
BUDACH Gabriele

University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE) > Department of Humanities (DHUM) > Multilingualism

Main Referenced Co-authors
Patrick, Donna (4)
SHAROYAN, Gohar  (4)
Kell, Cathy (3)
Loghin, Daniela (3)
Main Referenced Keywords
multimodality (4); collaborative ethnography (2); multilingual education (2); multilingualism (2); urban indigeneity (2);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Languages & linguistics (19)
Arts & humanities: Multidisciplinary, general & others (6)
Human geography & demography (1)
Social & behavioral sciences, psychology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (1)

Publications (total 27)

The most downloaded
BUDACH, G., & DE SAINT-GEORGES, I. (2017). Superdiversity and Language. In S. Canagarajah (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Migration and Language. Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781315754512

The most cited

87 citations (OpenCitations)

BUDACH, G. (2012). Part of the Puzzle: The Retrospective Interview as reflexive practice in ethnographic collaborative research. In M. Martin-Jones & S. Gardner (Eds.), Multilingualism, Discourse and Ethnography (pp. 319-333). London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780203143179

NIENABER, B., HOLZAPFEL, N., & BUDACH, G. (23 March 2023). “Crossing borders, connecting cultures”: an introduction to the special issue. Comparative Migration Studies, 11 (7).
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BUDACH, G. (2023). Multilingualism and Multimodality: A Comment. In S. Ainsworth, D. Griffith, G. Macrory, ... K. Pahl, Multilingualism and multimodality: Towards an Integrative Approach. Clevedon, United Kingdom: Multilingual Matters.
Peer reviewed

Kell, C., & BUDACH, G.*. (2023). Materialities and ontologies: Language materiality, post-humanism, new materialism. In C. McKinney, P. Makoe, ... V. Zavala, The Routledge Handbook on Multilingualism (pp. 79-95). London, United Kingdom: Routledge.
Peer reviewed
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

BOESEN, E., BUDACH, G., ALBERT, I., MURDOCK, E., NIENABER, B., Barros, S., Campill, M., Delgado, S., & Navalha, M. (2023). Migration and Conviviality: Living with Difference in Luxembourg. Human Arenas. doi:10.1007/s42087-023-00366-2
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BUDACH, G. (2022). Entre „l’ordre“ et „l’emmêlement“: La complexité sociale vue à travers les recherches sur la littératie. In J. Erfurt, M. Leroy, ... M. Stierwald, Mehrsprachigkeit und Transkulturalität in frankophonen Räumen / plurilinguisme et transculturalité dans les espaces francophones. Tübingen, Germany: Narr Francke Attempto.
Peer reviewed

BUDACH, G., SHAROYAN, G., & Loghin, D. (2022). ‘Animating objects’: Co-creation in digital story making between planning and play. In V. Lytra, C. Ros i Solé, V. Macleroy, ... J. Anderson, Liberating Language Education: Personal, Aesthetic and Political Perspectives. Clevedon, United Kingdom: Multilingual Matters.
Peer reviewed

BADDER, A., ZHANG, Y., Olmo, M., & BUDACH, G. (2021). Living and Learning in Times of Corona. Experiences from a Master Program at Uni.Lu. In G. MEIN & J. PAUSE, Self and Society in the Corona Crisis. Perspectives from the Humanities and Social Sciences. Belval, Luxembourg: Melusina Press.
Editorial reviewed

BUDACH, G., EFREMOV, D., Loghin, D., & SHAROYAN, G. (2021). Conversing with humans and objects: On repetition and the curative power in animation making. Canadian Modern Language Review, 77 (4), 353-373. doi:10.3138/cmlr-2020-0114
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BUDACH, G., & SHAROYAN, G. (June 2020). Exploring ‘vibrant matter’ in animation making. Language and Intercultural Communication, 20 (5), 464-481. doi:10.1080/14708477.2020.1784912
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BUDACH, G., EFREMOV, D., Loghin, D., & SHAROYAN, G. (2020). Exploring Affect in Stop Frame Animation. In K. Toohey, S. Smythe, D. Dagenais, ... M. Forte, Transforming Language and Literacy Education: New Materialism, Posthumanism, and Ontoethics. New York, United States: Routledge.
Peer reviewed

