Article (Scientific journals)
The suitability of French law to B Corp
HIEZ, David
2021In The suitability of French law to B Corp, p. 17


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Abstract :
[en] B Corp has been launched more than ten years ago in North America and it has gained all the continents. France has also welcome B Corp, whereas its regulatory landscape is very different from common law. Therefore, it is very stimulating to question the development of B Corp in this country. It can be done with various angles, and we chose to do it through the traditional dogmatic methodology.
Disciplines :
Economic & commercial law
Author, co-author :
HIEZ, David  ;  University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance (FDEF) > Department of Law (DL)
External co-authors :
Language :
Title :
The suitability of French law to B Corp
Publication date :
Journal title :
The suitability of French law to B Corp
Pages :
Focus Area :
Law / European Law
Available on ORBilu :
since 09 February 2021


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