

University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE) > Department of Social Sciences (DSOC) > Political Science

Main Referenced Co-authors
GLAURDIC, Josip  (25)
MOCHTAK, Michal  (17)
Walgrave, Stefaan (3)
Lefevere, Jonas (2)
Meulewaeter, Conrad (2)
Main Referenced Keywords
Southeast Europe (7); Covid-19 (6); elections (6); congruence (4); inequality (4);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
University of Luxembourg: Institute of Political Science (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Political science, public administration & international relations (35)
Sociology & social sciences (4)
Communication & mass media (1)

Publications (total 40)

The most downloaded
GLAURDIC, J., LESSCHAEVE, C., & Vizek, M. (01 June 2020). Consolidated democracy advantage: political instability and sovereign spreads in the EU. Comparative European Politics, 18 (3), 437-459. doi:10.1057/s41295-019-00193-2

The most cited

43 citations (OpenAlex)

LESSCHAEVE, C. (2017). The Predictive Power of the Left-Right Self-Placement Scale for the Policy Positions of Voters and Parties. West European Politics, 40 (2), 357-377. doi:10.1080/01402382.2016.1229088

LESSCHAEVE, C. (In press). War as an Enduring Determinant of Party Choice in Postwar Southeast Europe. Europe-Asia Studies. doi:10.1080/09668136.2022.2150148
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GLAURDIC, J., & LESSCHAEVE, C. (March 2024). The Politics of Covid-19 Vaccination Hesitancy in Southeastern Europe. Comparative Southeast European studies, 72 (1), 33 - 57. doi:10.1515/soeu-2023-0006
Peer reviewed

LESSCHAEVE, C., GLAURDIĆ, J., D'AMBROSIO, C., & VÖGELE, C. (09 January 2024). Gender roles and political ideology in the pandemic: experimental evidence from Western Europe. Frontiers in Political Science, 5. doi:10.3389/fpos.2023.1325138
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GLAURDIC, J., Filipovic, V., & LESSCHAEVE, C. (2024). The Failure of “Yugoslavia’s Last Chance”: Ante Marković and his Reformists in the 1990 Elections. Nationalities Papers, 52 (1), 40–59. doi:10.1017/nps.2022.54
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LESSCHAEVE, C., & GLAURDIC, J. (2024). The Ties That Bind: War Histories and Online Social Networks in Postwar Societies. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 68 (7-8), 1443-1467. doi:10.1177/00220027231190917
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LESSCHAEVE, C., & Padmos, L. (2023). Measuring agreement: How to arrive at reliable measures of opinion congruence between voters and parties. Representation, 59 (2), 311–328. doi:10.1080/00344893.2021.1998208
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GLAURDIC, J., MOCHTAK, M., & LESSCHAEVE, C. (2023). Ethnic Bias after Ethnic Conflict: Preferential Voting and the Serb Minority in Croatian Elections. Ethnopolitics, 22 (1), 22-42. doi:10.1080/17449057.2021.1997440
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GLAURDIĆ, J., & LESSCHAEVE, C. (2023). Health versus wealth: Saving lives or saving the economy during the COVID-19 pandemic? [Paper presentation]. Semilux – Luxembourg seminar on social inequalities and public policies, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.

