

University of Luxembourg > Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH) > Public History and Outreach

Main Referenced Co-authors
SCUTO, Denis  (10)
SAUER, Arnaud  (2)
BOTEV, Jean  (1)
FICKERS, Andreas  (1)
HERMAN, Frederik  (1)
Main Referenced Keywords
First World War (3); Contemporary History of Luxembourg (2); History slam (2); Public History (2); WW1 (2);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH) > Contemporary History of Luxembourg (LHI) (33)
Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH) > Public History and Outreach (PHO) (7)
Main Referenced Disciplines
History (36)
Arts & humanities: Multidisciplinary, general & others (13)
Art & art history (2)
Computer science (2)
Engineering, computing & technology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (2)

Publications (total 47)

The most downloaded
SCUTO, D., CAMARDA, S., & SAUER, A. (2021). Une expo multimédia révèle l'histoire des Luxembourgeois dans la Légion. Tageblatt.

The most cited

2 citations (OpenAlex)

CAMARDA, S. (2018). Land of the Red Soil: War Ruins and Industrial Landscape in Luxembourg. In S. Daly, M. Salvante, ... V. Wilcox (Eds.), Landscapes of the First World War. Basingstoke, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-89411-9_6

CAMARDA, S. (2024). Luxembourg 1867: Gaming Communities, Co-Production, and Engagement with the Imagined Past. In M. S. P. M. J. K. Y. I. Mochocki (Ed.), Central and Eastern European Histories and Heritages in Video Games (1st). Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003461326-12
Peer reviewed

CAMARDA, S. (19 July 2023). Trauma, Resonances, and Transformations: Gaming as Heuristic Mode for Doing History [Paper presentation]. International Standing Conference for the History of Education ISCHE 44 Budapest 2023 Histories of Education and Reform: Traditions, Tensions and Transitions, Budapest, Hungary.

BOTEV, J., CAMARDA, S., & Ohlhoff, C. (2023). The Rallye Platform: Mobile Location-Based Serious Games for Digital Cultural Heritage. In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI International). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-34411-4_2
Peer reviewed

CAMARDA, S. (18 April 2023). Playing the Past: Gaming and Public History [Paper presentation]. Public History - Invisible University for Ukraine | Central European University.

CAMARDA, S., & SCUTO, D. (2023). Visual Narratives of the Great War in Luxembourg: One Hundred Years of History Manuals. In D. Morin & C. Prévot (Eds.), Guerres en images, images de guerres : L’illustration des conflits en Europe dans les manuels d’histoire (pp. 97-107). France: Edhisto.

CAMARDA, S. (2022). Videogames as HiStorytelling: Exploring the Potential of Historical Ludonarratives [Paper presentation]. Playing with Ranke.2, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

CAMARDA, S. (2022). A Quick and Dirty Guide to Digital Storytelling.

CAMARDA, S. (08 June 2022). Digital Storytelling: Strategies and Tools for Doing History Online [Paper presentation]. Public History Summer School - 5th International Conference Studying Public History - Methods, Difficulties, Perspectives, Wroclaw, Poland.

CAMARDA, S. (2022). Cybermemorials: Remembrance and Places of Memory in the Digital Age. In S. Noiret, M. Tebeau, ... G. ZAAGSMA (Eds.), Handbook of Digital Public History (pp. 337-348). De Gruyter Oldenbourg. doi:10.1515/9783110430295-029
Peer reviewed

CAMARDA, S. (2022). Interactive Narratives and Transmedia Storytelling: An Insight on Digital Exhibitions. In G. Sonnabend & G. Thewes (Eds.), Narratives in History Museums – Reflections and Perspectives (pp. 100-107). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Lëtzebuerg City Museum.

CAMARDA, S. (07 December 2021). The Légionnaires Rallye: An Interactive Digital Treasure Hunt [Paper presentation]. Video Games as a Field for Multidisciplinary Research, Belval, Luxembourg.

CAMARDA, S. (2021). Marked Surfaces: Analog and Digital Re-inscriptions of a Portrait. In T. Allender, I. Dussel, I. Grosvenor, ... K. PRIEM (Eds.), Appearances Matter: The Visual in Educational History (pp. 209-232). De Gryuter.
Peer reviewed

CAMARDA, S. (09 July 2021). Interactive Narratives and Transmedia Storytelling: An Insight on Digital Exhibitions [Paper presentation]. “Narratives in history museums – reflections and perspectives” - Annual meeting of the International Association of Museums of History (IAMH) 2021, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg.

