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BOESEN, Elisabeth ; University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Language and Literature, Humanities, Arts and Education (FLSHASE) > Identités, Politiques, Sociétés, Espaces (IPSE)
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Wodaabe women and the outside world
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Translocality. The study of globalisingprocesses from a southern perspective
See i.a. Aderanti Adepoju, "Patterns of Migration by Sex", in Female and Male in West Africa, ed. Christine Oppong (London, 1983);
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Cindi Katz and Janice Monk, eds., Full Circles: Geographies of Women Over the Life Course (London, 1993);
Gunilla Bjerén, "Gender and Reproduction", in International Migration, Mobility and Development: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, eds. Tomas Hammar et al. (Oxford, 1987);
Jacqueline Knörr and Barbara Meier, eds., Women and Migration: Anthropological Perspectives (Frankfurt a. M., 2000);
Dennis Cordell and Victor Piché, "Un siècle de migration au Burkina: Inclusion ou exclusion", in Être étranger et migrant en Afrique au XXe siècle: Enjeux identitaires et modes d'insertion, 2, Dynamiques migratoires, modalités d'insertion urbain et enjeux d'acteurs, ed. Cathérine Coquery-Vidrovitsch (Paris, 2003);
Christine Catarino and Mirjana Morokvasic, "Femmes, genre, migration et mobilités", Revue européenne des migrations internationales 21(2005), 7-72.
Mirjana Morokvasic, "Birds of Passage are also Women", International Migration Review (special issue: Women in Migration) 18(1984), 899.
Catarino and Morokvasic, "Femmes, genre", p. 7f.
James Clifford, "Traveling Cultures", in Routes: Travel and Translation in the Late Twentieth Century, ed. idem (Cambridge, Mass., 1997).
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Catarino and Morokvasic, "Femmes, genre", p. 14.
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Catarino and Morokvasic, "Femmes, genre", p. 16.
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Schmoll, "Pratiques spatiales, "
Werner Schiffauer, Die Migranten aus Subay: Türken in Deutschland: Eine Ethnographie (Stuttgart, 1991), p. 201;
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Pittin, "Migration", p. 1298.
Barbara Cooper, "Gender, Movement, and History: Social and Spatial Transformations in 20th Century Maradi, Niger", Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 15(1997), 195-221.
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Christiane Hellermann, "Gendered Margins: Immigrant Women in Portugal", Ethnologia europaea 34(2004), 17-28.
Catarino and Morokvasic, "Femmes, genre", p. 12f.
Catarino and Morokvasic, "Femmes, genre", p. 11.
Schmoll, "Pratiques spatiales", p. 138.
George E. Marcus, "Ethnography in/of the World System: The Emergence of Multi-Sited Ethnography", Annual Review of Anthropology 24(1995), p. 106.
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Victor Azarya, "The Nomadic Factor in Africa: Dominance or Marginality", in Nomads in the Sedentary World, eds. Anatoly M. Khazanov and André Wink (Richmond, 2001), p. 263.
See Marguerite Dupire, Peuls nomads: Etude descriptive des Wodaabe du Sahel nigérien (Paris, 1962)
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Cf. Bonfiglioli's study on the migrant history of a Wodaabe family; Angelo Bonfiglioli, Dudal: Histoire de famille et histoire de troupeau chez un groupe de Wodaabe du Niger (Oxford, 1988).
Elisabeth Boesen, "Identität und Pluralität: Die Fulbe in Zentralniger", Paideuma 50(2004), 101-126.
Cf. Cynthia White, "The Effect of Poverty on Risk Reduction Strategies of the Fulani Nomads in Niger", Nomadic Peoples n. s. 1 (1997);
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Kate Hampshire and Sara Randall, "Seasonal Labour Migration Strategies in the Sahel: Coping with Poverty or Optimising Security", International Journal of Population Geography 5(1999), 367-385;
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and Werner Heuler-Neuhaus, "Mit den Frauen verliert auch die dörfliche Gemeinschaft die Initiative: Gesellschaftliche und ökologische Auswirkungen von Emigration in der Provinz Yatenga (Burkina Faso)", in Wandern oder bleiben? Veränderung der Lebenssituation von Frauen im Sahel durch die Arbeitsmigration der Männer, ed. Elke Grawert (Münster, 1994).
