[en] This paper deals with the problem of self-calibrating a moving camera with constant parameters. We propose a new set of quartic trivariate polynomial equations in the unknown coordinates of the plane at infinity derived under the no-skew assumption. Our new equations allow to further enforce the constancy of the principal point across all images while retrieving the plane at infinity. Six such polynomials, four of which are independent, are obtained for each triplet of images. The proposed equations can be solved along with the so-called modulus constraints and allow to improve the performance of existing methods.
Disciplines :
Computer science
Identifiers :
Author, co-author :
Habed, Adlane; University of Burgundy, France
AL ISMAEIL, Kassem ; University of Luxembourg > Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SNT)
Fofi, David; University of Burgundy, France
External co-authors :
Language :
Title :
A New Set of Quartic Trivariate Polynomial Equations for Stratied Camera Self-calibrationunder Zero-Skew and Constant Parameters Assumptions
Publication date :
Event name :
12th European Conference on Computer Vision
Event place :
Florence, Italy
Event date :
7 - 13 October
Audience :
Main work title :
Computer Vision – ECCV 2012, 12th European Conference on Computer Vision, Florence, Italy, October 7-13, 2012, Proceedings, Part VI