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MA, W., Zhao, M., SOREMEKUN, E., HU, Q., Zhang, J. M., PAPADAKIS, M., CORDY, M., Xie, X., & Traon, Y. L. (2022). GraphCode2Vec: generic code embedding via lexical and program dependence analyses. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (pp. 524--536). doi:10.1145/3524842.3528456 Peer reviewed |
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MA, W., Laurent, T., OJDANIC, M., TITCHEU CHEKAM, T., Ventresque, A., & PAPADAKIS, M. (2020). Commit-Aware Mutation Testing. In IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME). doi:10.1109/ICSME46990.2020.00045 Peer reviewed |
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