

Main Referenced Co-authors
BAUMANN, Mich�le  (20)
KARATHANASI, Chrysoula  (4)
AMARA, Marie-Emmanuelle  (2)
BUCKI, Barbara  (2)
Chau, Kénora (2)
Main Referenced Keywords
career attitudes (4); Career attitudes (3); employability soft-skills (3); socioeconomic (3); Adolescents (2);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Integrative Research Unit: Social and Individual Development (INSIDE) > Institute for Health and Behaviour (19)
INSIDE - Institute Health & Behaviour (1)
INSIDE - Institute of Health and Behaviour (1)
INSIDE, Institute Health & Behaviour (1)
Institute Health & Behaviour, Integrative Research Unit on Social and Individual Development (INSIDE) (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Sociology & social sciences (19)
Public health, health care sciences & services (16)
Education & instruction (3)
Social, industrial & organizational psychology (3)
Social & behavioral sciences, psychology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (2)

Publications (total 24)

The most downloaded
KARAVDIC, S., & BAUMANN, M. (2015). Dynamic career attitudes among master students: Social disparities in employment capabilities. In C. Pracana (Ed.), Social Psychology (Portuguese Association of Phychoanalysis and psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, pp. 140-144). Lisbon, Portugal: W.I.A.R.S.

The most cited

17 citations (OpenAlex)

KARAVDIC, S., & BAUMANN, M. (2014). Positive Career Attitudes Effect on Happiness and Life Satisfaction by Master Students and Graduates. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 2, 15-23. doi:10.4236/jss.2014.28003

KARAVDIC, S. (2017). Dynamic Career Attitudes And Life Satisfaction Among CEDIES' Postgraduates From Luxembourg [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

KARAVDIC, S., & LIMBACH-REICH, A. (2017). Rehabilitation of People with Psychiatric Disabilities in Sheltered Workshop in Luxembourg: Employment Facilities as a Social Pillar for Vulnerable Groups. In The 9th International Conference of the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences University of Zagreb (Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Zagreb Scientific series, pp. 60).
Peer reviewed

KARAVDIC, S., & BAUMANN, M. (2017). Life satisfaction of non-mobile postgraduates intra EU and outside EU Universities, and its associations with mental health and career attitudes. In Innovative ideas in Health Psychology (European Health Psychology Society). Padova, Italy: University of Padova.
Peer reviewed

KARAVDIC, S., ODERO, A., KARATHANASI, C., & BAUMANN, M. (2016). Disparities in Career Attitudes among Postgraduate Students. In C. Pascana (Ed.), Psychology Applications & Developments II (pp. 145-153). Lisboa, Portugal: inScience Press.
Peer reviewed

KARAVDIC, S., & BAUMANN, M. (2015). Worries and career employment attitudes: the role of social inequalities of master’s degree students. In Promotion of Mental Health (pp. 369). Geneva, Switzerland: Kenes International.
Peer reviewed

KARAVDIC, S., BUCKI, B., & BAUMANN, M. (2015). Des souffrances multiples à la souffrance paroxystique. Pensée Plurielle, 2015/1 (N°38), 9-22. doi:10.3917/pp.038.0009
Peer reviewed

KARAVDIC, S., & BAUMANN, M. (2015). Dynamic career attitudes among master students: Social disparities in employment capabilities. In C. Pracana (Ed.), Social Psychology (Portuguese Association of Phychoanalysis and psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, pp. 140-144). Lisbon, Portugal: W.I.A.R.S.
Peer reviewed

KARAVDIC, S., & BAUMANN, M. (2015). Undergraduate students’ life satisfaction, between employability and career capabilities. In C. Pracana (Ed.), Social Psychology (Portuguese Association of Phychoanalysis and psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Portugal, pp. 303-305). Lisbon, Portugal: W.I.A.R.S.
Peer reviewed

KARATHANASI, C., KARAVDIC, S., & BAUMANN, M. (2015). Life Satisfaction between Non-Luxembourgish and Native Luxembourgish Postgraduate Students. In Sociology Migration and Integration (pp. 77). United States: ICSMI.
Peer reviewed

