
HEIN Andreas

University of Luxembourg > Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SNT) > SPASYS

Main Referenced Co-authors
ALANDIHALLAJ, Mohammadamin  (13)
RAMEZANI, Mahya  (8)
THOEMEL, Jan  (7)
FRANZESE, Vittorio  (6)
KANAVOURAS, Konstantinos  (5)
Main Referenced Keywords
Aerospace Engineering (5); Astronomy and Astrophysics (2); Atmospheric Science (2); CubeSat (2); Cubesat (2);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) > SpaSys - The Space Systems Engineering research group (2)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Aerospace & aeronautics engineering (38)
Space science, astronomy & astrophysics (3)
Engineering, computing & technology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (2)
Computer science (1)

Publications (total 43)

The most downloaded
KANAVOURAS, K., HEIN, A., & SACHIDANAND, M. (2022). Agile Systems Engineering for sub-CubeSat scale spacecraft. In Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC22. IAF. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2210.10653

The most cited

10 citations (Scopus®)

Olivares-Mendez, M., MAKHDOOMI, M. R., YALCIN, B. C., BOKAL, Z., MURALIDHARAN, V., Ortiz Del Castillo, M., GAUDILLIERE, V., PAULY, L., BORGUE, O., ALANDIHALLAJ, M., THOEMEL, J., SKRZYPCZYK, E., RATHINAM, A., BARAD, K. R., SHABAYEK, A. E. R., HEIN, A., AOUADA, D., & Martinez, C. (2023). Zero-G Lab: A multi-purpose facility for emulating space operations. Journal of Space Safety Engineering, 10 (4), 509–521. doi:10.1016/j.jsse.2023.09.003

SHNEIDER, C., Petrov, V. L., & HEIN, A. (2025). Forecasting High-Energy Proton and Electron Fluxes at LEO Orbits [Poster presentation]. European Space Weather Week 2024, Coimbra, Portugal.
Peer reviewed

MOREIRA, C. M., SHNEIDER, C., & HEIN, A. (2025). Edge Computing in Space: Design of an FPGA Architecture for Thermal Anomaly Detection based on a Machine Learning Approach. Advances in Space Research. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2025.01.003
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BAHLMANN, J., Saidani, M., FRANZESE, V., Stoll, E., & HEIN, A. (31 October 2024). Space and the Circular Economy: Exploring Expert Perceptions [Paper presentation]. 75th International Astronautical Congress, Milan, Italy.

GOUVALAS, S., FRANZESE, V., & HEIN, A. (18 October 2024). Towards the Smallest Inter-Satellite Terminal [Paper presentation]. IAC 2024 congress proceedings, 75th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Milan, Italy.

KANAVOURAS, K., BÜHLER, A. F., & HEIN, A. (2024). Building a Lightweight Data Management Tool for Small Satellite Missions. In Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC24. IAF.

FRANZESE, V., KANAVOURAS, K., BRUCE ROSETE, C., GOUVALAS, S., SAJJAD, N., ALANDIHALLAJ, M., HERASIMENKA, A., & HEIN, A. (14 October 2024). Technologies of the POQUITO pico-satellite mission: the first PocketQube of the University of Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. International Astronautical Congress.

BRUCE ROSETE, C., FRANZESE, V., & HEIN, A. (14 October 2024). Mission design and analysis of a PocketQube swarm mission for distributed beamforming [Paper presentation]. International Astronautical Congress.

RAMEZANI, M., ALANDIHALLAJ, M., & HEIN, A. (12 October 2024). Autonomous Orbital Correction for Nano Satellites Using J2 Perturbation and LSTM Networks [Paper presentation]. International Astronautical Congress IAC, Milan, Italy.
Editorial reviewed

ALANDIHALLAJ, M., & HEIN, A. (October 2024). Exploring the potential of fractionated spacecraft for enhanced satellite connectivity: Application to the satellite-to-cell case. Acta Astronautica, 223, 58 - 76. doi:10.1016/j.actaastro.2024.06.050
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Berthet, M., Schalkwyk, J., Çelik, O., Sengupta, D., Fujino, K., HEIN, A., Tenorio, L., Cardoso dos Santos, J., Worden, S. P., Mauskopf, P. D., Miyazaki, Y., Funaki, I., Tsuji, S., Fil, P., & Suzuki, K. (October 2024). Space sails for achieving major space exploration goals: Historical review and future outlook. Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 150, 101047. doi:10.1016/j.paerosci.2024.101047
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SAJJAD, N., Mirshams, M., & HEIN, A. (September 2024). Spaceborne and ground-based sensor collaboration: Advancing resident space objects’ orbit determination for space sustainability. Astrodynamics, 8 (3), 325 - 347. doi:10.1007/s42064-023-0193-1
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Lebert, J., HEIN, A., & Dziura, M. (July 2024). Optimal strategies for the exploration of near-by stars. Advances in Space Research, 74 (1), 415 - 436. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2024.04.003
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RAMEZANI, M., ALANDIHALLAJ, M., & HEIN, A. (2024). PPO-Based Dynamic Control of Uncertain Floating Platforms in Zero-G Environment. In 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2024. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. doi:10.1109/ICRA57147.2024.10610101
Peer reviewed

