Showcase your profiles in emails

January 15, 2024

Welcome to v2 of ORBilu!

If you wish to make an ORBilu link for your signature, you have two options: 

  1. Link to your ORBilu profile. To do this: Go to ‘Search’. Type in your name. Then you should see a link to your profile under the search results box. Click on your name to get your public URL.
  2. Link to your ORBilu publications in descending order by date. To do this: Login to ORBilu, click on your name and navigate to ‘My widgets’. Ensure ‘sorting order’ is set to Date: Descending. Click on ‘Get the code’ and your URL will always be up to date with the latest deposits. 

Example signature: 

Prof. Dr. Emma Schymanski 

FNR ATTRACT Fellow; Head of Environmental Cheminformatics 

Special Advisor: Open Science & Research Data Management 

Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine 


Campus Belval | House of Biomedicine II 

6, avenue du Swing 

L-4367 Belvaux 

T +352 46 66 44 5616 / 

View more on ORBilu / ORCID / Google Scholar 


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