Article (Scientific journals)
Anger management - Evaluation of a cognitive-behavioral training program for table tennis players
2017In Journal of Human Kinetics, 55, p. 65-73
Peer reviewed


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Keywords :
anger management; evaluation; training program
Abstract :
[en] Based on a systematic review of the literature on anger and anger management in sport, there is evidence that anger might be dysfunctional, especially in sports requiring selective attention and fine-tuned motor skills. The research literature suggests that cognitive-behavioral intervention programs can be fruitful in helping athletes to understand and control dysfunctional anger. Therefore, the main goal of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a brief training program for table tennis players in cognitive-behavioral anger management that aimed at changing their non-effective anger reactions. The sample comprised 18 young competitive table tennis players (age range from 16 to 22 years) divided randomly into a treatment (n = 10) and a control group (n = 8). A trained group leader instructed the treatment group. Six sessions were held over a period of two months. Cognitive-relaxation coping skills associated with social skills of subjects from the treatment group were compared to no-treatment controls. Psychological measurements (i.e., self-reports on anger) were applied before, during and after treatment as well as in a follow-up session. The one-year follow-up session revealed that, in contrast to the control group, the treatment group showed a significant reduction in outwardly negative anger expression as well as anger reactions specific to table tennis. Despite limitations inherent in the research design, the training program was deemed effective.
Disciplines :
Treatment & clinical psychology
Author, co-author :
STEFFGEN, Georges ;  University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Language and Literature, Humanities, Arts and Education (FLSHASE) > Integrative Research Unit: Social and Individual Development (INSIDE)
External co-authors :
Language :
Title :
Anger management - Evaluation of a cognitive-behavioral training program for table tennis players
Publication date :
January 2017
Journal title :
Journal of Human Kinetics
Special issue title :
Racket sports
Volume :
Pages :
Peer reviewed :
Peer reviewed
Available on ORBilu :
since 19 January 2017


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