A corpus-based study of lecture functions. Moderna Språk, 105 (2), 1–22. Peer reviewed |
De Boom, L., & DEROEY, K. (2011). Academic English: Writing a research article: (Bioscience) engineering. Gent, Unknown/unspecified: Academia Press. |
DEROEY, K. (2011). Academic English: Writing a research article: Life sciences and medicine. Gent, Unknown/unspecified: Academia Press. |
DEROEY, K. (18 June 2010). The important point is: highlighting information in lectures [Paper presentation]. Inter-Varietal Applied Corpus Studies, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. |
DEROEY, K. (September 2009). The important thing is: marking relevance in lectures [Paper presentation]. British Association for Applied Linguistics, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom. |
DEROEY, K. (July 2009). What they highlight is: the discourse functions of basic wh-clefts in lectures [Paper presentation]. Corpus Linguistics Conference, Liverpool, United Kingdom. |
DEROEY, K. (May 2009). Corpus-informed EAP course design: a study of lecture functions [Paper presentation]. International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English, Lancaster, United Kingdom. |
DEROEY, K. (22 November 2008). Corpus-informed EAP syllabus design: a study of lecture functions [Paper presentation]. Belgian Association of Anglicists in Higher Education, Namur, Belgium. |
DEROEY, K. (September 2008). A qualitative corpus-based study of lecture functions [Paper presentation]. British Association for Applied Linguistics, Swansea, United Kingdom. |
DEROEY, K. (2007). Douglas Biber. University language: A corpus-based study of spoken and written registers. Applied Linguistics, 28 (4), 624-627. doi:10.1093/applin/amm039 Peer reviewed |
DEROEY, K. (2004). The speech and language therapist’s role in differential diagnosis [Bachelor/master dissertation, Newcastle University]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. |
DEROEY, K. (1998). Extraposition of gerundial and infinitival subject: Factors and figures. Studia Germanica Gandensia, 44, 83-104. Peer reviewed |
DEROEY, K. (1995). Rhoticity and related sound changes in British English from 1700 to the present day [Bachelor/master dissertation, Newcastle University]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. |
DEROEY, K. (1994). The gerund and the infinitive: A contrastive study of their functions within the sentence [Bachelor/master dissertation, UGent - Universiteit Gent]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. |