Conference given outside the academic context (Diverse speeches and writings)
’This country is punching far beyond its weight’ – Luxembourg, a view from geography
HESSE, Markus


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Keywords :
Luxembourg; financial centres; global cities; urban development; planning
Abstract :
[en] The quote in the title comes from an expert interview in recent research. It illustrates the foundational fact that Luxembourg has considerably more economic power and dynamism than its size and institutional setup would allow it to accommodate. This is the basic problem that runs through all development and planning conflicts, reinforced by institutional and procedural complexity and inertia. Appropriate strategies need to be structural. However, current practice consists of micromanagement rather than strategy. It thus reveals three different sorts of illusion: a growth illusion; a steering illusion; and a sustainability illusion. The lecture will close by reflecting upon some thoughts on how to address structural challenges.
Research center :
Disciplines :
Human geography & demography
Author, co-author :
HESSE, Markus  ;  University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE) > Department of Geography and Spatial Planning (DGEO) > Geography and Spatial Planning
Language :
Title :
’This country is punching far beyond its weight’ – Luxembourg, a view from geography
Publication date :
29 November 2023
Number of pages :
Event name :
Event organizer :
University of Luxembourg
Event place :
Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
Event date :
23 November 2023
Focus Area :
Sustainable Development
FnR Project :
Name of the research project :
U-AGR-7115 - C21/SC/15872360/FINCITY (01/06/2022 - 31/05/2025) - HESSE Markus
Funders :
FNR - Fonds National de la Recherche
Funding number :
Available on ORBilu :
since 29 November 2023


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