Fakhfakh, S., Jankovic, M., HEIN, A., & Chazal, Y. (May 2024). Early stakeholder modeling and analysis: New mobility services (Product Service Systems of Systems). Systems Engineering, 27 (3), 449 - 465. doi:10.1002/sys.21728
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ALANDIHALLAJ, M., RAMEZANI, M., & HEIN, A. (2024). MBSE-Enhanced LSTM Framework for Satellite System Reliability and Failure Prediction [Paper presentation]. 12th International Conference on Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering, Italy. doi:10.5220/0012607600003645
Peer reviewed

JAFFER, G., Malik, R., Aboutanios, E., Rubab, N., Nader, R., Eichelberger, H., Vandenbosch, G., & HEIN, A. (2024). Air traffic monitoring using optimized ADS-B CubeSat constellation. Astrodynamics, 8 (1). doi:10.1007/s42064-023-0189-x
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RAMEZANI, M., ALANDIHALLAJ, M., & HEIN, A. (2024). Fuel-Efficient and Fault-Tolerant CubeSat Orbit Correction via Machine Learning-Based Adaptive Control. Aerospace, 11 (10), 807. doi:10.3390/aerospace11100807
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BÜHLER, A. F., HEIN, A., RANA, L., LAZREG, S., & CORDY, M. (2024). Leveraging MBSE to support decision-making in space program design [Poster presentation]. Workshop on Model-Based Space Systems and Software Engineering (MBSE2024).
Editorial reviewed

KANAVOURAS, K., & HEIN, A. (2024). Agile Development of sub-CubeSat Spacecraft. IEEE Engineering Management Review, 1-17. doi:10.1109/EMR.2024.3503545
Peer reviewed

FRANZESE, V., & HEIN, A. (17 November 2023). Modelling Detection Distances to Small Bodies Using Spacecraft Cameras. Modelling, 4 (4), 600-610. doi:10.3390/modelling4040034
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DUBEY, P., & HEIN, A. (2023). Quantum Computing for Space: Exploring Quantum Circuits on Programmable Nanophotonic Chips. In Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress. Paris, France: International Astronautical Federation.

DUBEY, P., & HEIN, A. (2023). Secure CubeSat-to-CubeSat Communication using Quantum Key Distribution for Information Updates and Risk Alerts. In Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress. Paris, France: International Astronautical Federation.

DUBEY, P., & HEIN, A. (2023). Satellite Routing with Quantum Annealing: Collecting Space Debris and On-orbit Servicing. In Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress. International Astronautical Federation.

ALANDIHALLAJ, M., YALCIN, B. C., RAMEZANI, M., OLIVARES MENDEZ, M. A., THOEMEL, J., & HEIN, A. (02 October 2023). Mitigating fuel sloshing disturbance in on-orbit satellite refueling: an Experimental study [Paper presentation]. International Astronautical Congress IAC.
Peer reviewed

LAUR, J., Luis, D., Viladegut, A., Giangaspero, V. F., Lani, A., GONZALEZ RIOS, J. L., QUEROL, J., VASQUEZ-PERALVO, J. A., MERLANO DUNCAN, J. C., HEIN, A., & THOEMEL, J. (02 October 2023). Radio Communication Blackout Mitigation: Ray Tracing Analysis and Signal Characterization Including Experimental Validation for Non-magnetized Plasmas [Paper presentation]. AEC 2023 - 10th EUCASS - 9th CEAS, Lausanne, Switzerland. doi:10.13009/EUCASS2023-487

YALCIN, B. C., ALANDIHALLAJ, M., HEIN, A., & OLIVARES MENDEZ, M. A. (October 2023). Advances in Control Techniques for Floating Platform Stabilization in the Zero-G Lab [Paper presentation]. 17th Symposium on Advanced Space Technologies in Robotics and Automation.
Peer reviewed

Javed, S., Rubab, N., Zaheer, S., Poedts, S., JAFFER, G., & HEIN, A. (October 2023). Numerical Calculations of Charging Threshold at GEO Altitudes With Two Temperature Non-Extensive Electrons. Space Weather: the International Journal of Research and Applications, 21 (10). doi:10.1029/2022SW003412
Peer reviewed

ALANDIHALLAJ, M., RAMEZANI, M., & HEIN, A. (01 October 2023). Maximizing Limited Volume: A Genetic Algorithm-Based Approach to CubeSat Solar Panel and Antenna Deployment Pattern Design [Paper presentation]. International Astronautical Congress, Baku, Azerbaijan.
Editorial reviewed

