2023 • In Dima, Alina Mihaela; DANESCU, Elena (Eds.) Fostering recovery through metaverse business modelling - An interdisciplinary analysis of the new paradigm shift
Luxembourg; European Integration History; Tax policy; Fiscal competition; Luxembourg international financial centre; Pierre Werner; Economic and Monetary Union; National sovereignity
Abstract :
[en] Luxembourg is currently one of the most politically stable, consensus-oriented, and prosperous countries in the world, characterised by am advanced social market economy, and a level of material wellbeing above the EU average. Its strong fiscal position is well illustrated by a longstanding AAA credit rating, a significant accumulation of government financial assets, and a distinct fiscal approach. In this light, this paper aims to investigate the specific features of the tax system in Luxembourg from a multidisciplinary perspective by analysing historical sources and exploring the development of these particularities over time, their impact on the socioeconomic context and their repercussions for the European integration process, especially in the design and completion of Economic and Monetary Union (EMU).
Research center :
- Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH) > Contemporary European History (EHI)
Disciplines :
Political science, public administration & international relations International economics General economics & history of economic thought Arts & humanities: Multidisciplinary, general & others History
Author, co-author :
DANESCU, Elena ; University of Luxembourg > Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH) > Contemporary European History
External co-authors :
Language :
Title :
Regional heterogeneity and individual characteristics in the development of a European tax policy: historical insights from Luxembourg
Publication date :
March 2023
Event name :
Fostering recovery through metaverse business modelling - The 5th International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences
Event organizer :
The Bucharest University of Economic Studies Higher Education and Research in Management of European Universities (HERMES) Network Romanian Academy Sapienza University, Rome (Italy) EM Strasbourg Business School, Strasbourg (France) University of Luxembourg
Event place :
Bucharest, Romania
Event date :
From 16-06-2022 to 17-06-2022
Audience :
Main work title :
Fostering recovery through metaverse business modelling - An interdisciplinary analysis of the new paradigm shift
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