

University of Luxembourg > Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SNT) > FINATRAX

Main Referenced Co-authors
FRIDGEN, Gilbert  (23)
RIEGER, Alexander  (10)
ROTH, Tamara  (7)
Urbach, Nils (7)
BARBEREAU, Tom Josua  (5)
Main Referenced Keywords
Blockchain (12); Digital wallet (7); Privacy (5); Distributed ledger technology (3); distributed ledger technology (3);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) > FINATRAX - Digital Financial Services and Cross-organizational Digital Transformations (28)
NCER-FT - FinTech National Centre of Excellence in Research (18)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Management information systems (41)
Computer science (40)
Engineering, computing & technology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (3)
Law, criminology & political science: Multidisciplinary, general & others (2)
Social & behavioral sciences, psychology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (2)

Publications (total 46)

The most downloaded
WEIGL, L., BARBEREAU, T. J., SEDLMEIR, J., & Zavolokina, L. (11 June 2023). Mediating the Tension between Data Sharing and Privacy: The Case of DMA and GDPR [Paper presentation]. Proceedings of the 31st European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Kristiansand, Norway.

The most cited

98 citations (Scopus®)

SEDLMEIR, J., SMETHURST, R., RIEGER, A., & FRIDGEN, G. (04 October 2021). Digital Identities and Verifiable Credentials. Business and Information Systems Engineering, 63 (5), 603-613. doi:10.1007/s12599-021-00722-y

PAPAGEORGIOU, O., Börtzler, L., ERMOLAEV, E., KUMARI, J., & SCHÖNRICH-SEDLMEIR, J. (07 January 2025). What Blocks My Blockchain’s Throughput? Developing a Generalizable Approach for Identifying Bottlenecks in Permissioned Blockchains [Paper presentation]. Proceedings of the 58th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Big Island, United States - Hawaii.
Peer reviewed

HÖLZMER, P., FRANK, M.-L., SCHÖNRICH-SEDLMEIR, J., & Manuel Koschuch. (07 January 2025). Insights into Digital Identity Dynamics through Personal Digital Twins [Paper presentation]. Proceedings of the 58th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Big Island, USA.
Peer reviewed

FRIDGEN, G., Guggenberger, T., SCHÖNRICH-SEDLMEIR, J., & Urbach, N. (2024). Introduction: Decentralization Technologies in Finance. In T. Guggenberger, J. SCHÖNRICH-SEDLMEIR, N. Urbach, ... G. FRIDGEN (Ed.), Decentralization Technologies (pp. 3-17). Switzerland: Springer Nature. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-66047-4_1
Editorial reviewed

FRIDGEN, G., Guggenberger, T., SCHÖNRICH-SEDLMEIR, J., & Urbach, N. (Eds.). (2024). Decentralization Technologies. Springer Nature. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-66047-4
Editorial reviewed

Gramlich, V., Guggenberger, T., Paetzold, F., SCHÖNRICH-SEDLMEIR, J., & Strüker, J. (December 2024). Toward a Holistic Perspective on Blockchain Electricity Consumption [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Information Systems, Bangkok, Thailand.
Peer reviewed

POCHER, N., & SCHÖNRICH-SEDLMEIR, J. (2024). Decentralization Beyond Disintermediation: The Case of Central Bank Digital Currencies. In Decentralization Technologies. Financial Sector in Change. Springer Nature Switzerland. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-66047-4_12
Editorial reviewed

Gramlich, V., Jelito, D., & SCHÖNRICH-SEDLMEIR, J. (03 October 2024). Maximal extractable value: Current understanding, categorization, and open research questions. Electronic Markets, 34. doi:10.1007/s12525-024-00727-x
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BRENNECKE, M., FRIDGEN, G., JÖHNK, J., RADSZUWILL, S., & SCHÖNRICH-SEDLMEIR, J. (2024). When Your Thing Won’t Behave: Security Governance in the Internet of Things. Information Systems Frontiers. doi:10.1007/s10796-024-10511-z
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LIMA BAIMA, R., CHOVET, L., SEDLMEIR, J., OLIVARES MENDEZ, M. A., & FRIDGEN, G. (2024). Designing Trustful Cooperation Ecosystems is Key to the New Space Exploration Era. In R. Abreu (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2024 ACM/IEEE 44th International Conference on Software Engineering: New Ideas and Emerging Results (SESSION: Dependability and Formal Methods 3, pp. 87–91). New York, United States - New York: Association for Computing Machinery. doi:10.1145/3639476.3639760
Peer reviewed

RIEGER, A., ROTH, T., SCHÖNRICH-SEDLMEIR, J., FRIDGEN, G., & YOUNG, A. (May 2024). Organizational Identity Management Policies. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 25 (3), 522-527. doi:10.17705/1jais.00887
Editorial reviewed

Michalopoulos, P., Olowookere, O., POCHER, N., SCHÖNRICH-SEDLMEIR, J., Veneris, A., & Puri, P. (2024). Compliance Design Options for Offline CBDCs: Balancing Privacy and AML/CFT. In IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC) 2024 Proceedings. IEEE. doi:10.2139/ssrn.4770513
Peer reviewed

