

Main Referenced Co-authors
GLAURDIC, Josip  (18)
LESSCHAEVE, Christophe  (17)
Dufek, Pavel (4)
Holzer, Jan (3)
Kupka, Petr (3)
Main Referenced Keywords
Croatia (4); Southeast Europe (4); Covid-19 (3); elections (3); parliamentary debates (3);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Political science, public administration & international relations (47)
Sociology & social sciences (3)

Publications (total 50)

The most downloaded
MOCHTAK, M. (2021). Understanding Electoral Violence through Complex Textual Data: OSCE Monitoring Missions in Different Contexts. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 44 (8), 646-667. doi:10.1080/1057610X.2019.1575036

The most cited

19 citations (OpenAlex)

MOCHTAK, M., LESSCHAEVE, C., & GLAURDIC, J. (2021). Voting and winning: perceptions of electoral integrity in consolidating democracies. Democratization, 28 (8), 1423-1441. doi:10.1080/13510347.2021.1918111

GLAURDIC, J., MOCHTAK, M., & LESSCHAEVE, C. (2023). Ethnic Bias after Ethnic Conflict: Preferential Voting and the Serb Minority in Croatian Elections. Ethnopolitics, 22 (1), 22-42. doi:10.1080/17449057.2021.1997440
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MOCHTAK, M., & MUHAREMOVIC, E. (2022). The Abyss of Ethnic Division: Two Decades of Discussing War in the Parliament of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Ethnopolitics, 1-25. doi:10.1080/17449057.2022.2120283
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GLAURDIC, J., LESSCHAEVE, C., & MOCHTAK, M. (20 June 2022). Coronavirus Conspiracy Theories in Southeast Europe: (Non-)Believers, Social Network Bubbles, and the Discourse of Blame. Problems of Post-Communism, 70 (6), 640–653. doi:10.1080/10758216.2022.2082482
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GLAURDIC, J., & MOCHTAK, M. (14 March 2022). Prewar Public Discourse: Letters to Politika, Belgrade, 1988–1991. Europe-Asia Studies, 74 (4), 569-597. doi:10.1080/09668136.2022.2042201
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MOCHTAK, M., Drnovsky, A., & LESSCHAEVE, C. (2022). Bias in the eye of beholder? 25 years of election monitoring in Europe. Democratization, Online, 1-19. doi:10.1080/13510347.2021.2019219
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GLAURDIC, J., LESSCHAEVE, C., & MOCHTAK, M. (2022). Contesting war memories: Parties and voters in contemporary Southeast Europe. Party Politics, 28 (6), 1094-1108. doi:10.1177/13540688211039378
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MOCHTAK, M., GLAURDIC, J., & LESSCHAEVE, C. (2022). Talking War: Representation, Veterans and Ideology in Post-War Parliamentary Debates. Government and Opposition, 57 (1), 148-170. doi:10.1017/gov.2020.25
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LESSCHAEVE, C., GLAURDIĆ, J., & MOCHTAK, M. (2022). ELWar Public Opinion Survey – 2018 Round. Mannheim, Germany: SowiDataNet Datorium – GESIS Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften. doi:10.7802/2396
Dataset: 10.7802/2396

MOCHTAK, M., GLAURDIĆ, J., & LESSCHAEVE, C. (2022). CROCorp: Corpus of Parliamentary Debates in Croatia. v1.1.1 (2003-2020). Geneva, Switzerland: Zenodo. doi:10.5281/zenodo.6521372

LESSCHAEVE, C., GLAURDIĆ, J., & MOCHTAK, M. (2022). ELWar Expert Survey Trend File. Mannheim, Germany: SowiDataNet Datorium – GESIS Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften. doi:10.7802/2400
Dataset: 10.7802/2400

LESSCHAEVE, C., GLAURDIĆ, J., & MOCHTAK, M. (2022). ELWar COVID-19 Public Opinion Survey – 2021 Round. Mannheim, Germany: SowiDataNet Datorium – GESIS Leibniz-Institut für Sozial-wissenschaften. doi:10.7802/2398
Dataset: 10.7802/2398

MOCHTAK, M., GLAURDIĆ, J., & LESSCHAEVE, C. (2022). SRBCorp: Corpus of Parliamentary Debates in Serbia. Geneva, Switzerland: Zenodo. doi:10.5281/zenodo.6521648

GLAURDIĆ, J., LESSCHAEVE, C., MOCHTAK, M., Ondrejka, P., & Kaniški, T. (2022). ELWar Mapdat. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg.

