DURLACHER, T. (2021). Scientific Models, Computer Simulations, and Agent-Based Models. Hermeneutic and Analytic Perspectives [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. https://orbilu.uni.lu/handle/10993/49872 |
DURLACHER, T. (05 February 2021). What Are Scientific Models? Problems with the Fiction View [Poster presentation]. Philosophy of Science Association Meeting. |
DURLACHER, T. (24 June 2020). How do we use digital methods in the research process? Philosophical perspectives on topic modelling, network analysis and computer-based representations [Paper presentation]. International Master Class “Digital History and Hermeneutics”, Esch sur Alzette, Luxembourg. |
DURLACHER, T. (2020). Agent-based modelling with Netlogo. DHH blogpost. |
DURLACHER, T. (2020). The new digital responsibility – or what is data-ethics? DHH blogpost. |
DURLACHER, T. (18 September 2019). The DEKI account of scientific representation. A solution to the problem of model-based representation? [Paper presentation]. Salzburg Conference for Young Analytic Philosophy, Salzburg, Austria. |
DURLACHER, T. (02 September 2019). Enlightenment now? On the recent resurgence of the idea of human progress [Paper presentation]. Antwerp Summer School on The Enlightenment in Current Public Debate. |
DURLACHER, T. (06 August 2019). Idealizations and the decomposability of models in science [Paper presentation]. The International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology (CLMPST). |
DURLACHER, T. (2019). Jörn Rüsen, Post-humanism and Human Nature. DHH blogpost. |
DURLACHER, T. (11 May 2019). Weak emergence, computer simulations and complex systems [Paper presentation]. Emergence: conceptual and philosophical aspects, Amsterdam, Netherlands. |
DURLACHER, T. (25 October 2018). Model-based Reasoning in Science and Technology [Paper presentation]. Model-based Reasoning in Science and Technology Inferential Models for Logic, Language, Cognition and Computation, Seville, Spain. |
VAN DER HEIJDEN, T., ANDERSEN, E., BRONEC, J., DE KRAMER, M., DURLACHER, T., FISCARELLI, A. M., HADDADAN, S., KAMLOVSKAYA, E., LOTZ, J., MERSCH, S., MORSE, C., SIKK, K., & VAN HERCK, S. (27 November 2017). Presentation of the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History – C2DH Doctoral Training Unit [Paper presentation]. DH Nord Conference: (De)constructing Digital History/(Dé)construire l’Histoire Numérique, Lille, France. |