RAMEZANI, M., Atashgah, M., ALANDIHALLAJ, M., & HEIN, A. (01 October 2023). Reinforcement Learning for Planning and Task Coordination in a Swarm of CubeSats: Overcoming Processor Limitation Challenges [Paper presentation]. International Astronautical Congress, Baku, Azerbaijan.
Editorial reviewed

RAMEZANI, M., ALANDIHALLAJ, M., SANCHEZ LOPEZ, J. L., & HEIN, A. (2023). Safe Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for CubeSat Task Scheduling Based on Energy Consumption. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2309.12004

Borgue, O., & HEIN, A. (01 February 2023). Transparent occulters: A nearly zero-radiation pressure sunshade to support climate change mitigation. Acta Astronautica, 203, 308-318. doi:10.1016/j.actaastro.2022.12.006
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Olivares-Mendez, M., Yalç\ina, B. C. C., Makhdoomia, M. R., Muralidharana, V., Bokala, Z., Del Castillob, M. O., Gaudilliereb, V., Paulyb, L., Borguec, O., Alandihallajc, M., THOEMEL, J., SKRZYPCZYK, E., RATHINAM, A., BARAD, K. R., SHABAYEK, A. E. R., HEIN, A., AOUADA, D., & Martinez, C. (2023). Establishing a Multi-Functional Space Operations Emulation Facility: Insights from the Zero-G Lab [Paper presentation]. Internal. doi:10.2139/ssrn.4602588

Chikosman, L., OLIVARES MENDEZ, M. A., MERLANO DUNCAN, J. C., KUMAR, S., SHEEMAR, C. K., CHATZINOTAS, S., RANA, L., HEIN, A., DRIF, Y., VARADARAJULU, S., JAFFER, G., SKRZYPCZYK, E., NIK, A., VAN DER MEER, D., VASQUEZ-PERALVO, J. A., PALISETTY, R., COLOMA CHACON, S., CHOVET, L., BERA, A., ... THOEMEL, J. (2023). System Analysis of Lunar Computations Communication Architectures [Poster presentation]. Space Resources Week, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

Olivares-Mendez, M., MAKHDOOMI, M. R., YALCIN, B. C., BOKAL, Z., MURALIDHARAN, V., Ortiz Del Castillo, M., GAUDILLIERE, V., PAULY, L., BORGUE, O., ALANDIHALLAJ, M., THOEMEL, J., SKRZYPCZYK, E., RATHINAM, A., BARAD, K. R., SHABAYEK, A. E. R., HEIN, A., AOUADA, D., & Martinez, C. (2023). Zero-G Lab: A multi-purpose facility for emulating space operations. Journal of Space Safety Engineering, 10 (4), 509–521. doi:10.1016/j.jsse.2023.09.003
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PAULY, L., Lynn Jamrozik, M., Ortiz Del Castillo, M., BORGUE, O., SINGH, I. P., MAKHDOOMI, M. R., CHRISTIDI-LOUMPASEFSKI, O.-O., GAUDILLIERE, V., MARTINEZ LUNA, C., RATHINAM, A., HEIN, A., OLIVARES MENDEZ, M. A., & AOUADA, D. (2023). Lessons from a Space Lab -- An Image Acquisition Perspective. International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2023, 1-16. doi:10.1155/2023/9944614
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KANAVOURAS, K., HEIN, A., & SACHIDANAND, M. (2022). Agile Systems Engineering for sub-CubeSat scale spacecraft. In Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC22. IAF. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2210.10653


HEIN, A., & BRUCE ROSETE, C. (2022). Space-as-a-Service: A Framework and Taxonomy of -as-a-Service Concepts for Space. In Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress 2022.

RANA, L., Bohlachov, V., & HEIN, A. (2022). Integrated Spacecraft Design: Demonstration of a prototype process and platform for satellite design application. Proceedings of International Astronautical Congress.

LAZREG, S., Bohlachov, V., RANA, L., HEIN, A., & CORDY, M. (2022). Variability-Aware Design of Space Systems: Variability Modelling, Configuration Workflow and Research Directions. Proceedings of VAMOS 22. doi:10.1145/3510466.3510472

THOEMEL, J., Karakatsanis, P., Ludwikowski, M., Zong, R., WEBER, R. L., Schmidt, R., HEIN, A., & IAF. (2022). Mission to Mars Using Space-Sourced Propellant. In Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC.

LAUR, J., Giangaspero, V., Sharma, V., Lani, A., Donaldson, N., Kim, M., Giacomelli, J., Herdrich, G., HEIN, A., & THOEMEL, J. (2022). The Effect of an Applied Magnetic Field onto the Re-entry Radio Communication Blackout. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Flight Vehicles, Aerothermodynamics and Re-entry Missions Engineering.

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