SCUTO, D., CAMARDA, S., & SAUER, A. (2021). Une expo multimédia révèle l'histoire des Luxembourgeois dans la Légion. Tageblatt.

CAMARDA, S. (2021). Légionnaires Rallye: a thrilling treasure hunt game. On the trail of the Légionnaires outside the museum walls. MUSEOMAG, (3), p. 8-9.

CAMARDA, S. (2020). « À nos braves » : les monuments aux légionnaires luxembourgeois entre conflit et réconciliation. In S. CAMARDA, A. SAUER, D. SCUTO, ... F. Reinert (Eds.), Légionnaires : Parcours de Guerre et de Migrations entre le Luxembourg et la France. Silvana Editoriale.

CAMARDA, S. (2020). Edmond Célestin Grethen. In S. CAMARDA, A. SAUER, D. SCUTO, ... F. Reinert, Légionnaires : Parcours de Guerre et de Migrations entre le Luxembourg et la France. Milan, Italy: Silvana Editoriale.

CAMARDA, S., Reinert, F., SAUER, A., & SCUTO, D. (Eds.). (2020). Légionnaires : Parcours de Guerre et de Migrations entre le Luxembourg et la France. Milan, Italy: Silvana Editoriale.

CAMARDA, S. (27 October 2020). Review of: Marco WEITEN and Tony VACCARO, Tony Vaccaro: Soldier with a Camera. Lions Club Luxembourg-Country 50e anniversaire: 1967–2017. Luxembourg: Lions Club Luxembourg-Country, 2017. Hemecht: Zeitschrift für Luxemburger Geschichte, 72 (3).
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

CAMARDA, S. (26 October 2020). Strategies of Digital Storytelling: Éischte Weltkrich - Remembering the Great War in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. Mapping Digital Spaces: Urban History on the Web, Rome, Italy.

CAMARDA, S., SANTANA, D., SCUTO, D., & ZAAGSMA, G. (Eds.). (2020). Schumann's Eck - an interactive documentary.

CAMARDA, S., & SCUTO, D. (26 June 2019). Récits visuels de la Grande Guerre au Luxembourg : cent ans de manuels d'histoire [Paper presentation]. Guerres en Images - Images de Guerres : L'illustration des conflits en Europe dans les manuels d'Histoire, Saint-Dié-des-Vosges, France.

CAMARDA, S. (22 May 2019). Digitising the Humanities: World War I Digital Exhibitions [Paper presentation]. Digitising the Humanities: an Internationalisation at Home (I@H) Lecture Series, Ghent, Belgium.

SCUTO, D., & CAMARDA, S. (2019). L‘apport de la „Digital History“ pour la définition des méthodes et nouveaux programmes d‘histoire [Paper presentation]. L’enseignement de l’histoire dans l’enseignement secondaire : objectifs et contenus, Walferdange, Luxembourg.

CAMARDA, S. (07 December 2018). Translating Collections: An Insight on Curating a Historical Multilayered Digital Exhibition on the Great War [Paper presentation]. Digital History Project: What Makes It Work (Digital History Seminars), Lviv, Ukraine.

CAMARDA, S. (07 December 2018). Remembering the Great War in Luxembourg: Engaging Multiple Audiences Through Public History Digital Projects [Paper presentation]. Digital History Project: What Makes It Work (Digital History Seminars), Lviv, Ukraine.

CAMARDA, S. (2018). Friend or Foe? Portraying the German Occupier in Luxembourg (1914-1918). Mutations. Mémoires et Perspectives du Bassin Minier, (10), 161-167.

SCUTO, D., CAMARDA, S., & LUCCHESI, A. (2018). Forum Z - Lost Memories of World War I [Paper presentation]. Forum Z - Lost Memories of World War I - & Laterna Magica Performance "In Treue Fest! Stricken und Sterben im Ersten Weltkrieg", Dudelange, Luxembourg.

CAMARDA, S., & SCUTO, D. (2018). L’histoire des migrations revisitée. In D. SCUTO & A. Reuter, Être d’ailleurs en temps de guerre (14-18). Etrangers à Dudelange/Dudelangeois à l’étranger. Catalogue d’exposition. C2DH/CMDH.

