

University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance (FDEF) > Department of Law (DL)

Main Referenced Co-authors
COLE, Mark David  (6)
SCHIFFNER, Stefan  (6)
SIRY, Lawrence  (4)
Schiffner, Stefan (2)
Adami, Monica (1)
Main Referenced Keywords
NIS Directive (16); cybersecurity (10); Cybersecurity (9); GDPR (8); Internet Law (4);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) > Other (4)
Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) > Networking Research Group (NetLab) (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Law, criminology & political science: Multidisciplinary, general & others (38)
European & international law (22)
Engineering, computing & technology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (7)
Civil law (3)
Criminal law & procedure (2)

Publications (total 60)

The most downloaded
SCHMITZ, S. (2022). Conceptualising the Legal Notion of ‘State of the Art’ in the Context of IT Security. In M. Friedewald, S. Krenn, S. Schiffner, ... I. Schiering (Eds.), Privacy and Identity Management. Between Data Protection and Security. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-99100-5_3

The most cited

17 citations (OpenAlex)

SCHMITZ, S., & SIRY, L. (2011). Teenage Folly or Child Abuse? State Responses to "Sexting" by Minors in the US and Germany. Policy and Internet, 3 (2). doi:10.2202/1944-2866.1127

COLE, M. D., & SCHMITZ-BERNDT, S. (2024). Le monde de demain : les textes juridiques sont-ils à l’épreuve de l'intelligence artificielle et des défis de l'audiovisuel ? In M. Cappello, IA et secteur audiovisuel : exploration du paysage juridique actuel (pp. 112-130). Strasbourg, France: Observatoire européen de l’audiovisuel (Conseil de l’Europe).
Peer reviewed

COLE, M. D., & SCHMITZ-BERNDT, S. (2024). Die Welt von morgen: Sind die Texte KI-fest und bereit für die AV- Herausforderungen? In M. Cappello, KI im audiovisuellen Sektor: ein Kompass für die aktuelle Rechtslandschaft (pp. 115-134). Strasbourg, France: Europäische Audiovisuelle Informationsstelle (Europarat).
Peer reviewed

COLE, M. D., & SCHMITZ-BERNDT, S. (2024). The world of tomorrow: are the texts AI-proof and ready for the AV challenges? In M. Cappello (Ed.), AI and the audiovisual sector: navigating the current legal landscape (pp. 100-116). Strasbourg, France: European Audiovisual Observatory (Council of Europe).
Peer reviewed

SCHMITZ-BERNDT, S. (18 July 2024). Interfering with Judicial Independence? The Legal Constraints in the Realm of AI-Powered Judicial Decision-Making. Journal of AI Law and Regulation, 1 (2), 199-211. doi:10.21552/aire/2024/2/6
Peer reviewed

SCHMITZ-BERNDT, S. (2024). Annex: “A-Z” of Algorithm-related Terminology. In M. D. COLE, C. Etteldorf, J. Ukrow, ... S. SCHMITZ-BERNDT, Algorithmic transparency and accountability of digital services. Strasbourg, Unknown/unspecified: European Audiovisual Observatory (Council of Europe).
Peer reviewed

SCHMITZ-BERNDT, S. (2024). European Union ∙ The Complex Interplay of AI and Data Protection: Emerging Guidance from Data Protection Authorities in Europe and the Examples of Germany and France. European Data Protection Law Review, 10 (3), 294-300. doi:10.21552/edpl/2024/3/9
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SCHMITZ-BERNDT, S. (2024). Security of Processing and Data Breach Notification: New Guidance in View of Decisions in the One-Stop-Shop Procedure. European Data Protection Law Review, 10 (2), 193-198. doi:10.21552/edpl/2024/2/10
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SCHMITZ-BERNDT, S. (2023). Refining the Mandatory Cybersecurity Incident Reporting under the NIS Directive 2.0: Event Types and Reporting Processes. In C. Onwubiko, P. Rosati, A. Rege, A. Erola, X. Bellekens, H. Hindy, ... M. G. Jaatun (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Cybersecurity, Situational Awareness and Social Media. Singapore, Singapore: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-981-19-6414-5_19
Peer reviewed

SCHMITZ-BERNDT, S. (2023). AI-based adjudication: Is this the end of our profession as we know it? [Paper presentation]. GikII 2023 – Dancing with the AI Stars: Legal Moves in the Rhythm of Technological Change.

