[en] This interdisciplinary anthology addresses the criticism that previous investigations of borders are often under-complex and, therefore, fall short. Rather, the authors work out the complex interplay of elements and dimensions of the border and show this gives rise to dis/orders and how these become socially and spatially effective. They discuss principles of complexity-oriented border research, the significance of borders in emergent dis/order formations, borderings as social dis/orders in European border regions, in the EU and US migration regimes, and in virtual realities. The book makes an important contribution to the emerging complexity shift in current border studies. [de] Das interdisziplinäre Buch bearbeitet die Kritik, dass die bisherige Untersuchung von Grenzen oft unterkomplex war und daher zu kurz greift. Die Autor:innen arbeiten vielmehr das komplexe Zusammenspiel von Elementen und Dimensionen der Grenze heraus und zeigen, wie daraus Un/Ordnungen hervorgehen und wie diese sozial sowie räumlich wirksam werden. Sie diskutieren Prinzipien komplexitätsorientierter Grenzforschung, die Bedeutung von Grenzen in emergenten Un/Ordnungsformationen, Grenzziehungen als soziale Un/Ordnungen in europäischen Grenzregionen, im EU- und US-Migrationsregime sowie in virtuellen Wirklichkeiten. Das Buch leistet einen wichtigen Beitrag zum aufkommenden Complexity Shift in der aktuellen Grenzforschung.
Research center :
UniGR-Center for Border Studies
Disciplines :
Arts & humanities: Multidisciplinary, general & others Anthropology Human geography & demography Regional & inter-regional studies Sociology & social sciences Social & behavioral sciences, psychology: Multidisciplinary, general & others
Editor :
WILLE, Christian ; University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE) > Department of Geography and Spatial Planning (DGEO) > Geography and Spatial Planning
Review of the book: “Yet the added value of the work is undeniable. Despite major theoretical and methodological advances in border studies in recent years and despite the commonplace multidimensionality of a productive approach to borders, an elaborated meta-reflection on the performativity of the interaction of individual facets of borders has been missing. With the concept of Border Complexities, the book aims to address this gap. And it turns out that complexity theory and border studies are a perfect match [...].” (Hilpert 2024, online first in Space and Polity, DOI: 10.1080/13562576.2024.2377089)