GLAURDIC, J., LESSCHAEVE, C., & MOCHTAK, M. (20 June 2022). Coronavirus Conspiracy Theories in Southeast Europe: (Non-)Believers, Social Network Bubbles, and the Discourse of Blame. Problems of Post-Communism, 70 (6), 640–653. doi:10.1080/10758216.2022.2082482
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MOCHTAK, M., Drnovsky, A., & LESSCHAEVE, C. (2022). Bias in the eye of beholder? 25 years of election monitoring in Europe. Democratization, Online, 1-19. doi:10.1080/13510347.2021.2019219
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LESSCHAEVE, C., & GLAURDIC, J. (2022). Condoning postwar corruption: how legacies of war prevent democratic accountability in contemporary Southeast Europe. East European Politics, 38 (2), 188-207. doi:10.1080/21599165.2021.1965577
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GLAURDIC, J., LESSCHAEVE, C., & MOCHTAK, M. (2022). Contesting war memories: Parties and voters in contemporary Southeast Europe. Party Politics, 28 (6), 1094-1108. doi:10.1177/13540688211039378
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MOCHTAK, M., GLAURDIC, J., & LESSCHAEVE, C. (2022). Talking War: Representation, Veterans and Ideology in Post-War Parliamentary Debates. Government and Opposition, 57 (1), 148-170. doi:10.1017/gov.2020.25
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LESSCHAEVE, C., GLAURDIĆ, J., & MOCHTAK, M. (2022). ELWar Public Opinion Survey – 2018 Round. Mannheim, Germany: SowiDataNet Datorium – GESIS Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften. doi:10.7802/2396
Dataset: 10.7802/2396

MOCHTAK, M., GLAURDIĆ, J., & LESSCHAEVE, C. (2022). CROCorp: Corpus of Parliamentary Debates in Croatia. v1.1.1 (2003-2020). Geneva, Switzerland: Zenodo. doi:10.5281/zenodo.6521372

GLAURDIĆ, J., & LESSCHAEVE, C. (2022). The Politics of Covid-19 Vaccination Hesitancy in Southeast Europe [Paper presentation]. Public Health in East and Southeast Europe: Growth, Inequality and the State. Contemporary and Historical Perspectives, Regensburg, Germany.
Editorial reviewed

LESSCHAEVE, C., GLAURDIĆ, J., & MOCHTAK, M. (2022). ELWar Expert Survey Trend File. Mannheim, Germany: SowiDataNet Datorium – GESIS Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften. doi:10.7802/2400
Dataset: 10.7802/2400

LESSCHAEVE, C., GLAURDIĆ, J., & MOCHTAK, M. (2022). ELWar COVID-19 Public Opinion Survey – 2021 Round. Mannheim, Germany: SowiDataNet Datorium – GESIS Leibniz-Institut für Sozial-wissenschaften. doi:10.7802/2398
Dataset: 10.7802/2398

MOCHTAK, M., GLAURDIĆ, J., & LESSCHAEVE, C. (2022). SRBCorp: Corpus of Parliamentary Debates in Serbia. Geneva, Switzerland: Zenodo. doi:10.5281/zenodo.6521648

GLAURDIĆ, J., LESSCHAEVE, C., MOCHTAK, M., Ondrejka, P., & Kaniški, T. (2022). ELWar Mapdat. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg.

LESSCHAEVE, C., GLAURDIĆ, J., & MOCHTAK, M. (2022). ELWar COVID-19 Public Opinion Survey – 2020 Round. Mannheim, Germany: SowiDataNet Datorium – GESIS Leibniz-Institut für Sozial-wissenschaften. doi:10.7802/2397
Dataset: 10.7802/2397

LESSCHAEVE, C., GLAURDIĆ, J., & MOCHTAK, M. (2022). ELWar Croatian and Serbian 2020 Election Survey. Mannheim, Germany: SowiDataNet Datorium – GESIS Leibniz-Institut für Sozial-wissenschaften. doi:10.7802/2399
Dataset: 10.7802/2399

MOCHTAK, M., GLAURDIĆ, J., & LESSCHAEVE, C. (2022). BiHCorp: Corpus of Parliamentary Debates in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Geneva, Switzerland: Zenodo. doi:10.5281/zenodo.6517697

