

Main Referenced Co-authors
WALDMANN, Daniele  (16)
MAAS, Stefan  (15)
ZÜRBES, Arno  (13)
WALTERING, Markus  (9)
De Roeck, Guido (6)
Main Referenced Keywords
ambient vibration tests (1); asphalt (1); Bridge tests (1); bridges (1); civil engineering structures (1);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Main Referenced Disciplines
Materials science & engineering (14)
Civil engineering (2)
Engineering, computing & technology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (1)

Publications (total 17)

The most downloaded
WALTERING, M., BUNGARD, V., WALDMANN, D., Zürbes, A., MAAS, S., & De Roeck, G. (2007). Damage Assessment of Civil Engineering Structures by the Observation of Non-linear Dynamic Behaviour. Proceedings of the International Conference on Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures.

The most cited

33 citations (OpenAlex)

MAAS, S., Zürbes, A., WALDMANN, D., WALTERING, M., BUNGARD, V., & De Roeck, G. (2012). Damage assessment of concrete structures through dynamic testing methods. Part 2: Bridge tests. Engineerig Structures, 34, 483-494. doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2011.09.018

MAAS, S., Zürbes, A., WALDMANN, D., WALTERING, M., BUNGARD, V., & De Roeck, G. (2012). Damage assessment of concrete structures through dynamic testing methods. Part 1 - Laboartory Test. Journal of Engineering Structures, 34, 351-362.
Peer reviewed

MAAS, S., Zürbes, A., WALDMANN, D., WALTERING, M., BUNGARD, V., & De Roeck, G. (2012). Damage assessment of concrete structures through dynamic testing methods. Part 2: Bridge tests. Engineerig Structures, 34, 483-494. doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2011.09.018
Peer reviewed

BUNGARD, V., SCHERBAUM, F., MAHOWALD, J., WALDMANN, D., MAAS, S., & Zürbes, A. (2011). Detection and localization of damage in civil engineering structures by using static and dynamic assessment methods. CD-Proceedings, Paper ID: 358.
Peer reviewed

MAHOWALD, J., BUNGARD, V., MAAS, S., WALDMANN, D., & Zürbes, A. (2011). Schadensidentifikation an Stahl- und Spannbetonplatten anhand von linearen und nichtlinearen Schwingungsanalysen. In Schwingungsüberwachung VDI Konferenz (pp. 207-218).
Peer reviewed

WALDMANN, D., BUNGARD, V., MAHOWALD, J., MAAS, S., & Zürbes, A. (2011). Influence of environmental changes on modal characteristics. Federation for Structural Concrete (fib).
Peer reviewed

BUNGARD, V. (2010). Condition assessment of concrete structures and bridges using vibration monitoring in comparison to changes in their static properties [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

BUNGARD, V., MAHOWALD, J., WALDMANN, D., MAAS, S., & Zürbes, A. (2010). Dynamische Zustandsbewertung einer Verbunsbrücke: Beobachtung äußerer und nichtlinearer Einflüsse auf die modalen Eigenschaften. Beton- und Stahlbetonbau.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

BUNGARD, V., MAHOWALD, J., WALDMANN, D., MAAS, S., Zürbes, A., & De Roeck, G. (2010). Ambient Vibration and Forced Excitation Tests of a Composite Bridge: Environmental influences and nonlinear effects on the dynamic properties. Proceedings of the International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, ISMA.
Peer reviewed

MAHOWALD, J., BUNGARD, V., MAAS, S., WALDMANN, D., Zürbes, A., & De Roeck, G. (2010). Comparison of linear and nonlinear static and dynamic behaviour of prestressed and non-prestressed concrete slab elements. In Proceedings of the International Conference of Noise and Vibration Engineering (pp. 717-728).
Peer reviewed

BUNGARD, V., & WALDMANN, D. (2010). Statische und dynamische Zustandsbewertung von Stahlbetonbauteilen. Abstract book of 51. Forschungskolloquium des Deutschen Ausschusses für Stahlbetonbau, 493-504.
Peer reviewed

WALTERING, M., WALDMANN, D., BUNGARD, V., MAAS, S., & Zürbes, A. (2009). Vergleich statischer und dynamischer Methoden zur Zustandsbewertung von Stahl- und Spannbetontragwerken, Stahlbeton- und Spannbeton. Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, 08/2009, 628 - 641.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

WALDMANN, D., BUNGARD, V., WALTERING, M., MAAS, S., Zürbes, A., & De Roeck, G. (2009). Non-destructive damage assessment of constructions in civil engineering using non-linear vibration characteristics. Concrete 21st Century Superhero.
Peer reviewed

BUNGARD, V., WALTERING, M., WALDMANN, D., MAAS, S., Zürbes, A., & De Roeck, G. (2009). Comparison of static behaviour and nonlinear vibration characteristic of gradually damaged prestressed concrete slabs and reinforced concrete beams. Proceedings of the International Conference on Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures.
Peer reviewed

WALTERING, M., BUNGARD, V., MAAS, S., Zürbes, A., WALDMANN, D., & De Roeck, G. (2008). Damage assessment of a gradually damaged pre-stressed concrete bridge using static load tests and non-linear vibration characteristic. International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering.
Peer reviewed

BUNGARD, V., WALTERING, M., WALDMANN, D., MAAS, S., Zürbes, A., & De Roeck, G. (2008). Structural Health Monitoring of a Composite Bridge. International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC-XXVI).
Peer reviewed

WALTERING, M., BUNGARD, V., MAAS, S., Zürbes, A., WALDMANN, D., & De Roeck, G. (2008). Non-destructive Damage Assessment Using Non-linear Vibration. International Modal Analysis Conference, IMAC-XXVI.
Peer reviewed

WALTERING, M., BUNGARD, V., WALDMANN, D., Zürbes, A., MAAS, S., & De Roeck, G. (2007). Damage Assessment of Civil Engineering Structures by the Observation of Non-linear Dynamic Behaviour. Proceedings of the International Conference on Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures.
Peer reviewed

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