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Caractère d'isogénie et critères d'irréductibilité
DAVID, Agnès


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Keywords :
Mathematics - Number Theory; 11G05; 11F80
Abstract :
[en] This article deals with the Galois representation attached to elliptic curves with an isogeny of prime degree over a number field. We first determine uniform criteria for the irreducibility of Galois representations attached to elliptic curves in some infinite families, characterised by their reduction type at some fixed places of the base field. Then, we give an explicit form for a bound that appear in a theorem of Momose. Finally, we use these results to precise a previous theorem of the author about the homotheties contained in the image of the Galois representation.
Disciplines :
Author, co-author :
DAVID, Agnès ;  University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Science, Technology and Communication (FSTC) > Mathematics Research Unit
Language :
Title :
Caractère d'isogénie et critères d'irréductibilité
Alternative titles :
[en] Isogeny character and irreducibility criteria
Publication date :
20 March 2011
Available on ORBilu :
since 20 November 2013


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