Speech/Talk (Diverse speeches and writings)
DIGITAL COLLECTION - DIGITAL COLLECTION of PROJECT WARLUX-Soldiers and their communities in WWII: The impact and legacy of war experiences in Luxembourg
JANZ, Nina; VERCRUYSSE, Sarah Maya


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Keywords :
Digital Collection; WWII; War letters
Abstract :
[en] In February 2021, a call for contributions was launched through the media (newspapers and radio) to collect ego-documents about the men, women and their families affected by the Nazi draft during the Second World War. The response was overwhelmingly successful, and the team received more than 200 calls and messages in the first few days. The collection phase (February to October 2021) involved visiting families to bring the originals to campus, where they were scanned and indexed. Interaction with donors and the public was a pivotal activity to enrich the personal documents with additional information about the individuals' backgrounds for an in-depth analysis. After completing the survey process, the team collected 160 collections (from 160 contributors), creating the central source of documentation for research into personal experiences of war.
Research center :
- Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH) > Contemporary European History (EHI)
Disciplines :
Author, co-author :
JANZ, Nina ;  University of Luxembourg > Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH) > Contemporary History of Luxembourg
VERCRUYSSE, Sarah Maya  ;  University of Luxembourg > Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH) > Contemporary History of Luxembourg
Language :
Title :
DIGITAL COLLECTION - DIGITAL COLLECTION of PROJECT WARLUX-Soldiers and their communities in WWII: The impact and legacy of war experiences in Luxembourg
Publication date :
25 May 2022
Event name :
Scientific committee of the Luxembourg Centre of Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH)
Event organizer :
Event place :
Bevlal, Luxembourg
Audience :
FnR Project :
FNR13714130 - Warlux: Soldiers And Their Communities In Wwii: The Impact And Legacy Of War Experiences In Luxembourg, 2019 (15/03/2020-14/03/2024) - Denis Scuto
Name of the research project :
Funders :
FNR - Fonds National de la Recherche [LU]
Available on ORBilu :
since 25 May 2022


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