Louise Sperling and John G. Galaty, "Cattle, Culture, and Economy: Dynamics in East Africa", in The World of Pastoralism: Herding Systems in Comparative Perspective, eds. John G. Galaty and Douglas L. Johnson (New York, 1990);
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Mohamed A. Mohamed-Salih, "Pastoralist Migration to Small Towns", in The Migration Experience in Africa, eds. Jonathan Baker and Tade Akin Aina (Stockholm, 1995)
and Anders Hjort af Arnäs, "Town-Based Pastoralism in Eastern Africa", in Small Town Africa: Studies in Rural-Urban Interaction, ed. Jonathan Baker (Uppsala, 1990).
Ulrike Schultz, Nomadenfrauen in der Stadt: Die Überlebensökonomie der Turkanafrauen (Berlin, 1996);
idem, "'One Day We Will Return Home': Turkana Women Migration and Remigration", in Women and Migration: Anthropological Perspectives, eds. Jacqueline Knörr and Barbara Meier (Frankfurt a. M., 2000).
Marguerite Dupire, "Situation de la femme dans une société pastorale (Peul WoDaaBe, nomade du Niger)", in Femmes d'Afrique Noire, ed. Denise Paulme (Paris, 1960).
Cf. Dupire, "Situation de la femme";
idem, Peuls nomades, pp. 247ff.;
idem, Savannah Nomads, p. 140ff.
idem, "The Hearthhold in Pastoral Fulbe Society, Central Mali: Social Relations, Milk, and Drought", Africa 67(1997), 625-651;
Solveig Buhl and Katherine Homewood, "Milk Selling Among Fulani Women in Northern Burkina Faso", in Rethinking Pastoralism in Africa: Gender, Culture, and the Myth of the Patriarchal Pastoralist, ed. Dorothy L. Hodgson (Oxford, 2001);
Solveig Buhl, "Gender Equality? No! What Fulbe Women Really Want", in Rural Resources and Local Livelihoods in Africa, ed. Katherine Homewood (New York, 2005).
Dorothy L. Hodgson, "Gender, Culture and the Myth of the Patriarchal Pastoralist", in Rethinking Pastoralism in Africa, ed. idem (Oxford, 2000).
Cf. Loftsdóttir, "Knowing What to Do."
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Jean Gallais, Pasteurs et paysans du Gourma: La condition sahelienne (Paris, 1975).
Cf. Mirjam de Bruijn, Han van Dijk and Rijk van Dijk, "Cultures of Travel: Fulbe Pastoralists in Central Mali and Pentecoastalism in Ghana", in Mobile Africa: Changing Patterns of Movement in Africa and Beyond, eds. Mirjam de Bruijn, Rijk van Dijk and Dick Foeken (Leiden, 2001).
See Michael Bollig, "Ethnic Relations and Spatial Mobility in Africa: A Review of the Peripatetic Niche", in The Other Nomads: Peripatetic Minorities in Cross-Cultural Perspective, ed. Aparna Rao, Kölner ethnologische Mitteilungen 8 (Cologne, 1987);
idem, "The Metamorphosis of Peripatetic Peoples in Africa", in Customary Strangers: New Perspectives on Peripatetic Peoples in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, eds. Joseph C. Berland and Aparna Rao (London, 2004).
Aparna Rao, "Des nomades méconnus: Pour une typologie des communautés péripatétiques", L'homme 95(1985), 97-120;
idem, "The Concept of Peripatetics: An Introduction", in The Other Nomads: Peripatetic Minorities in Cross-Cultural Perspective, ed. idem (Cologne, 1987).
Malgorzata Irek, der Schmugglerzug: Warschau-Berlin-Warschau: Materialien einer Feldforschung (Berlin, 1998).
Hellermann, "Gendered Margins."
Cf. Christiane Seydou, Dictionaire pluridialectale des racines verbales du peul (Paris, 1998), p. 711.
Rebecca Elmhirst, "Daughters and Displacement: Migration Dynamics in an Indonesian Transmigrant Area", The Journal of Development Studies 38(2002), 143-166.
See Elisabeth Boesen, "Gleaming Like the Sun: Aesthetic Values in Wodaabe Material Culture", Africa 18(2008), 582-602.
On Hausa medicines see Allan C. Darrah, A Hermeneutic Approach to Hausa Therapeutics: The Allegory of the Living Fire (PhD thesis, Northwestern University, Ann Arbor, 1980).