LIMA BAIMA, R.* , CHOVET, L.* , HARTWICH, E., BERA, A., SCHÖNRICH-SEDLMEIR, J., FRIDGEN, G., & OLIVARES MENDEZ, M. A. (2024). Trustful Coopetitive Infrastructures for the New Space Exploration Era. In J. Hong & J. Won Park (Eds.), Proceedings of the 39th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (SESSION: Theme: Artificial Intelligence and Agents: IRMAS - Intelligent Robotics and Multi-Agent Systems Track, pp. 612–621). New York, United States - New York: Association for Computing Machinery. doi:10.1145/3605098.3635887
Peer reviewed
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

HÖß, A., Lautenschlager, J., SEDLMEIR, J., FRIDGEN, G., Schlatt, V., & Urbach, N. (2024). Toward Seamless Mobility-as-a-Service: Providing Multimodal Mobility Through Digital Wallets. Business and Information Systems Engineering. doi:10.1007/s12599-024-00856-9
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ABELLÁN ÁLVAREZ, I., Gramlich, V., & SEDLMEIR, J. (2024). Unsealing the secrets of blockchain consensus: A systematic comparison of the formal security of proof-of-work and proof-of-stake [Paper presentation]. Proceedings of the 39th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), Ávila, Spain. doi:10.1145/3605098.3635970
Peer reviewed

ABELLÁN ÁLVAREZ, I., Ehaus, M., FRANK, M.-L., & SCHÖNRICH-SEDLMEIR, J. (2024). Privacy-Enhancing Technologies. In Financial Innovation and Technology (pp. 97-119). Springer Nature Switzerland. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-66047-4_6
Editorial reviewed

BARBEREAU, T. J., ERMOLAEV, E., BRENNECKE, M., HARTWICH, E., & SEDLMEIR, J. (10 December 2023). Beyond a Fistful of Tumblers: Toward a Taxonomy of Ethereum-based Mixers [Paper presentation]. Proceedings of the 44th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Hyderabad, India, Hyderabad, India.
Peer reviewed

Napirata, S., SEDLMEIR, J., RIEGER, A., FRIDGEN, G., & Zimmermann, S. (10 December 2023). The competition effect of decentralized platforms: An analytical model [Paper presentation]. ICIS 2023 - International Conference on Information Systems, Hyderabad, India.
Peer reviewed

AMARD, A., DELGADO FERNANDEZ, J., BARBEREAU, T. J., FRIDGEN, G., & SEDLMEIR, J. (10 December 2023). Federated Learning in Migration Forecasting [Paper presentation]. ICIS 2023.
Editorial reviewed

Platt, M., Ojeka, S., Dragnoiu, A.-E., Ibelegbu, O. E., Pierangeli, F., & SEDLMEIR, J. (2023). Energy demand unawareness and the popularity of Bitcoin: Evidence from Nigeria. Oxford Open Energy. doi:10.1093/ooenergy/oiad012
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SEDLMEIR, J., RIEGER, A., ROTH, T., & FRIDGEN, G. (2023). Battling disinformation with cryptography. Nature machine intelligence. doi:10.1038/s42256-023-00733-2
Editorial reviewed

Glöckler, J., SEDLMEIR, J., FRANK, M.-L., & FRIDGEN, G. (2023). A systematic review of identity and access management requirements in enterprises and potential contributions of self-sovereign identity. Business and Information Systems Engineering. doi:10.1007/s12599-023-00830-x
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HARTWICH, E., RIEGER, A., SEDLMEIR, J., Jurek, D., & FRIDGEN, G. (22 July 2023). Machine economies. Electronic Markets, 33 (1). doi:10.1007/s12525-023-00649-0
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WEIGL, L., BARBEREAU, T. J., SEDLMEIR, J., & Zavolokina, L. (11 June 2023). Mediating the Tension between Data Sharing and Privacy: The Case of DMA and GDPR [Paper presentation]. Proceedings of the 31st European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Kristiansand, Norway.
Peer reviewed

Babel, M., & SEDLMEIR, J. (2023). Bringing data minimization to digital wallets at scale with general-purpose zero-knowledge proofs. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

BARBEREAU, T. J., SMETHURST, R., PAPAGEORGIOU, O., SEDLMEIR, J., & FRIDGEN, G. (2023). Decentralised Finance's timocratic governance: The distribution and exercise of tokenised voting rights. Technology in Society, 73, 102251. doi:10.1016/j.techsoc.2023.102251
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ERMOLAEV, E., ABELLÁN ÁLVAREZ, I., SEDLMEIR, J., & FRIDGEN, G. (2023). z-Commerce: Designing a Data-Minimizing One-Click Checkout Solution. In Design Science Research for a New Society: Society 5.0 (pp. 3--17). Cham, Unknown/unspecified: Springer Nature. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-32808-4_1
Peer reviewed

