
BOESEN Elisabeth

University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE) > Department of Humanities (DHUM) > History

Main Referenced Co-authors
WILLE, Christian  (9)
SCHNUER, Gregor  (5)
Schnuer, Gregor (5)
Marfaing, Laurence (4)
RECKINGER, Rachel  (3)
Main Referenced Keywords
migration (6); Greater Region (4); local development (4); Luxembourg (4); mobility (4);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
UniGR-Center for Border Studies (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Arts & humanities: Multidisciplinary, general & others (17)
Social & behavioral sciences, psychology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (8)
Human geography & demography (6)
Anthropology (5)
History (4)

Publications (total 37)

The most downloaded
RECKINGER, R., BOESEN, E., WILLE, C., Schnür, G., & HESSE, M. (Other coll.). (2013). Subjektivationen und Subjektivierungen. In Räume und Identitäten in Grenzregionen. Politiken – Medien – Subjekte. transcript.

The most cited

12 citations (Scopus®)

BOESEN, E., Marfaing, L., & Bruijn, M. D. (2014). Nomadism and mobility in the Sahara-Sahel: introduction. Canadian Journal of African Studies, 48 (1), 1-12. doi:10.1080/00083968.2014.935101

BOESEN, E. (May 2023). Rezension: Köhler, Florian, Space, place and identity: Wodaabe of Niger in the 21st century. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 29 (2), 469-470.

BOESEN, E. (2023). Negotiating the aesthetics of mourning in Luxembourg: on pre-modern forms in post-modern spaces. In D. House, M. Westendorp, ... A. Maddrell (Eds.), New Perspectives on Urban Deathscapes Continuity, Change, and Contestation (pp. 83 - 106). Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edgar Elgar.
Peer reviewed

BOESEN, E., BUDACH, G., ALBERT, I., MURDOCK, E., NIENABER, B., Barros, S., Campill, M., Delgado, S., & Navalha, M. (2023). Migration and Conviviality: Living with Difference in Luxembourg. Human Arenas. doi:10.1007/s42087-023-00366-2
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BOESEN, E. (2022). Rezension: Laura Caregari et al., Gudden Appetit. Hemecht: Zeitschrift für Luxemburger Geschichte, 74 (1).

BOESEN, E. (2020). Moving from nation into region. Experiences and memories of cross-border dwelling in the Greater Region SaarLorLux. In C. WILLE & B. NIENABER (Eds.), Border Experiences in Europe. Everyday Life - Working Life - Communication – Languages (pp. 127-142). Baden-Baden, Germany: Nomos.

BOESEN, E., Schnuer, G., & WILLE, C. (2020). Migration and Urbanity in Rural Areas. Developments in the German-Luxembourg Border Region. In F. Weber, C. WILLE, B. Caesar, ... J. Hollstegge, Geographien der Grenzen. Räume – Ordnungen – Verflechtungen (pp. 319-342). Wiesbaden, Unknown/unspecified: Springer VS. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-30950-3_15
Peer reviewed

BOESEN, E. (2019). Flowers and stones. Portugiesische und kapverdische Begräbniskulturen in Luxemburg. In S. KMEC, R. L. Philippart, ... A. Reuter (Eds.), Ewige Ruhe?/Concession à perpétuité? Grabkulturen in Luxemburg und den Nachbarregionen/Cultures funéraires au Luxembourg et dans les régions voisines (pp. 95-102). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: capybarabooks.

BOESEN, E., & SCHNUER, G. (Eds.). (2018). European Borderlands. Living with Barriers and Bridges (paperback edition). (paperback edition). Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routlegde.

SCUTO, D., & BOESEN, E. (Eds.). (November 2017). Histoire du temps présent - Bilan & Perspectives. Actes des 6es Assises de l'historiographie luxembourgeoise, édités par Elisabeth Boesen et Denis Scuto. Hemecht : Zeitschrift für Luxemburger Geschichte = Revue d'Histoire Luxembourgeoise, 3-4 (69), 277-436.
Peer reviewed

BOESEN, E. (November 2017). Einleitung. Hemecht : Zeitschrift für Luxemburger Geschichte = Revue d'Histoire Luxembourgeoise, 3-4 (69), 277-281.
Peer reviewed

BOESEN, E., & Schnuer, G. (2017). Dwelling in (Un)Familiarity: Examples from the Luxembourg-German Borderland. In E. BOESEN & G. Schnuer (Eds.), European Borderlands. Living with Barriers and Bridges (Border Regions Series) (pp. 144-158). Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge.