Amber Gemmeke, "The Map of Magic: Migrating Marabouts in Dakar", in Les nouveaux urbains dans l'espace Sahara-Sahel: Un cosmopolitisme par le bas, eds. Elisabeth Boesen and Laurence Marfaing (Paris, 2007).
See also Knut Graw, "Ritual Praxis as Access to the World: Migration, Globalization, and the Mediation of Prospect in Senegambian Divinatory Praxis", unpubl. paper presented at ZMO, Berlin, May 2006.
Marguerite Dupire, "Pharmacopée Peule du Niger et du Cameroun", Bulletin de l'IFAN 19(1957), 382-417.
Concerning the function of the jatigi see e.g. Jean Schmitz, "Des migrants aux « notables» urbains: Les communautés transnationales des gens du fleuve Sénégal (Sénégal/Mali/Mauritanie)", in Les nouveaux urbains dans l'espace Sahara-Sahel: Un cosmopolitisme par le bas, eds. Elisabeth Boesen and Laurence Marfaing (Paris, 2007);
Mirjam de Bruijn, E. A. van Wouter and Han van Dijk, "Antagonisme et solidarité: Les relations entre Peuls et Dogons du Mali Central", in Peuls et Mandingues: Dialectiques des constructions identitaires, eds. Mirjam de Bruijn and Han van Dijk (Paris, 1997).
See Elisabeth Boesen, "Pastoral Nomadism and Urban Migration: Mobility Among the Fulbe-Wodaabe from Central Niger", in Cultures of Migration: African Perspectives, eds. Hans Peter Hahn and Georg Klute (Hamburg, 2007).
Elisabeth Boesen, "Des localités nomades: Les 'maisons' Wodaabe en brousse et en ville", in Les nouveaux urbains dans l'espace Sahara-Sahel: Un cosmopolitisme par le bas, eds. Elisabeth Boesen and Laurence Marfaing (Paris, 2007).
Schmoll, "Pratiques spatiales", p. 143.
Mamadou Diouf, "Engaging Postcolonial Cultures: African Youth and Public Space", African Studies Review 46(2003), p. 10.
Omar Ndoye, Le sexe qui rend fou: Approche clinique et thérapeutique (Paris, 2003), p. 14.
Cf. Sharon Bohn Gmelch, "Groups that Don't Want In: Gypsies and Other Artisan, Trader, and Entertainer Minorities", Annual Review of Anthropology 15(1986), 307-330.
Schmoll, "Pratiques spatiales", p. 139.
Irek, der Schmugglerzug.
Schmoll, "Pratiques spatiales", p. 139.
Tarrius, Les nouveaux cosmopolitismes.
Cf. de Certeau, L'invention du quotidien.
idem, "Pratiques spatiales", p. 145.
Cf. Kenneth Little, African Women in Towns: An Aspect of Africa's Social Revolution (Cambridge, 1973).
Schmoll, "Pratiques spatiales", p. 147
Hellermann, "Gendered Margins", p. 25.
Margarida M. Marques et al., "Ariadne's Thread: Cape Verdean Women in Transnational Webs", Global Networks 1(2001), 292.
Marc Augé, Non-lieux: Introduction à une anthropologie de la surmodernité (Paris, 1992), p. 100.
Mamadou Diouf, "Senegalese Murid Trade Diaspora and the Making of a Vernacular Cosmopolitanism", Public Culture 12(2000), 679-702.
Bruno Riccio, "'Transmigrant' mais pas 'nomades'", Cahiers d'études africaines 46(2006), 95-114.
Boesen, "Des localités nomads."
Marcel Mauss, "Essai sur les variations saisonnières des sociétés Eskimo: Etude de morphologie sociale", L'année sociologique 9(1904-5), 72.
Boesen, "Gleaming Like the Sun. "
Schmoll, "Pratiques spatiales."
Cf. de Bruijn, van Dijk and Foeken, Mobile Africa;
Arjan de Haan and Ben Rogaly, eds., Labour Mobility and Rural Society, (Development Studies) 38 (London, 2002).
See Schmitz, "Des migrants aux «notables» urbains";
Thomas Faist, The Volume and Dynamics of International Migration and Transnational Social Spaces (Oxford, 2000);
idem, Transnationale Migration als relative Immobilität in einer globalisierten Welt, (Working Papers, Center for Migration, Citizenship and Development) 11 (Bielefeld, 2006).