VERCRUYSSE, S. M., JANZ, N., & Siemaszko, H. (Other coll.). (2024). C²DH Podcast - Innovating & Sharing History - WARLUX - Soldiers and their communities in WWII. SciLux podcast. |
VERCRUYSSE, S. M., & LANDAU, B. (2024). Que faire des « indésirables » ? Étude comparative de la dépossession des familles considérées comme juives et des familles déplacées de force au Luxembourg (1940-1944). Revue d'Histoire de la Shoah, 219 (1), 149-170. doi:10.3917/rhsho.219.0149 Peer reviewed |
JANZ, N., & VERCRUYSSE, S. M. (2023). WARLUX nodegoat database, on recruits of Schifflange/Luxembourg, Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History/University of Luxembourg. doi:10.5281/zenodo.8138202 |
JANZ, N., Courtoy, J., Devé, S., & VERCRUYSSE, S. M. (2023). Die Zwangsrekrutierung und deren gesellschaftliche Folgen während der NS-Besatzungszeit in Luxemburg : Eine Analyse zur Ortschaft Schifflingen. Portal Militärgeschichte. |
VERCRUYSSE, S. M. (2023). The conscription of non-German men and women into the Wehrmacht and Reichsarbeitsdienst (1938-1945). hsozkult. |
VERCRUYSSE, S. M. (2023). Renconter zu Schëffleng am Kader vum Projet WARLUX. Luxembourg: Radio 100,7. |
VERCRUYSSE, S. M. (2023). Presenter: Researching the impacts of conscription on Luxembourgish families during WWII - a case-study on the consequences of desertion and draft evasion [Paper presentation]. Strand Colloquium - Transnational History and Digital Methods. |
SCHMOLZE, S., JANZ, N., & VERCRUYSSE, S. M. (2023). Local history up close. |
Courtoy, J., HOFFMANN, E., Devé, S., Duarte, Y., Marques, A., ARTUSO, V. (Other coll.), Dostert, P. (Other coll.), Kmec, S. (Other coll.), Schoentgen, M. (Other coll.), & VERCRUYSSE, S. M. (Other coll.). (2023). Im Griff des Nationalsozialismus : Fallstudien zu NS-Organisationen in Luxemburg und der Ortschaft Schifflingen. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: Musée National de la Résistance et de Droits Humains. Editorial reviewed |
JANZ, N., & VERCRUYSSE, S. M. (2022). The “Long” Arm of Military Justice: The arrest and resettlement of the families of military deserters [Paper presentation]. Military Justice in the Modern Era, 1850 – 1945, Berlin, Germany. doi:10.5281/zenodo.6937903 |
JANZ, N., & VERCRUYSSE, S. M. (2022). DIGITAL COLLECTION - DIGITAL COLLECTION of PROJECT WARLUX-Soldiers and their communities in WWII: The impact and legacy of war experiences in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. Scientific committee of the Luxembourg Centre of Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH), Bevlal, Luxembourg. |
VERCRUYSSE, S. M. (2022). Families of Luxembourgish Wehrmacht recruits during the Nazi occupation and the impact of local authorities and National Socialist organisations on their everyday lives. Denken ohne Geländer. |
JANZ, N., VERCRUYSSE, S. M., & SCHMOLZE, S. (2022). Presentation of the WARLUX research project, database and website for the Schifflange case study [Paper presentation]. Forum Z - Lokalgeschichte ganz nah: Persönliche Kriegserlebnisse in Schifflange, Luxembourg. |
VERCRUYSSE, S. M. (2022). Presenter: Families of Luxembourgish soldiers during the Nazi occupation and the impact of local authorities and NS-organizations on their everyday life [Paper presentation]. Demokratie- und Diktaturforschung im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert: Individuum und Organisation in autoritären und demokratischen Gesellschaftsordnungen. |
VERCRUYSSE, S. M. (2022). Presenter: The Umsiedlung of families of Luxembourgish recruits during the Nazi occupation (1942–1945) [Paper presentation]. Umsiedlung und die Ordnungen des Raumes: Bevölkerungsverschiebungen in landeshistorischer und vergleichender Perspektive, Halle, Germany. |
VERCRUYSSE, S. M. (2022). Presenter: Sippenhaft and Umsiedlung - Consequences of desertion on families of Luxembourgish recruits (1942-1945) [Paper presentation]. The impact of war experiences in Europe – The conscription of non-German men and women into the Wehrmacht and Reichsarbeitsdienst (1938-1945), Luxembourg. |
JANZ, N., VERCRUYSSE, S. M., & PAULY, M. R. (June 2021). Using data analysis on recruited Luxembourgers in WWII - Project WARLUX [Paper presentation]. nodegoatday 2021. |
SCUTO, D. (Other coll.), PAULY, M. R. (Other coll.), VERCRUYSSE, S. M. (Other coll.), & JANZ, N. (Other coll.). (2021). Zwangsrekrutierung: Geschichte von unten erzählen. |
VERCRUYSSE, S. M. (2021). Presenter : Umsiedlung and dispossessions of families of Luxembourgish recruits during the Nazi occupation (1942-1945) [Paper presentation]. "Déposséder –dépossédé - Journées d’étude consacrées aux mécanismes de dépossession et à leur représentation en Europe pendant la Seconde Guerre Mondiale", Luxembourg. |
JANZ, N., PAULY, M. R., & VERCRUYSSE, S. M. (28 October 2020). Warlux - Soldiers and their communities in WWII - The impact and legacy of war experiences in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. Research Seminar, Belval, Luxembourg. |