
HERMAN Frederik

Main Referenced Co-authors
Depaepe, Marc (16)
Van Gorp, Angelo (13)
Simon, Frank (12)
PRIEM, Karin  (6)
Surmont, Melanie (5)
Main Referenced Keywords
history of education (3); new education (3); vocational training (3); body-machine metaphors (2); cultural learning (2);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH) > Public History and Outreach (PHO) (3)
InES (1)
Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH) > Contemporary History of Luxembourg (LHI) (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Education & instruction (25)
History (8)

Publications (total 31)

The most downloaded
HERMAN, F., & Tondeur, J. (2016). Klaslokalen Binnenstebuiten: Leerkrachten over de veranderende onderwijsleeromgeving doorheen hun carrière (1960-2015). Basis, (13), p. 27-30.

The most cited

40 citations (OpenAlex)

HERMAN, F., Van Gorp, A., Simon, F., & Depaepe, M. (2011). The school desk: from concept to object. History of Education, 40 (1), 97-117. doi:10.1080/0046760X.2010.508599

CAMARDA, S., & HERMAN, F. (2017). Éischte Weltkrich : Narration numérique dans la salle de classe [Paper presentation]. IFEN (Institut de Formation de l'Éducation Nationale) Formation Continue : Éischte Weltkrich: Narration numérique dans la salle de classe (Digital Storytelling in the Classroom), Esch-Belval, Luxembourg.

Tondeur, J., HERMAN, F., De Buck, M., & Triquet, K. (2017). Classroom biographies: Teaching and learning in evolving material landscapes (c. 1960-2015). European Journal of Education, 1-15. doi:10.1111/ejed.12228
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HERMAN, F., & Roberts, S. (2017). Adventures in Cultural Learning. Paedagogica Historica, 53 (3). doi:10.1080/00309230.2017.1312144
Peer reviewed

PRIEM, K., & HERMAN, F. (2017). La "Fabrication" du Luxembourg moderne. Technologies visuelles et industries réformatrices come moteurs de transformation sociétale. Fabricating modern Luxembourg. Visual technologies and industries of reform as engines of societal transformation. In M. Consémius, F. Poos, ... K. PRIEM, La Forge d'une société moderne. Photographie et communication d'entreprise à l'ère de l'industrialisation. ARBED 1911-1937. Forging a Modern Society. Photography and Corporate Communication in the Industrial Age. ARBED 1911-1937 (pp. 10-25). Dudelange, Luxembourg: Centre national de l'audiovisuel (CNA).

PRIEM, K., & HERMAN, F. (2017). Hautnah. Materialität der Moderne und sensomotorische Ansätze der Berufsbildung im "Zeitalter des Stahles". In C. Thompson, R. Casale, ... N. Ricken (Eds.), Die Sache(n) der Bildung (pp. 213-239). Paderborn, Germany: Schöningh.
Peer reviewed

HERMAN, F., & Tondeur, J. (2016). Klaslokalen Binnenstebuiten: Leerkrachten over de veranderende onderwijsleeromgeving doorheen hun carrière (1960-2015). Basis, (13), p. 27-30.

HERMAN, F., & PLEIN, I. (2016). Envisioning the Industrial Present: Pathways of Cultural Learning in Luxembourg (1880s-1920s). Paedagogica Historica. doi:10.1080/00309230.2016.1259243
Peer reviewed

HERMAN, F., PRIEM, K., & Thyssen, G. (2016). Body_Machine? Encounters of the Human and the Mechanical in Education, Industry and Science. History of Education. doi:10.1080/0046760X.2016.1236219
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Verstraete, P., & HERMAN, F. (2016). A Plea for Commonality: Disability History, Discourses of Rehabilitation, and the Individual. Asclepio - Revista de Historia de la Medicina y de la Ciencia, 68 (2). doi:10.3989/asclepio.2016.19
Peer reviewed

HERMAN, F., PRIEM, K., & THYSSEN, G. (2015). Körper_Maschinen? Die Verschmelzung von Mensch und Technik in Pädagogik, Industrie und Wissenschaft. In M. Caruso, U. Mietzner, ... U. Wiegmann (Eds.), Jahrbuch für Historische Bildungsforschung (pp. 47-75). Bad Heilbrunn, Germany: Klinkhardt.

PRIEM, K., & HERMAN, F. (2014). Putting Male and Female Bodies in Their Places: Arenas and Theatres of Educational Reform. In C. Burke, I. Grosvenor, B. Haenggeli-Jenni, H. Ribeiro de Castro, E. Tabacchi, G. THYSSEN, ... P. Verstraete (Eds.), Education across Europe: A Visual Conversation (pp. 43-46). Network 17 - Histories of Education, EERA.

HERMAN, F. (2014). Forging Harmony in the Social Organism: Industry and the Power of Psychometric Techniques. History of Education, 43 (5), 592-614. doi:10.1080/0046760X.2014.953604
Peer reviewed

PRIEM, K., & HERMAN, F. (2014). Putting Male and Female Bodies in Their Places: Arenas and Theatres of Educational Reform. In C. Burke, I. Grosvenor, B. Haenggeli-Jenni, H. Ribeiro de Castro, E. Tabacchi, G. THYSSEN, ... P. Verstraete (Eds.), Education across Europe: A Visual Conversation (pp. 43-46). Network 17 - Histories of Education, EERA.

HERMAN, F. (11 September 2013). Creative Social Engineering? Reform Initiatives in Vocational Education and Professional Orientation (ca. 1880-1930) [Paper presentation]. European Conference on Educational Research 2013 (ECER), Istanbul, Turkey.

HERMAN, F. (22 August 2013). Forging Harmony in The Social Organism: Industry and the Power of Psychometric Techniques [Paper presentation]. 35th International Standing Conference for History of Education, Riga, Latvia.

