Article (Scientific journals)
Individual differences in the perception of bodily sensations: The role of trait anxiety and coping style
Steptoe, Andrew; Vögele, Claus
1992In Behaviour Research and Therapy, 30, p. 597-607
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi


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Abstract :
[en] Thirty young women participated in an experiment in which heart rate, blood pressure, respiration rate, skin conductance level and palmar sweat index were monitored at rest and during the administration of mental arithmetic, mirror drawing and cold pressor tasks. The accuracy of perception of somatic states was estimated by calculating within-subject correlations between four bodily sensations (racing heart, high blood pressure, shortness of breath and sweaty hands) and corresponding physiological parameters, assessed on eight occasions during the experiment. The accuracy of heart rate perception was highest, with a mean correlation between actual heart rate and ratings of racing heart of 0.76 and 66% of participants showing significant within-subject effects. The mean accuracy was 0.55 for systolic blood pressure, 0.48 for respiration rate, 0.47 for skin conductance level, and 0.64 for palmar sweat index. Accurate perception across physiological parameters did not cluster within individuals, and was not dependent on the range either of physiological changes or sensation ratings. Trait anxiety was not significantly associated with accuracy of somatic perception. Subjects with high trait anxiety reported larger increases in shortness of breath during tasks than did low anxious subjects, but this was not reflected in objective physiological measures. Information-seeking coping style, indexed by the monitoring scale of the Miller Behavioral Style Scale, was related to the accuracy of perception of skin conductance level and heart rate. The use of within-subject correlational strategies for assessing individual differences in perception of bodily states is discussed.
Disciplines :
Neurosciences & behavior
Treatment & clinical psychology
Animal psychology, ethology & psychobiology
Theoretical & cognitive psychology
Identifiers :
Author, co-author :
Steptoe, Andrew
Vögele, Claus ;  University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Language and Literature, Humanities, Arts and Education (FLSHASE) > Integrative Research Unit: Social and Individual Development (INSIDE)
Language :
Title :
Individual differences in the perception of bodily sensations: The role of trait anxiety and coping style
Publication date :
Journal title :
Behaviour Research and Therapy
Publisher :
Elsevier Science, Oxford, United Kingdom
Volume :
Pages :
Peer reviewed :
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
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since 08 August 2013


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