

Main Referenced Co-authors
WILLEMS, Helmut Erich  (39)
HEINZ, Andreas  (37)
CATUNDA, Carolina  (36)
RESIDORI, Caroline  (18)
KERN, Matthias Robert  (17)
Main Referenced Keywords
HBSC (19); Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (15); Luxemburg (14); Schüler (5); adolescents (4);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Public health, health care sciences & services (28)
Sociology & social sciences (24)
Pediatrics (3)
Social & behavioral sciences, psychology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (3)
Philosophy & ethics (1)

Publications (total 41)

The most downloaded
HEINZ, A., Kern, M. R., VAN DUIN, C., CATUNDA, C., & WILLEMS, H. E. (2021). Gesundheit von Schülerinnen und Schülern in Luxemburg - Bericht zur luxemburgischen HBSC-Befragung 2018.

The most cited

37 citations (OpenAlex)

HEINZ, A., CATUNDA, C., VAN DUIN, C., & WILLEMS, H. (January 2020). Suicide Prevention: Using the Number of Health Complaints as an Indirect Alternative for Screening Suicidal Adolescents. Journal of Affective Disorders, 260, 61-66. doi:10.1016/j.jad.2019.08.025

GERAETS, A., VAN DUIN, C., CATUNDA, C., RESIDORI, C., WILLEMS, H. E., & Heinz, A. (2022). Problematische Nutzung sozialer Medien von Kindern und Jugendlichen im Schulalter in Luxembourg – Ergebnisse der HBSC Umfrage 2018. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg.

GERAETS, A., RESIDORI, C., VAN DUIN, C., CATUNDA, C., WILLEMS, H. E., & Heinz, A. (2022). Problematische Nutzung sozialer Medien (PSMU) bei Schülern in Luxemburg in 2018. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg.

VAN DUIN, C., HEINZ, A., & WILLEMS, H. E. (10 March 2022). Die Bedeutung der Schule für Gesundheit und Wohlbe- finden von Schülerinnen und Schülern: Ergebnisse der HBSC Surveys 2018 in Luxemburg [Paper presentation]. 9. GEBF-Tagung, Online, Germany.

VAN DUIN, C. (2022). Social media use of adolescents: an introductory presentation [Paper presentation]. Journée CODIR: Le Bien-être en milieu scolaire.

HEINZ, A., WILLEMS, H. E., VAN DUIN, C., CATUNDA, C., & RESIDORI, C. (June 2021). Types of health-related behaviours: a cluster analysis of the Luxembourgish HBSC data [Paper presentation]. HBSC Spring Meeting 2021.

HEINZ, A., Kern, M. R., VAN DUIN, C., CATUNDA, C., & WILLEMS, H. E. (2021). Gesundheit von Schülerinnen und Schülern in Luxemburg - Bericht zur luxemburgischen HBSC-Befragung 2018.

VAN DUIN, C., HEINZ, A., & WILLEMS, H. E. (2021). Predictors of Problematic Social Media Use in a Nationally Representative Sample of Adolescents in Luxembourg. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (22). doi:10.3390/ijerph182211878
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HEINZ, A., Költő, A., Godeau, E., Ehlinger, V., VAN DUIN, C., CATUNDA, C., & WILLEMS, H. E. (2020). What is problematic about binary questions on gender in health surveys – a missing answer analysis. Cogent Medicine. doi:10.1080/2331205X.2020.1848781
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HEINZ, A., VAN DUIN, C., CATUNDA, C., KERN, M. R., & WILLEMS, H. E. (10 November 2020). Scanning of questionnaires as a tool to identify difficult questions - lessons learned [Paper presentation]. HBSC Autumn Meeting 2020.

CATUNDA, C., VAN DUIN, C., HEINZ, A., & WILLEMS, H. (2020). Suicidal Behaviour in Youth in Luxembourg - Findings from the HBSC 2014 Luxembourg Study.

HEINZ, A., VAN DUIN, C., KERN, M. R., CATUNDA, C., & WILLEMS, H. (2020). Trends from 2006-2018 in Health, Health Behaviour, Health Outcomes and Social Context of Adolescents in Luxembourg. Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg.

HEINZ, A., CATUNDA, C., VAN DUIN, C., & WILLEMS, H. (January 2020). Suicide Prevention: Using the Number of Health Complaints as an Indirect Alternative for Screening Suicidal Adolescents. Journal of Affective Disorders, 260, 61-66. doi:10.1016/j.jad.2019.08.025
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VAN DUIN, C., HEINZ, A., & WILLEMS, H. E. (2020). The influence of well-being, social support, media use and sociodemographic factors on problematic social media sue among Luxembourgish adolescents. Cogent Medicine, 7 (1).
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HEINZ, A., CATUNDA, C., VAN DUIN, C., Torsheim, T., & WILLEMS, H. E. (2020). Patterns of health related gender inequalities – a cluster analysis of 45 countries. Journal of Adolescent Health, 66 (6S), 29-39. doi:10.1016/j.jadohealth.2020.02.011
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CATUNDA, C., VAN DUIN, C., HEINZ, A., & WILLEMS, H. (September 2019). Trends in cannabis consumption among youth in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. 33rd Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society.

CATUNDA, C., VAN DUIN, C., HEINZ, A., & WILLEMS, H. (September 2019). Communication with father and mother differently impacts suicidal behaviour [Poster presentation]. 33rd Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society.

HEINZ, A., CATUNDA, C., VAN DUIN, C., WILLEMS, H., Költő, A., Moreau, N., & Godeau, E. (20 June 2019). "Are you a boy or girl?" Who are the non-responders [Paper presentation]. HBSC Spring Meeting, Reykjavik, Iceland.

