Battery storage; Electricity balancing; Electrolyzer; Fuel cell; Gas grid; Hydrogen grid; Hydrogen storage; Electrolyzers; Hydrogen costs; Hydrogen energy storages; Hydrogen plants; Hydrogen tank; Power; Building and Construction; Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment; Mechanical Engineering; Energy (all); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law; General Energy
Abstract :
[en] Integration of renewable energy sources as one of the pillars of the power system decarbonization efforts is making a significant progress. However, large shares of renewables require additional flexibility to keep the system stable. Battery storage was identified as one of the solutions to restore the grid balance in short timeframes, from day-ahead to real time. Currently, the research community is trying to find an adequate technology for longer duration energy storage. Hydrogen, as an energy carrier, appears as a good choice for such task. Apart from hydrogen energy storage potential, it can also be used to implement power-to-gas technology able to mitigate renewable energy curtailment through the process of electrolysis. The produced hydrogen gas can be either used to partially decarbonize the natural gas grids or simply sold as hydrogen fuel. The main novelty of this paper is the creation of a mathematical model of a renewable power plant coupled with a battery storage and a hydrogen facility for trading in three day-ahead energy markets, i.e. electricity, natural gas and hydrogen, plus in the power balancing market subject to the imbalance settlement mechanism. This approach enables a long-term profitability analysis of different renewable, battery and hydrogen architectures (hydrogen energy storage, power-to-gas and their combination) and their participation in different markets. The results indicate that the battery energy storage provides balancing services to the transmission system operator almost exclusively, while it never provides balancing for its own imbalance needs, since this option is less financially attractive. The electrolyzer and the fuel cell operate at least one third of the year, depending on the observed case, and often provide a reserve. When considering the hydrogen market, the electrolyzer operates almost the entire year due to lucrative hydrogen prices. Both the battery storage and the hydrogen tank perform arbitrage in the day-ahead market, where the battery optimizes its operation on an hourly basis (short-term) and the hydrogen tank on a daily basis (medium- to long-term).
Research center :
Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) > FINATRAX - Digital Financial Services and Cross-organizational Digital Transformations
Disciplines :
Computer science Electrical & electronics engineering Management information systems
Author, co-author :
PAVIĆ, Ivan ✱; University of Luxembourg > Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SNT) > FINATRAX
Čović, Nikolina ; Department of Energy and Power Systems, University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb, Croatia
Pandžić, Hrvoje ; Department of Energy and Power Systems, University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb, Croatia
✱ These authors have contributed equally to this work.
External co-authors :
Language :
Title :
PV–battery-hydrogen plant: Cutting green hydrogen costs through multi-market positioning
Original title :
[en] PV–battery-hydrogen plant: Cutting green hydrogen costs through multi-market positioning
This work was supported by the Croatian Science Foundation and the European Union through the European Social Fund under project Flexibility of Converter-based Microgrids – FLEXIBASE ( PZS-2019-02-7747 ).
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