Welcome to v2 of ORBilu!
March 5, 2026

Need to produce reports or publication lists with ORBilu?

If you would like to download reports and generate publication lists with ORBilu, to analyse, or to export to a bibliographic tool, or simply to produce publication lists to share or publish online and in reports, read our guidance.

Step by step

Discover ORBilu

Read about the principal objectives of ORBilu, the University Mandate and the benefits to the researcher, the institution, and to society.

Visibility and impact

ORBilu contributes to knowledge by publicly sharing research results. Your research inspires collaboration and innovation globally.

Encourage open science

ORBilu contributes to knowledge by publicly sharing research results. Your research inspires collaboration and innovation globally.

Key figures
deposits per year (last 12 months)
40 %
have Open Access full text
downloads per year (last 12 months)
downloads (total)
Contact ORBilu