GLAURDIC, J., LESSCHAEVE, C., & Mochtak, M. (01 December 2021). Coronavirus Pandemic Response and Voter Choice: Evidence from Serbia and Croatia. Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 54 (4), 197–214. doi:10.1525/j.postcomstud.2021.54.4.197
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LESSCHAEVE, C. (2021). Bringing representatives back in. How political parties moderate patterns of inequality in opinion representation. European Political Science. doi:10.1057/s41304-021-00332-y
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MOCHTAK, M., LESSCHAEVE, C., & GLAURDIC, J. (2021). Voting and winning: perceptions of electoral integrity in consolidating democracies. Democratization, 28 (8), 1423-1441. doi:10.1080/13510347.2021.1918111
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LESSCHAEVE, C., GLAURDIC, J., & MOCHTAK, M. (2021). Health Versus Wealth During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Saving Lives or Saving the Economy? Public Opinion Quarterly, 85 (3), 808-835. doi:10.1093/poq/nfab036
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GLAURDIC, J., LESSCHAEVE, C., & Vizek, M. (01 June 2020). Consolidated democracy advantage: political instability and sovereign spreads in the EU. Comparative European Politics, 18 (3), 437-459. doi:10.1057/s41295-019-00193-2
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GLAURDIC, J., LESSCHAEVE, C., & MOCHTAK, M. (25 January 2019). Modelling the Legacies of War Violence: Voters, Parties, Communities. Anali Hrvatskog politološkog društva: časopis za politologiju, 15 (1), 77-101. doi:10.20901/an.15.04
Peer reviewed

Lefevere, J., Sevenans, J., Walgrave, S., & LESSCHAEVE, C. (2019). Issue Reframing by Parties: The Effect of Issue Salience and Ownership. Party Politics, 25 (4), 507-519. doi:10.1177/1354068817736755
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Dandoy, R., Meulewaeter, C., & LESSCHAEVE, C. (2019). Constituting the List Amid Time of Personalisation of Politics: The Balance of Congruent and Popular Candidates in Belgian Political Parties. In A. Vandeleene, L. De Winter, ... P. Baudewyns (Eds.), Candidates, Parties and Voters in the Belgian Partitocracy (pp. 215-244). London, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan.

LESSCHAEVE, C. (2019). Voting after violence: How combat experiences and postwar trauma affect veteran and voter party choices in Croatia’s 2003 postwar elections. Armed Forces and Society. doi:10.1177/0095327X18819244
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LESSCHAEVE, C., Van Erkel, P., & Meulewaeter, C. (2018). Thinking alike: two pathways to leadership-candidate opinion congruence. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 28 (4), 488-515. doi:10.1080/17457289.2018.1425693
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Walgrave, S., & LESSCHAEVE, C. (2018). Policy and Ideology Volatility During the Campaign. In K. Deschouwer (Ed.), Mind the gap : political participation and representation in Belgium. London, United Kingdom: ECPR Press.

LESSCHAEVE, C. (2017). The Predictive Power of the Left-Right Self-Placement Scale for the Policy Positions of Voters and Parties. West European Politics, 40 (2), 357-377. doi:10.1080/01402382.2016.1229088
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LESSCHAEVE, C. (2017). Finding Inequality in an Unlikely Place: Differences in Policy Congruence between Social Groups in Belgium. Acta Politica, 52 (3), 361–383. doi:10.1057/s41269-016-0033-x
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LESSCHAEVE, C. (2017). Inequality in Party-voter Opinion Congruence: A Matter of Choices Made or Choices Given? Representation, 53 (2), 153-166. doi:10.1080/00344893.2017.1333034
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Walgrave, S., & LESSCHAEVE, C. (2017). The Matthew Effect in Electoral Campaigns: Increase in Policy Congruence Inequality During the Campaign. Electoral Studies. doi:10.1016/j.electstud.2017.09.001
Peer reviewed

LESSCHAEVE, C. (2016). Naar Een Voorwaardelijk Model van Ongelijkheid in Vertegenwoordiging. Een Onderzoek Naar Het Moderatie-Effecten van Beleidsdomeinen Op Ongelijkheid in Beleidscongruentie. Res Publica, 58 (1), 59-80.
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Lefevere, J., & LESSCHAEVE, C. (2014). Het Effect van Lokale Verkiezingscampagnes Op Politieke Kennis. De Case van de Antwerpse Lokale Verkiezingen. Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap, 42 (1), 71–88.
Peer reviewed

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