DE SAINT-GEORGES, I., BUDACH, G., & TRESS, C. (2020). “We need to become ‘educational chameleons’”: from unified to multiple norms in a multilingual and international higher education context. European Journal of Applied Linguistics, 8 (2). doi:10.1515/EUJAL-2020-0011
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DELGADO, S.* , & BUDACH, G. (2020). Begegnung in der Diaspora: Oder was es heisst Kapverdianisch in Luxembourg zu sein. Quo Vadis, Romania?, 56, 134-145.
Peer reviewed

BUDACH, G. (2019). Collaborative Ethnography. In K. Tusting (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook on Linguistic Ethnography. New York, United States: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781315675824-15
Peer reviewed

BUDACH, G. (2018). Learning around Iconic Buildings. Maps of experience in the making. In S. Nichols, Learning Cities - Multimodal explorations and placed pedagogies (pp. 147-168). Singapore, Singapore: Springer.
Peer reviewed

BUDACH, G. (01 May 2018). « Les objets qui font parler ». Vers une pédagogie de la création multimodale et multilingue. LIDIL: Revue de Linguistique et de Didactique des Langues, 57.
Peer reviewed

BUDACH, G., & DE SAINT-GEORGES, I. (2017). Superdiversity and Language. In S. Canagarajah (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Migration and Language. Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781315754512
Peer reviewed

Patrick, D., Shaer, B., & BUDACH, G. (January 2017). Language and territorialization: Food consumption and the creation of urban Indigenous space. Semiotic Review, 5.
Peer reviewed

BUDACH, G., Patrick, D., & Mackey, T. (October 2015). "Talk around objects": designing trajectories of belonging in an urban Inuit community. Social Semiotics, 25 (4), 446-464. doi:10.1080/10350330.2015.1059575
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BUDACH, G., Kell, C., & Patrick, D. (October 2015). Objects and language in transcontextual communication. Social Semiotics, 25 (4), 387-400. doi:10.1080/10350330.2015.1059579
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Kell, C., Patrick, D., & BUDACH, G. (Ed.). (October 2015). Objects and language in transcontextual communication. Social Semiotics, 25 (4), 387-532. doi:10.1080/10350330.2015.1059579
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BUDACH, G. (2014). Educational trajectories at the crossroads: The making and unmaking of multilingual communities of learners. Multilingua. doi:10.1515/multi-2014-0027
Peer reviewed

BUDACH, G. (2014). “Urban-Rural” Dynamics and Indigenous Urbanization: The Case of Inuit Language Use in Ottawa. Journal of Language, Identity and Education. doi:10.1080/15348458.2014.939034
Peer reviewed

BUDACH, G. (May 2013). From language choice to mode choice: how artefacts impact on language use and meaning making in a bilingual classroom. Language and Education, 27 (4), 329–342. doi:10.1080/09500782.2013.788188
Peer reviewed

Patrick, D., BUDACH, G., & Muckpaloo, I. (2013). Multiliteracies and family language policy in an urban Inuit community. Language Policy, 12 (1), 47-62. doi:10.1007/s10993-012-9258-3
Peer reviewed

BUDACH, G. (2012). Part of the Puzzle: The Retrospective Interview as reflexive practice in ethnographic collaborative research. In M. Martin-Jones & S. Gardner (Eds.), Multilingualism, Discourse and Ethnography (pp. 319-333). London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780203143179
Peer reviewed

BUDACH, G. (2011). Donner une voix aux Inuit urbains : « Photovoice » comme une pratique de multilittératie dans la construction d’identité et de savoirs transfrontaliers. Cahier de l'institut des langues officielles et du bilinguisme, 2, 33-55.
Peer reviewed

BUDACH, G. (2010). Pedagogies in context: Perspectives on contemporary Spain. Linguistics and Education, 21 (3), 244-255. doi:10.1016/j.linged.2010.07.001
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