LESSCHAEVE, C., GLAURDIĆ, J., & MOCHTAK, M. (2022). ELWar COVID-19 Public Opinion Survey – 2020 Round. Mannheim, Germany: SowiDataNet Datorium – GESIS Leibniz-Institut für Sozial-wissenschaften. doi:10.7802/2397
Dataset: 10.7802/2397

LESSCHAEVE, C., GLAURDIĆ, J., & MOCHTAK, M. (2022). ELWar Croatian and Serbian 2020 Election Survey. Mannheim, Germany: SowiDataNet Datorium – GESIS Leibniz-Institut für Sozial-wissenschaften. doi:10.7802/2399
Dataset: 10.7802/2399

MOCHTAK, M., GLAURDIĆ, J., & LESSCHAEVE, C. (2022). BiHCorp: Corpus of Parliamentary Debates in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Geneva, Switzerland: Zenodo. doi:10.5281/zenodo.6517697

MOCHTAK, M., & Turcsanyi, R. Q. (2021). Studying Chinese Foreign Policy Narratives: Introducing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press Conferences Corpus. Journal of Chinese Political Science, 26 (Dec), 743–761. doi:10.1007/s11366-021-09762-3
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MOCHTAK, M., LESSCHAEVE, C., & GLAURDIC, J. (2021). Voting and winning: perceptions of electoral integrity in consolidating democracies. Democratization, 28 (8), 1423-1441. doi:10.1080/13510347.2021.1918111
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

MOCHTAK, M. (2021). Understanding Electoral Violence through Complex Textual Data: OSCE Monitoring Missions in Different Contexts. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 44 (8), 646-667. doi:10.1080/1057610X.2019.1575036
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LESSCHAEVE, C., GLAURDIC, J., & MOCHTAK, M. (2021). Health Versus Wealth During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Saving Lives or Saving the Economy? Public Opinion Quarterly, 85 (3), 808-835. doi:10.1093/poq/nfab036
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MOCHTAK, M. (2020). Mythologizing War: Legacies of Conflict in Croatian Parliamentary Debates. Journal of Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 20 (3), 491-513. doi:10.1080/14683857.2020.1800283
Peer reviewed

MOCHTAK, M.* , & Drnovsky, A.*. (2020). Power-sharing and democratization in Africa: the Kenyan experience. Journal of International Relations and Development, 23 (3), 607-635. doi:10.1057/s41268-018-0158-9
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* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

MOCHTAK, M. (October 2019). Electoral Violence Under Different Contexts. Evidence from the Western Balkans. Nations and Nationalism, 25 (4), 1325-1361. doi:10.1111/nana.12484
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GLAURDIC, J., LESSCHAEVE, C., & MOCHTAK, M. (25 January 2019). Modelling the Legacies of War Violence: Voters, Parties, Communities. Anali Hrvatskog politološkog društva: časopis za politologiju, 15 (1), 77-101. doi:10.20901/an.15.04
Peer reviewed

Ondrejcsák, R., Bátor, P., Turcsányi, R., & MOCHTAK, M. (Eds.). (2019). Panorama of Global Security Environment 2017-2018. Bratislava, Unknown/unspecified: STRATPOL.

GLAURDIĆ, J., & MOCHTAK, M. (2019). Thus Spoke the People: Public Discourse in Belgrade’s Politika on the Eve of Yugoslav Wars [Paper presentation]. Impresso Talk, Center for Contemporary and Digital History Luxembourg.

MOCHTAK, M., & Diviak, T. (2019). Looking Eastward: Network Analysis of Czech Deputies and their Foreign Policy Groups. Problems of Post-Communism, 66 (6), 418-433. doi:10.1080/10758216.2018.1561191
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MOCHTAK, M. (2018). Electoral Violence in the Western Balkans. From Voting to Fighting and Back. Abingdon, New York, Unknown/unspecified: Routledge.

MOCHTAK, M. (2018). Fighting and Voting: Mapping Electoral Violence in the Region of Post-communist Europe. Terrorism and Political Violence, 30 (4), 589-615. doi:10.1080/09546553.2016.1194268
Peer reviewed

Dufek, P., & MOCHTAK, M. (2017). A case for global democracy? Arms exports and conflicting goals in democracy promotion. Journal of International Relations and Development, 22 (3), 610-639. doi:10.1057/s41268-017-0114-0
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MOCHTAK, M. (2017). Politické strany v české zahraniční politice. In M. Kořan (Ed.), Aktéři a tvorba české zahraniční politiky (pp. 304-339). Brno, Unknown/unspecified: CDK.
Peer reviewed

MOCHTAK, M., & Holzer, J. (2017). Electoral Violence in Putin's Russia: Modern authoritarianism in practice. Studies of Transition States and Societies, 9 (1), 35-52.
Peer reviewed

