[en] On any simply connected Sasaki-Einstein five dimensional manifold one can construct a super Yang-Mills theory which preserves at least two supersymmetries. We study the special case of toric Sasaki-Einstein manifolds known as Y
p,q manifolds.
We use the localisation technique to compute the full perturbative part of the partition function. The full equivariant result is expressed in terms of certain special function which appears to be a curious generalisation of the triple sine function. As an application of our general result we study the large N behaviour for the case of single hypermultiplet in adjoint representation and we derive the
3-behaviour in this case.
Disciplines :
Author, co-author :
QIU, Jian ; University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Science, Technology and Communication (FSTC) > Mathematics Research Unit
Zabzine, Maxim; Uppsala University
Language :
Title :
5D Super Yang-Mills on Y p,q Sasaki-Einstein manifolds