VAN HERCK, S. (2022). Re/constructing Computing Experiences. From "punch girls" in the 1940s to "computer boys" in the 1980s [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. |
VAN HERCK, S. (08 January 2020). Punched Cards in Accounting at Helena Rubinstein [Paper presentation]. Work in Progress, Maastricht, Netherlands. |
VAN HERCK, S. (27 October 2019). Rebuilding the Office around the Mainframe: IBM’s S/360 in Context [Paper presentation]. Exception Error: fatal, illegal, unknown. 11th Annual SIGCIS Conference, Milan, Italy. |
VAN HERCK, S. (25 March 2019). Gendered labour in business computing: the IBM S/360 in practice [Paper presentation]. Oberseminar, München, Germany. |
VAN HERCK, S. (2019). Visualizing Gender Balance in Conferences. Umanistica Digitale, (5), 91-105. doi:10.6092/issn.2532-8816/8585 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
VAN HERCK, S. (30 November 2018). Why Hillary's e-mails were leaked, not Bill's [Paper presentation]. CNA Heritage Hack, Belval, Luxembourg. |
VAN HERCK, S., & FISCARELLI, A. M. (2018). Mind the Gap: Gender and Computer Science Conferences. In D. Kreps, C. Ess, L. Leenen, ... K. Kimppa, This Changes Everything - ICT and Climate Change: What Can We Do? 13th IFIP TC 9 International Conference on Human Choice and Computers, HCC13 2018. Held at the 24th IFIP World Computer Congress, WCC2018, Poznan, Poland, September 19-21, 2018, Proceedings (pp. 232-249). Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-99605-9_17 Peer reviewed |
VAN DER HEIJDEN, T., ANDERSEN, E., BRONEC, J., DE KRAMER, M., DURLACHER, T., FISCARELLI, A. M., HADDADAN, S., KAMLOVSKAYA, E., LOTZ, J., MERSCH, S., MORSE, C., SIKK, K., & VAN HERCK, S. (27 November 2017). Presentation of the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History – C2DH Doctoral Training Unit [Paper presentation]. DH Nord Conference: (De)constructing Digital History/(Dé)construire l’Histoire Numérique, Lille, France. |