BOESEN, E. (2017). Introduction: Living in European Borderlands. In E. BOESEN & G. Schnuer (Eds.), European Borderlands. Living with Barriers and Bridges (Border Regions Series) (pp. 1-11). Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge.

BOESEN, E., & Gregor, S. (Eds.). (2017). European Borderlands. Living with Barriers and Bridges (Border Region Series). Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge.

WILLE, C., Schnuer, G., & BOESEN, E. (2016). Beyond Luxembourg. Spaces and Identity Constructions in the Context of Cross-Border Residential Migration. In C. WILLE, R. RECKINGER, S. KMEC, ... M. HESSE (Eds.), Spaces and Identities in Border Regions. Politics – Media – Subjects (pp. 326-338). Bielefeld, Unknown/unspecified: transcript.
Peer reviewed

RECKINGER, R., WILLE, C., BOESEN, E., & Schnür, G. (2016). Subjectifications and Subjectivations. In C. WILLE, R. RECKINGER, S. KMEC, ... M. HESSE (Eds.), Spaces and Identities in Border Regions. Politics – Media – Subjects (pp. 241-252). Bielefeld, Germany: transcript.
Peer reviewed

BOESEN, E. (2015). Wohnen jenseits der Mosel. Zur „Wohnmigration“ zwischen Luxemburg und dem deutschen Grenzraum. Forum für Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur in Luxemburg, (356), 8 -11.

WILLE, C., & BOESEN, E. (2015). Leben jenseits der Mosel. Die neue Auswanderung aus Luxemburg?

BOESEN, E., & SCHNUER, G. (2015). Wohnen jenseits der Grenze. Regionale Integration und ihre lokale Verwirklichung. In C. WILLE (Ed.), Lebenswirklichkeiten und politische Konstruktionen in Grenzregionen. Das Beispiel der Großregion SaaLorLux. Wirtschaft – Politik – Alltag – Kultur (pp. 179-201). Transcript.
Peer reviewed

BOESEN, E., Schnuer, G., & WILLE, C. (2015). Urbanität im ländlichen Raum. Wohnmigration in der deutsch-luxemburgischen Grenzregion. In R. Garstenauer & A. Unterwurzacher (Eds.), Aufbrechen, Arbeiten, Ankommen. Mobilität und Migration im ländlichen Raum seit 1945 (pp. 225-244). Innsbruck, Unknown/unspecified: Studienverlag.
Peer reviewed

BOESEN, E., NIENABER, B., ROOS, U., SCHNUER, G., & WILLE, C. (2015). Phantomgrenzen im Kontext grenzüberschreitender Wohnmigration. Das Beispiel des deutsch-luxemburgischen Grenzraums. Europa Regional, 22 (3-4), 114-128.
Peer reviewed

BOESEN, E., Marfaing, L., & Bruijn, M. D. (2014). Nomadism and mobility in the Sahara-Sahel: introduction. Canadian Journal of African Studies, 48 (1), 1-12. doi:10.1080/00083968.2014.935101
Peer reviewed

BOESEN, E., & Marfaing, L. (Eds.). (2014). Mobilités dans l'espace ouest-africain. Ressources, développement local et intégration régionale. Paris, France: Karthala.

BOESEN, E., & Marfaing, L. (2014). Mobilité, développement et intégration régionale. Une introduction. In E. BOESEN & L. Marfaing (Eds.), Mobilités dans l'espace ouest-africain. Ressources, développement local et intégration régionale (pp. 7-18). Paris, France: Karthala.

BOESEN, E. (2014). Migrations féminines: dimensions économiques et socio-culturelles de la mobilité de femmes wodaabe du Niger. In E. BOESEN & L. Marfaing (Eds.), Mobilités dans l'espace ouest-africain. Ressources, développement local et intégration régionale (pp. 179-203). Paris, France: Karthala.

