Article (Scientific journals)
An LMI approach for the Integral Sliding Mode and Hinfinity State Feedback Control Problem
BEZZAOUCHA, Souad; Henry, David
2015In Journal of Physics. Conference Series
Peer reviewed


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Keywords :
Integral Sliding Mode; Hinfinity State Feedback Control; LMI approach
Abstract :
[en] This paper deals with the state feedback control problem for linear uncertain systems subject to both matched and unmatched perturbations. The proposed control law is based on an the Integral Sliding Mode Control (ISMC) approach to tackle matched perturbations as well as the H1 paradigm for robustness against unmatched perturbations. The proposed method also parallels the work presented in [1] which addressed the same problem and proposed a solution involving an Algebraic Riccati Equation (ARE)-based formulation. The contribution of this paper is concerned by the establishment of a Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI)-based solution which off ers the possibility to consider other types of constraints such as D-stability constraints (pole assignment-like constraints). The proposed methodology is applied to a pilot three-tank system and experiment results illustrate the feasibility. Note that only a few real experiments have been rarely considered using SMC in the past. This is due to the high energetic behaviour of the control signal. It is important to outline that the paper does not aim at proposing a LMI formulation of an ARE. This is done since 1971 [2] and further discussed in [3] where the link between AREs and ARIs (algebraic Riccati inequality) is established for the H1 control problem. The main contribution of this paper is to establish the adequate LMI-based methodology (changes of matrix variables) so that the ARE that corresponds to the particular structure of the mixed ISMC/H1 structure proposed by [1] can be re-formulated within the LMI paradigm.
Disciplines :
Computer science
Author, co-author :
BEZZAOUCHA, Souad ;  University of Luxembourg > Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SNT)
Henry, David;  University of Bordeaux, IMS Laboratory > Pr
External co-authors :
Language :
Title :
An LMI approach for the Integral Sliding Mode and Hinfinity State Feedback Control Problem
Publication date :
Journal title :
Journal of Physics. Conference Series
Special issue title :
Conference Series
Peer reviewed :
Peer reviewed
Available on ORBilu :
since 03 February 2016


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