CATUNDA, C., HEINZ, A., VAN DUIN, C., & WILLEMS, H. (June 2019). Is Life Satisfaction Contagious? [Paper presentation]. HBSC Spring Meeting, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Schröder-Bäck, P., VAN DUIN, C., Brall, C., Scholtes, B., Tahzib, F., & Maeckelberghe, E. (2019). Norms in and between the philosophical ivory tower and public health practice: A heuristic model of translational ethics. South Eastern European Journal of Public Health. doi:10.4119/UNIBI/SEEJPH-2019-212
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VAN DUIN, C., HEINZ, A., CATUNDA, C., & WILLEMS, H. (2019). Adolescent suicide behaviour profiles: comparing unplanned attempts, planned attempts and ideation. European Journal of Public Health.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

VAN DUIN, C., HEINZ, A., CATUNDA, C., & WILLEMS, H. (2019). Using data from the HBSC study for evidence-based suicide prevention in Luxembourg. European Journal of Public Health, 29.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

CATUNDA, C., VAN DUIN, C., HEINZ, A., & WILLEMS, H. (07 December 2018). Suicide Prevention in Luxembourg: Using the HBSC Symptom Checklist as an Alternative Tool for Screening [Poster presentation]. Excellence in Pediatrics - 10th Edition.

VAN DUIN, C., CATUNDA, C., HEINZ, A., & WILLEMS, H. (07 December 2018). Gender differences in risk factors for suicidal behaviours in adolescents [Paper presentation]. Excellence in Pediatrics - 10th Edition.

CATUNDA, C., VAN DUIN, C., HEINZ, A., & WILLEMS, H. (06 December 2018). Cannabis Use during Adolescence: An Overview in Luxembourg and in Comparison to other European Countries [Paper presentation]. Excellence in Pediatrics - 10th Edition.

HEINZ, A., VAN DUIN, C., CATUNDA, C., KERN, M. R., RESIDORI, C., & WILLEMS, H. (2018). Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden von Kindern und Jugendlichen - Bericht zur HBSC-Befragung luxemburgischer Schülerinnen und Schüler 2014. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg.

HEINZ, A., KERN, M. R., RESIDORI, C., CATUNDA, C., VAN DUIN, C., & WILLEMS, H. (2018). Körperliche Aktivität von Schülern in ihrer Freizeit / Activité physique des élèves pendant leur temps libre. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

HEINZ, A., KERN, M. R., RESIDORI, C., CATUNDA, C., VAN DUIN, C., & WILLEMS, H. (2018). Qualität der Kommunikation in der Familie / Qualité de la communication au sein de la famille. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

HEINZ, A., VAN DUIN, C., KERN, M. R., RESIDORI, C., CATUNDA, C., & WILLEMS, H. (2018). Mobbing in der Schule / Harcèlement à l’école. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

VAN DUIN, C., HEINZ, A., KERN, M. R., RESIDORI, C., CATUNDA, C., & WILLEMS, H. (2018). Fernsehkonsum von Schülern / Consommation de télévision. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

VAN DUIN, C., HEINZ, A., KERN, M. R., RESIDORI, C., CATUNDA, C., & WILLEMS, H. (2018). Bewertung des Klassenklimas / Climat de classe. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

VAN DUIN, C., RESIDORI, C., KERN, M. R., CATUNDA, C., HEINZ, A., & WILLEMS, H. (2018). Tägliches Essen von Obst und Gemüse / Consommation quotidienne de fruits et de légumes. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

VAN DUIN, C., HEINZ, A., KERN, M. R., RESIDORI, C., CATUNDA, C., & WILLEMS, H. (2018). Geschlechtsverkehr und Verhütung / Activité sexuelle et contraception. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

KERN, M. R., HEINZ, A., RESIDORI, C., CATUNDA, C., VAN DUIN, C., & WILLEMS, H. (2018). Tabakkonsum von Schülern in Luxemburg / Consommation de tabac par les élèves au Luxembourg. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

VAN DUIN, C., HEINZ, A., KERN, M. R., RESIDORI, C., CATUNDA, C., & WILLEMS, H. (2018). Schulischer Stress / Le stress à l‘école. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

CATUNDA, C., VAN DUIN, C., KERN, M. R., RESIDORI, C., HEINZ, A., & WILLEMS, H. (2018). Alkoholkonsum von Schülern in Luxemburg / La consommation d’alcool des élèves au Luxembourg. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

HEINZ, A., KERN, M. R., RESIDORI, C., CATUNDA, C., VAN DUIN, C., & WILLEMS, H. (2018). Cannabiskonsum von Schülern in Luxemburg / Consommation de cannabis des élèves au Luxembourg. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

VAN DUIN, C., HEINZ, A., KERN, M. R., RESIDORI, C., CATUNDA, C., & WILLEMS, H. (2018). "Was hältst du zurzeit von der Schule?" / « Actuellement que penses-tu de l’école? ». ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

VAN DUIN, C., HEINZ, A., KERN, M. R., RESIDORI, C., CATUNDA, C., & WILLEMS, H. (2018). « Actuellement que penses-tu de l’école? ». ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

RESIDORI, C., VAN DUIN, C., KERN, M. R., CATUNDA, C., HEINZ, A., & WILLEMS, H. (2018). Frühstückgewohnheiten / Habitudes du petit déjeuner. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

CATUNDA, C., HEINZ, A., VAN DUIN, C., & WILLEMS, H. (2018). Peer versus Family Support: Decreasing the Impact of FAS and Age on the Life Satisfaction [Paper presentation]. HBSC Spring Meeting.

VAN DUIN, C., CATUNDA, C., HEINZ, A., & WILLEMS, H. (2018). Suicidal Ideation – Trends and risk groups in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. HBSC Spring Meeting.

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