CAMARDA, S. (17 May 2018). Éischte Weltkrich: Designing a Multilayered, Integrated Digital Platform for the Study of WW1 in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. Digital Mapping and Historical Imagination, Lviv, Ukraine.

CAMARDA, S. (2018). Eng virtuell Ausstellung zum Éischte Weltkrich - wéi geet dat? [Paper presentation]. Sandra CAMARDA, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

SCUTO, D., FICKERS, A., & CAMARDA, S. (Eds.). (2018). Eischte Weltkrich. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH).

CAMARDA, S. (2018). Land of the Red Soil: War Ruins and Industrial Landscape in Luxembourg. In S. Daly, M. Salvante, ... V. Wilcox (Eds.), Landscapes of the First World War. Basingstoke, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-89411-9_6
Peer reviewed

CAMARDA, S., & HERMAN, F. (2017). Éischte Weltkrich : Narration numérique dans la salle de classe [Paper presentation]. IFEN (Institut de Formation de l'Éducation Nationale) Formation Continue : Éischte Weltkrich: Narration numérique dans la salle de classe (Digital Storytelling in the Classroom), Esch-Belval, Luxembourg.

CAMARDA, S. (2017). Digital Storytelling: Éischte Weltkrich: Remembering The Great War in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. ForumZ: The Future of Storytelling in History, Centre National de Literature, Mersch, Luxembourg.

CAMARDA, S. (06 June 2017). Virtual Exhibition: Remembering the Great War in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. 4th Annual Conference International Federation for Public History, Ravenna, Italy.

SCUTO, D., & CAMARDA, S. (2017). Forum Z - The long shadow of the Second World War: Research prospects [Paper presentation]. Forum Z - The long shadow of the Second World War: Research prospects, Dudelange, Luxembourg.

CAMARDA, S. (2017). review of: Lucien Czuga, Rout Wäiss Bloen Damp. 200 Joer Lëtzebuerger Tubakswelt, Differdange: Editions Revue, 2015. Hemecht: Zeitschrift für Luxemburger Geschichte, 69 (1), 129-130.
Peer reviewed

CAMARDA, S. (2017). Éischte Weltkrich: Remembering The Great War in Luxembourg - Digital Exhibition. In A. Bienert & R. Jazbec (Eds.), EVA Berlin 2017 Elekronische Medien & Kunst, Kultur und Historie (pp. 115-121). Berlin, Germany: Staatliche Museen zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz.

CAMARDA, S. (2016). Of Jam and Bombs: Surviving the War in 1917. D'Lëtzebuerger Land.

CAMARDA, S. (10 September 2015). Land of the Red Soil: War Ruins and Industrial Landscape in Luxembourg (1914-1918) [Paper presentation]. 8th International Conference of the International Society for First World War Studies: Landscapes of the Great War: imagination, representation, experience.

CAMARDA, S. (February 2015). Picturing the Nation: On Charles Bernhœft: photographe de la Belle Époque, Edmond Thill (ed.), MNHA, 2014. Forum für Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur in Luxemburg, 348, 56-57.

CAMARDA, S. (01 August 2014). Dreadful like a Postcard: Portraying War and Destruction in Illustrated Postcards of Luxembourg (1914–1918) [Paper presentation]. The Business of War Photography: Producing and Consuming Images of Conflict, Durham, United Kingdom.

CAMARDA, S. (2014). Zerstörte Postkartenidylle: Die Darstellung von Kriegsschäden auf Luxemburger Ansichtskarten. In B. MAJERUS, C. Roemer, ... G. Thommes (Eds.), 1914-1918. Guerre(s) au Luxembourg (pp. 33-43). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Capybarabooks.

CAMARDA, S. (2013). Giuseppe Sergi e la fotografia antropologica dei Sardi. In F. Faeta & G. D. Fragapane (Eds.), Forme e modelli: La fotografia come modo di conoscenza. Atti del convegno SISF Società Italiana per lo Studio della Fotografia (pp. 273-278). Messina, Italy: Corisco.
Peer reviewed

CAMARDA, S. (2009). Villanova Truschedu. In M. Brigaglia & S. Tola (Eds.), Dizionario storico-geografico dei Comuni della Sardegna Vol. 5. Sassari, Italy: Carlo Delfino Editore.

CAMARDA, S. (2009). Villaurbana. In M. Brigaglia & S. Tola (Eds.), Dizionario storico-geografico dei Comuni della Sardegna Vol. 5. Sassari, Italy: Carlo Delfino Editore.

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