WILLE, C., SCHNUER, G., & BOESEN, E. (2014). Beyond Luxembourg. Raum- und Identitätskonstruktionen im Kontext grenzüberschreitender Wohnmigration. In C. WILLE, R. RECKINGER, S. KMEC, ... M. HESSE (Eds.), Räume und Identitäten in Grenzregionen. Politiken – Medien – Subjekte (pp. 333-346). Bielefeld, Unknown/unspecified: transcript.
Peer reviewed

BOESEN, E., & Marfaing, L. (Eds.). (2014). Nomadism and mobility in the Sahara-Sahel. Canadian Journal of African Studies, 48 (1). doi:10.1080/00083968.2014
Peer reviewed

RECKINGER, R., WILLE, C., BOESEN, E., & SCHNUER, G. (2014). Subjektivationen und Subjektivierungen. In C. WILLE, R. RECKINGER, S. KMEC, ... M. HESSE (Eds.), Räume und Identitäten in Grenzräumen. Politiken – Medien – Subjekte (pp. 247-257). Bielefeld, Germany: transcript.
Peer reviewed

BOESEN, E., & Schnuer, G. (03 October 2013). Kosmopolitanismus und Regionalismus in einem europäischen ‘borderland’. Wohnmigration im deutsch-luxemburgischen Grenzraum [Paper presentation]. DGV Tagung 2013, Mainz, Germany.

RECKINGER, R., BOESEN, E., WILLE, C., Schnür, G., & HESSE, M. (Other coll.). (2013). Subjektivationen und Subjektivierungen. In Räume und Identitäten in Grenzregionen. Politiken – Medien – Subjekte. transcript.
Peer reviewed

BOESEN, E. (2012). The family as a social frame of reference. The example of Luxembourgian farmer families. In E. BOESEN, F. Lentz, M. MARGUE, D. SCUTO, ... R. WAGENER (Eds.), Peripeheral memories. Public and private forms of experiencing and narratibg the past (pp. 95-120). Belefeld, Unknown/unspecified: transcript.

BOESEN, E. (2012). Peripheral memories - introduction. In E. BOESEN, F. Lentz, M. MARGUE, D. SCUTO, ... R. WAGENER (Eds.), Peripheral memories. Publlic and private forms of experiencing and narrating the past (pp. 7-20). Bielefeld, Unknown/unspecified: transcript.

BOESEN, E., Lentz, F., MARGUE, M., SCUTO, D., & WAGENER, R. (Eds.). (2012). Peripheral memories. Public and private forms of experiencing and narrating the past. Bielefeld, Germany: transcript.

BOESEN, E., & SCUTO, D. (2011). Historical testimony and social transformation. On memory processes in farmer and steel worker families in Luxembourg. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 42 (3), 339-353.
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BOESEN, E. (2011). Lebensplanung und Familiengeschick. Soziale Transformationsprozesse und familiäre Tradierung bei luxemburgischen Bauern. In J. Kroh & S. Nuenkirch (Eds.), Erzählte Zukunft. Zur inter- und intragenerationellen Aushandlung von Zukunft (pp. 95-115). Göttingen, Germany: Wallstein Verlag.

BOESEN, E. (2010). Migration und Erinnerung. Einleitung / Migration et mémoire. Introduction. In E. BOESEN & F. Lentz (Eds.), Migration und Erinnerung. Konzepte und Methoden der Forschung / Migration et mémoire. Concepts et méthodes de recherche (pp. 1-27). Münster, Unknown/unspecified: Lit Verlag.

BOESEN, E. (2010). Wodaabe women and the outside world. In U. Freitag & A. von Oppen (Eds.), Translocality. The study of globalisingprocesses from a southern perspective (pp. 25-54). Leiden, Unknown/unspecified: Brill.
Peer reviewed

BOESEN, E., & Lentz, F. (Eds.). (2010). Migration und Erinnerung. Konzepte und Methoden der Forschung / Migration et mémoire. Concepts et méthodes de recherche. Münster, Germany: Lit Verlag.

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