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A multimodal conversation analytic approach to investigate a joint problem solving task.
AREND, Béatrice


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Keywords :
Conversation Analysis; Joint Problem Solving; Multimodality
Abstract :
[en] In our paper, we will demonstrate how a multimodal conversation analytic approach can shed light on the complex phenomenon of joint problem solving in a Mathematics classroom. Through a fine-grained video based single case analysis (Mondada, 2013; Arend et al., 2014), we will show how three children collaboratively solve mathematical problems by mobilizing various resources. They address each other by talking, gazing, gesturing, changing body position as well as by manipulating artefacts. Multimodal conversation analysis allows us to investigate the ongoing organisation of the children’s problem solving activity in its temporal and sequential unfolding as well as to study the multimodally embodied multiparty utterances in their mutual responsiveness (Streeck et al, 2011). Favouring an interactional approach interested in the coordinated achievement of activity (Arend & Sunnen, 2016), we consider that the progress and the outcome of the problem solving activity emerge in situ from the children’s interactions. By relying on multimodal CA, we may point out how the children achieve mutual understanding while accomplishing a task in a Mathematics lesson. Our paper seeks to make a contribution to investigate group-based classroom activities (Mercer et al, 2004) as well as to sensitise teachers to the high complexity of mutually accomplished classroom tasks. Arend, B., Sunnen, P. (2016). Dialogic Classroom Talk - Rethinking ‘Messy’ Classroom Interaction. Proceedings of the 10th EAPRIL (European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning in Education and Professional Practice) conference, 424-434. Arend, B., Sunnen, P., Fixmer, P., Sujbert, M. (2014). Perspectives do matter – Expanding Multimodal Interaction Analysis with Joint Screen. Classroom Discourse, Special Issue Multimodality, 5(1), 38-50. Mondada, L. (2013). The conversation Analytic Approach to Data Collection. In J. Sidnell, & T. Stivers (eds.), The Handbook of Conversation Analysis (32-56). Oxford: Wiley Blackwell. Mercer, N., Dawes, R., Wegerif, R., Sams, C. (2004). Reasoning as a scientist: ways of helping children to use language to learn science. British Educational Research Journal, 30, (3), 367-385. Streeck, J., Goodwin, C. & LeBaron, C. (eds.) (2011). Embodied Interaction, Language and Body in the Material World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Disciplines :
Languages & linguistics
Author, co-author :
AREND, Béatrice  ;  University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Language and Literature, Humanities, Arts and Education (FLSHASE) > Education, Culture, Cognition and Society (ECCS)
Language :
Title :
A multimodal conversation analytic approach to investigate a joint problem solving task.
Publication date :
15 November 2016
Event name :
9th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Event organizer :
IATED International Academy of Technology, Education and Development
Event place :
Sevilla, Spain
Event date :
from 14-11-2016 to 16-11-2016
Audience :
Focus Area :
Educational Sciences
Available on ORBilu :
since 01 November 2016


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