HERMAN, F., Van Gorp, A., Simon, F., Vanobbergen, B., & Depaepe, M. (2012). Appropriation Processes in Theory and Praxis Modern Architecture Meets New Education: Renaat Braem's Design and the Brussels Decroly School (1946). In M. Depaepe (Ed.), Between Educationalization and Appropriation - Selected Writings on the History of Modern Educational Systems (pp. 331-358). Leuven, Unknown/unspecified: Leuven University Press.

Depaepe, M., HERMAN, F., Surmont, M., Van Gorp, A., & Simon, F. (2012). About Pedagogization: From the Perspective of the History of Education. In M. Depaepe (Ed.), Between Educationalization and Appropriation - Selected Writings on the History of Modern Educational Systems (pp. 177-197). Leuven, Belgium: Leuven University Press.
Peer reviewed

Depaepe, M., Simon, F., HERMAN, F., & Van Gorp, A. (2012). Brodskys hygienische Klappschulbank: Zu leicht für die schulische Mentalität? Zeitschrift fur Pädagogik. Beiheft, 58, 50-65.
Peer reviewed

HERMAN, F., Van Gorp, A., Simon, F., & Depaepe, M. (2011). Auf den Spuren von Diskurs, Traum und Wirklichkeit der architektonischen Formgebung in Decrolys Ermitage. Zeitschrift fur Pädagogik. Beiheft, 57 (6), 928-951.
Peer reviewed

HERMAN, F., Van Gorp, A., Simon, F., & Depaepe, M. (2011). The school desk: from concept to object. History of Education, 40 (1), 97-117. doi:10.1080/0046760X.2010.508599
Peer reviewed

HERMAN, F., Van Gorp, A., Simon, F., & Depaepe, M. (2011). Space and Design of Classrooms - The Organic Growth of the Decroly School in Brussels. From Villa to School, from Living Room to Classroom. In S. Braster, I. Grosvenor, ... Maria del Mar del Pozo Andrés (Eds.), The Black Box of Schooling. A Cultural History of the Classroom (pp. 241-259). Brussels, Unknown/unspecified: P.I.E. Peter Lang.
Peer reviewed

HERMAN, F., Van Gorp, A., Simon, F., Vanobbergen, B., & Depaepe, M. (2011). Modern Architecture meets New Education. Renaat Braem's Design and the Brussels Decrolyschool (1946). Journal of Belgian History, 41 (1-2), 135-166.

HERMAN, F., Surmont, M., Depaepe, M., Frank, S., & Van Gorp, A. (2010). Remembering the schoolmaster's blood-red pen. The story of the exercise books and the story of the children of the time (1950-1970). In J. Meda, D. Montino, ... R. Sani (Eds.), School Exercise Books: a Complex Source for a History of the Approach to Schooling and Education in the 19th and 20th Centuries (pp. 1401-1418). Firenze, Italy: Edizioni Polistampa.

THYSSEN, G., HERMAN, F., Kusters, W., Van Ruyskensvelde, S., & Depaepe, M. (2010). From Popular to Unpopular Education? The Open-Air School(s) of ‘Pont-Rouge’, Roubaix (1921- 1978). History of Education and Children's Literature, 5 (2), 199-227.

Depaepe, M., Vinck, H., & HERMAN, F. (2009). Van wildemannen, brave zwartjes en geëvolueerden: Over de mogelijke impact van de Congoconnectie op het Belgische onderwijs. In V. Viane, D. Van Reybrouck, ... B. Ceuppens (Eds.), Congo in België. Koloniale cultuur in de metropool (pp. 131-145, 341-343). Leuven, Unknown/unspecified: University Press.

Depaepe, M., HERMAN, F., Surmont, M., Van Gorp, A., & Simon, F. (2009). About Pedagogization: From the Perspective of the History of Education. In P. Smeyers & M. Depaepe (Eds.), Educational Research: the Educationalization of Social Problems, 3 (pp. 13-30). Dordrecht, Unknown/unspecified: Springer.

HERMAN, F., Van Gorp, A., Surmont, M., Simon, F., & Depaepe, M. (2009). Uit de marge van de onderwijsgeschiedenis: schoolschriften als lieux de mémoire (1950-1970). In A. Van Gorp, N. Bakker, S. Braster, ... M. Rietveld - Van Wingerden (Eds.), Materiële schoolcultuur: over artefacten als bron in de onderwijsgeschiedenis (pp. 85-107). Assen, Unknown/unspecified: Van Gorcum.

HERMAN, F., Surmont, M., Depaepe, M., Simon, F., & Van Gorp, A. (2008). Remembering the schoolmaster's blood-red pen. The story of the exercise books and the story of the children of the time (1950-1970). History of Education, 3 (2), 351-375.
Peer reviewed

Depaepe, M., HERMAN, F., Simon, F., Surmont, M., & Van Gorp, A. (2008). Ethnohistory of the primary school in Flanders: A step towards the theoretical understanding of the structural and cultural processes, behind schooling and educationalizing. Filosofiya Obrazovaniya, (1), 122-135.
Peer reviewed

HERMAN, F., Depaepe, M., Simon, F., & Van Gorp, A. (2007). Punishment as an educational technology: a form of pedagogical inertia in schools. In P. Smeyers & M. Depaepe (Eds.), Educational Research: Networks and Technologies, 2 (pp. 203-219). Dordrecht, Unknown/unspecified: Springer.

Vinck, H., Briffaerts, J., HERMAN, F., & Depaepe, M. (2006). Expériences scolaires au Congo Belge. Etude exploratoire. Annales Aequatoria, 27, 5-103.
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