Schlatt, V., SEDLMEIR, J., Traue, J., & Völter, F. (2022). Harmonizing sensitive data exchange and double-spending prevention through blockchain and digital wallets: The case of e-prescription management. Distributed Ledger Technologies. doi:10.1145/3571509
Peer reviewed

Guggenberger, T., SEDLMEIR, J., FRIDGEN, G., & Luckow, A. (November 2022). An in-depth investigation of the performance characteristics of Hyperledger Fabric. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 173. doi:10.1016/j.cie.2022.108716
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Schlatt, V., SEDLMEIR, J., Feulner, S., & Urbach, N. (November 2022). Designing a framework for digital KYC processes built on blockchain-based self-sovereign identity. Information and Management, 59 (7). doi:10.1016/
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Garrido, G. M., SEDLMEIR, J., Uludag, Ö., Alaoui, I. S., Luckow, A., & Matthes, F. (November 2022). Revealing the landscape of privacy-enhancing technologies in the context of data markets for the IoT: A systematic literature review. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 207, 103465. doi:10.1016/j.jnca.2022.103465
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Babel, M., Gramlich, V., Körner, M.-F., SEDLMEIR, J., Strüker, J., & Zwede, T. (05 September 2022). Enabling end-to-end digital carbon emission tracing with shielded NFTs. Energy Informatics, 5.
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Munilla-Garrido, G., SEDLMEIR, J., & Babel, M. (2022). Towards verifiable differentially-private polling. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security. New York, United States: Association for Computing Machinery. doi:10.1145/3538969.3538992
Peer reviewed

RIEGER, A., ROTH, T., SEDLMEIR, J., & FRIDGEN, G. (15 June 2022). We need a broader debate on the sustainability of blockchain. Joule, 6 (6), 1137-1141. doi:10.1016/j.joule.2022.04.013
Peer reviewed

Feulner, S., SEDLMEIR, J., Schlatt, V., & Urbach, N. (17 March 2022). Exploring the use of self-sovereign identity for event ticketing systems. Electronic Markets, 32, 1759-1777. doi:10.1007/s12525-022-00573-9
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Gola, C., & SEDLMEIR, J. (2022). Addressing the sustainability of distributed ledger technology. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

BARBEREAU, T. J., SMETHURST, R., PAPAGEORGIOU, O., SEDLMEIR, J., & FRIDGEN, G. (2022). Decentralised Finance's Unregulated Governance: Minority Rule in the Digital Wild West. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

Rückel, T., SEDLMEIR, J., & Hofmann, P. (15 January 2022). Fairness, integrity, and privacy in a scalable blockchain-based federated learning system. Computer Networks, 202. doi:10.1016/j.comnet.2021.108621
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SEDLMEIR, J., Wagner, T., Djerekarov, E., Green, R., Klepsch, J., & Rao, S. (2022). A serverless distributed ledger for enterprises. Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 7382-7391.
Peer reviewed

Schellinger, B., Völter, F., Urbach, N., & SEDLMEIR, J. (2022). Yes, I do: Marrying blockchain applications with GDPR. Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 4631-4640.
Peer reviewed

Höß, A., ROTH, T., SEDLMEIR, J., FRIDGEN, G., & RIEGER, A. (2022). With or Without Blockchain? Towards a Decentralized, SSI-based eRoaming Architecture. In Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). IEEE Computer Society.
Peer reviewed

Sartor, S., SEDLMEIR, J., RIEGER, A., & ROTH, T. (2022). Love at First Sight? A User Experience Study of Self-Sovereign Identity Wallets. In 30th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2022).
Peer reviewed

SEDLMEIR, J., Lautenschlager, J., FRIDGEN, G., & Urbach, N. (2022). The transparency challenge of blockchain in organizations. Electronic Markets, 32 (3), 1779--1794. doi:10.1007/s12525-022-00536-0
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Körner, M.-F., SEDLMEIR, J., Weibelzahl, M., FRIDGEN, G., Heine, M., & Neumann, C. (2022). Systemic risks in electricity systems: A perspective on the potential of digital technologies. Energy Policy, 164, 112901. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2022.112901
Peer reviewed

RIEGER, A., ROTH, T., SEDLMEIR, J., WEIGL, L., & FRIDGEN, G. (2021). Not yet another digital identity [letter to the editor]. Nature Human Behaviour. doi:10.1038/s41562-021-01243-0
Editorial reviewed

SEDLMEIR, J., SMETHURST, R., RIEGER, A., & FRIDGEN, G. (04 October 2021). Digital Identities and Verifiable Credentials. Business and Information Systems Engineering, 63 (5), 603-613. doi:10.1007/s12599-021-00722-y
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RIEGER, A., ROTH, T., SEDLMEIR, J., & FRIDGEN, G. (2021). The privacy challenge in the race for digital vaccination certificates [letter to the editor]. Med. doi:10.1016/j.medj.2021.04.018
Peer reviewed

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