MOCHTAK, M. (2016). Explaining Electoral Violence in Serbia: fsQCA analysis of contentious behaviour in the electoral arena. Democracy and Security, 12 (4), 278-308. doi:10.1080/17419166.2016.1232621
Peer reviewed

Kupka, P., Mareš, M., & MOCHTAK, M. (2016). Democracy and Organised Crime in East Central Europe. In J. Holzer & M. Mareš, Challenges to Democracies in East Central Europe (pp. 70-90). Abingdon, New York, Unknown/unspecified: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781315622194-11
Peer reviewed

MOCHTAK, M. (2016). External Actors and their Influences on the Quality of Democracy in East Central Europe. In J. Holzer & M. Mareš, Challenges to Democracies in East Central Europe (pp. 112-129). Abingdon, New York, Unknown/unspecified: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781315622194-13
Peer reviewed

MOCHTAK, M. (2016). Modern authoritarianism as a security threat to Central and Eastern Europe. In P. Bátora & R. Ondrejcsák, Panorama of global security environment 2015 – 2016 (pp. 539-548). Bratislava, Unknown/unspecified: CENAA.
Peer reviewed

Holzer, J., Molek, P., Dufek, P., MOCHTAK, M., Pospíšil, I., Preclik, P., & Smekal, H. (2016). Demokratyzacja i prawa czlowieka. Spojrzenie z Europy Srodkowe. Krakov, Brno, Unknown/unspecified: Osrodek Mysli Politycznej/Uniwersytet Masaryka.

Kupka, P., & MOCHTAK, M. (2015). The Nagygate Affair, Corruption and Organized Crime: Corruption Networks and their Potential Impact on the Quality of Democracy in the Czech Republic. World Political Science, 11 (1), 157-185. doi:10.1515/wps-2015-0004
Peer reviewed

Mareš, M., Baroš, J., Dufek, P., Havlík, V., MOCHTAK, M., Varga, O., Vejvodová, P., & Výborný, Š. (2015). Ne islámu: Protiislámská politika v České republice. Brno, Unknown/unspecified: CDK.

MOCHTAK, M. (2015). Democratization and electoral violence in post-communism. A study of Montenegro. Journal of Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 15 (1), 97-117. doi:10.1080/14683857.2015.1007754
Peer reviewed

MOCHTAK, M. (2015). Volebné násilie v priestore krajín postkomunistickej Európy. Mapovanie vzorcov na základe dát z projektu NELDA. Bezpečnostní teorie a praxe, 16 (1), 110-124.
Peer reviewed

MOCHTAK, M. (2015). Towards the Arms Trade Treaty. In M. Majer, R. Ondrejcsál, V. Tarasovič, ... T. Valášek, Panorama of global security environment 2014 (pp. 533-543). Bratislava, Unknown/unspecified: CENAA.
Peer reviewed

Kupka, P., & MOCHTAK, M. (2014). Aféra Nagygate mezi korupcí a organizovaným zločinem: korupční sítě a jejich možný vliv na kvalitu demokracie v České republice. Central European Political Studies Review, 16 (4), 237-263.
Peer reviewed

Holzer, J., Molek, P., Baroš, J., Dufek, P., MOCHTAK, M., Pospíšil, I., & Preclík, P. (2013). Demokratizace a lidská práva. Středoevropské pohledy. Praha/Brno, Unknown/unspecified: SLON/MUNI PRESS.

MOCHTAK, M. (2012). Násilie v čase volieb v priestore krajín západného Balkánu: mapovanie konceptuálneho rámca. Central European Political Studies Review, 14 (4), 423-472.
Peer reviewed

MOCHTAK, M. (2012). Na ceste k zmluve o obchode so zbraňami. Mezinarodni Vztahy, 47 (4), 48-74.
Peer reviewed

MOCHTAK, M. (2012). Mexican Drug War: Six years of violent clashes. In M. Majer, R. Ondrejcsák, ... V. Tarasovič, Panorama of global security environment 2012 (pp. 595-604). Bratislava, Unknown/unspecified: CENAA.
Peer reviewed

MOCHTAK, M. (2012). Pozícia volieb v kontexte demokratizácie: prípad Egypta. European Electoral Studies, 7 (1), 3-16.
Peer reviewed

MOCHTAK, M. (2011). Konflikt drogových kartelov v Mexiku. Czech Journal of Political Science, 18 (2), 160-181.
Peer reviewed

MOCHTAK, M. (2011). Predictioneer´s Game: kolektívne násilie v Ekvádore. Defence and Strategy, 11 (2), 69-90.
Peer reviewed

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