BUCKI, B., KARAVDIC, S., KARATHANASI, C., & BAUMANN, M. (2015). Students’ Well-being: Impacts of studying out-EU and perceived autonomy on the Psychological Quality of Life. European Health Psychologist, special, 135.
Peer reviewed

Chau, K., KARAVDIC, S., & BAUMANN, M. (2014). Individual Differences in Learning Difficulty. In InPACT 2014: International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends (pp. 302). Porto, Portugal: W.I.A.R.S.
Peer reviewed

BAUMANN, M., & KARAVDIC, S. (2014). Déconstruction du processus cumulatif et d’amplification des souffrances :les effets d’une dérive… In Les Déterminants de la santé (pp. 20). Montréal, Canada: SCSS/SCCH.
Peer reviewed

KARAVDIC, S. (2014). Les souffrances des clients des communes rurales du nord identifiées par les professionnels de proximité du domaine social et de la santé qui les côtoient au quotidien et leurs besoins pour y remédier [Paper presentation]. Promotion de la Santé Mentale : projet LuxMentalHealth, Hosingen, Luxembourg.

KARAVDIC, S. (2014). Positive Career Attitudes Effect on Happiness and Life Satisfaction by Master Students and Graduates. In The international Conference on Positive Psychology and Well-being (pp. 26-27). Suzhou, China: Scientific Research.
Peer reviewed

KARAVDIC, S., & BAUMANN, M. (2014). Positive Career Attitudes Effect on Happiness and Life Satisfaction by Master Students and Graduates. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 2, 15-23. doi:10.4236/jss.2014.28003
Peer reviewed

Chau, K., KARAVDIC, S., & BAUMANN, M. (2014). Individual Differences in Learning Difficulty. In International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends (World Institute for Advanced Research Science, pp. 302 - 305). Lisbon, Portugal: W.I.A.R.S.
Peer reviewed

KARAVDIC, S., KARATHANASI, C., LE BIHAN, E., & BAUMANN, M. (2014). Associations between Psycho-Educational Determinants and Dynamic Career Attitudes among undergradutes students. In C. Pracana (Ed.), Psychology Applications & Developments - Advances in Psychology and Psychological Trends Series (pp. 239-247). Lisboa, Portugal: InScience Press.
Peer reviewed

KARAVDIC, S., & BAUMANN, M. (2014). What factors can enhance Dynamic Career Attitudes of University students? In InPACT International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends (World Institute for Advanced Research and Science, pp. 209-211). Lisbon, Portugal: W.I.A.R.S.
Peer reviewed

BAUMANN, M., KARAVDIC, S., & LIMBACH-REICH, A. (2014). First-year at university: the effect of academic employability skills and physical quality of life on students’ well-being. Work, 49, 505-515. doi:10.3233/WOR-131729
Peer reviewed

KARAVDIC, S., & BAUMANN, M. (2013). Dynamic Career Attitudes : theoretical model and evaluation protocol [Paper presentation]. Meeting with the Academic Vice Rector of the University of Luxembourg and his team.

BAUMANN, M., & KARAVDIC, S. (2013). Self-perceived academic employability skills and physical quality of life on first-year university students’ wellbeing. In L. Pracana & L. Silva (Eds.), International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends (World Institut for Advanced Research and Science, pp. 272-276). Lisbon, Portugal: W.I.A.R.S.
Peer reviewed

BAUMANN, M., KARAVDIC, S., & AMARA, M.-E. (2013). Self-perceived academic employability skills and physical quality of life on first-year university students’ well-being. In L. Pracana & L. Silva (Eds.), INPACT - International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends (World Institute for Advanced Research and Sciences, pp. 39). Lisbon, Portugal: W.I.A.R.S.
Peer reviewed

AMARA, M.-E., KARAVDIC, S., & BAUMANN, M. (2013). Students' Dropout regarding Academic Employability Skills and Satisfaction Against. In C. Pracana & L. Silva (Eds.), International psychological Applications and Trends (World institute for Advanced Research and science, pp. 147-151). Lisbon, Portugal: WIARS.
Peer reviewed

BAUMANN, M., & KARAVDIC, S. (2013). Psychological quality of life and employability skills among newly registered first-year students. Health, 5 (3), 617-626. doi:10.4236/health.2013.53A082
Peer reviewed

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