Euler continuants; Wild character varieties; Double quasi-Poisson algebras
Abstract :
[en] It was established by Boalch that Euler continuants arise as Lie group valued moment maps for a class of wild character varieties described as moduli spaces of points on P1 by Sibuya. Furthermore, Boalch noticed that these varieties are multiplicative analogues of certain Nakajima quiver varieties originally introduced by Calabi, which are attached to the quiver Γn on two vertices and n equioriented arrows. In this article, we go a step further by unveiling that the Sibuya varieties can be understood using noncommutative quasi-Poisson geometry modelled on the quiver Γn . We prove that the Poisson structure carried by these varieties is induced, via the Kontsevich–Rosenberg principle, by an explicit Hamiltonian double quasi-Poisson algebra defined at the level of the quiver Γn such that its noncommutative multiplicative moment map is given in terms of Euler continuants. This result generalises the Hamiltonian double quasi-Poisson algebra associated with the quiver Γ1 by Van den Bergh. Moreover, using the method of fusion, we prove that the Hamiltonian double quasi-Poisson algebra attached to Γn admits a factorisation in terms of n copies of the algebra attached to Γ1
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Author, co-author :
FERNANDEZ ALVAREZ, David ; University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine (FSTM) > Department of Mathematics (DMATH)
Fairon, Maxime; Université Paris-Saclay
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Language :
Title :
Euler continuants in noncommutative quasi-Poisson geometry