SCHMITZ-BERNDT, S. (2023). Round-up: Recently Adopted EDPB Guidelines Contextualised. European Data Protection Law Review, 9 (2), 184 - 193. doi:10.21552/edpl/2023/2/13
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SCHMITZ-BERNDT, S. (2023). EDPB Opinion on the European Commission’s Draft Adequacy Decision regarding the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework: Is the Scene Set for Schrems III? European Data Protection Law Review, 9 (1), 61 - 67. doi:10.21552/edpl/2023/1/11
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SCHMITZ-BERNDT, S. (2023). Defining the reporting threshold for a cybersecurity incident under the NIS Directive and the NIS 2 Directive. Journal of Cybersecurity, 9 (1). doi:10.1093/cybsec/tyad009
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COLE, M. D., & SCHMITZ-BERNDT, S. (08 December 2022). Towards an Efficient and Coherent Regulatory Framework on Cybersecurity in the EU: The Proposals for a NIS 2.0 Directive and a Cyber Resilience Act. Applied Cybersecurity and Internet Governance, 1 (1). doi:10.5604/01.3001.0016.1323
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SCHMITZ-BERNDT, S. (December 2022). EDPB Adopts updated Guidelines on Personal Data Breach Notification under GDPR: The End of the One-Stop-Shop Reporting Mechanism for Non-EU Establishments. European Data Protection Law Review, 8 (4), 517-520. doi:10.21552/edpl/2022/4/11
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SCHMITZ, S., & CHIARA, P. G. (2022). One step ahead: mapping the Italian and German cybersecurity laws against the proposal for a NIS2 directive. International Cybersecurity Law Review. doi:10.1365/s43439-022-00058-7
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SCHMITZ, S. (07 July 2022). If there’s something strange in your [cyber]hood – who you gonna call? [Paper presentation]. Gikii 2022, Reykjavik, Iceland.

SCHMITZ, S. (25 May 2022). A Cybersecurity Incident: Who You Gonna Call? [Paper presentation]. 15th International Conference Computers, Privacy & Data Protection (CPDP), Data Protection in Transitional Times, Brussels, Belgium.

SCHMITZ, S. (10 May 2022). The NIS 2.0 Directive - Lessons learnt or lagging behind? A legal perspective [Paper presentation]. First NISDUC Conference, Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce, Luxembourg.

SCHMITZ, S. (May 2022). Every Student Can Learn, Just not on the Same Day: An Analysis of Data Protection and Cybersecurity Challenges for E-Learning Platforms in the COVID19 Crisis. European Journal of Law and Technology, 13 (1).
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SCHMITZ, S. (13 April 2022). To Report, or Not To Report, that Is the Question! The Struggle in Determining a Report-Worthy Cybersecurity Incident [Paper presentation]. 37th BILETA Conference 2022, Exeter, United Kingdom.

SCHMITZ, S. (13 April 2022). To Report, or Not to Report, that Is the Question! The Struggle in Determining a Report-Worthy Cyber Incident [Paper presentation]. 37th Annual Conference, BILETA, University of Exeter, United Kingdom.

SCHMITZ, S. (2022). Conceptualising the Legal Notion of ‘State of the Art’ in the Context of IT Security. In M. Friedewald, S. Krenn, S. Schiffner, ... I. Schiering (Eds.), Privacy and Identity Management. Between Data Protection and Security. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-99100-5_3
Peer reviewed

Kumari, A., Schiffner, S., & SCHMITZ, S. (2022). SMART: a Technology Readiness Methodology in the Frame of the NIS Directive. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

SCHMITZ, S. (01 December 2021). The NIS2 Directive is on its way [Paper presentation]. Cybersecurity@CEPS Summit 2021.

SCHMITZ, S. (2021). Cybersecurity is Gaining Momentum – NIS 2.0 Is on its Way. European Data Protection Law Review, (4), 580-585. doi:10.21552/edpl/2021/4/14
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SCHMITZ, S. (12 November 2021). Cybersecurity, the AI Act and the 'State of the Art' [Paper presentation]. Quo vadis, (EU) Law?, Milan, Italy.

SCHMITZ, S., & Schiffner, S. (2021). Wenn Sicherheitsinteressen kollidieren – Technische und rechtliche Implikationen einer verpflichtenden Zugriffsmöglichkeit auf verschlüsselte Daten durch Behörden. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

SCHMITZ, S., & SCHIFFNER, S. (14 April 2021). “Every Student Can Learn, just not on the same Day” -Data Protection and Cybersecurity Challenges for E-Learning Platforms [Paper presentation]. BILETA 2021 - Taken by surprise: (Re-)constituting the critical in an age of digital and pandemic.

Adami, M., Bachmaier, P., Barbizan, T., Billois, G., Bonanni, F., COLE, M. D., Dinand, P., Endrodi, G., Herrera, F., Juskevicius, R., Maridis, G., Massacci, F., Milio, S., Polito, C., Pupillo, L., Richardson, M., SCHMITZ, S., Talpo, S., Thirriot, A., & Zamboni, A. (2021). Study to support the review of Directive (EU) 2016/1148 concerning measures for a high common level of security of network and information systems across the Union (NIS Directive), No. 2020-665. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Publications Office for the European Union. doi:10.2759/184749

SCHMITZ, S., & SCHIFFNER, S. (2021). Responsible Vulnerability Disclosure under the NIS 2.0 Proposal. Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and Electronic Commerce Law, 12 (5).
Peer reviewed

SCHMITZ, S., & SCHIFFNER, S. (2021). Don’t Put the Cart Before the Horse – Effective Incident Handling Under GDPR and NIS Directive. In M. Friedewald, S. SCHIFFNER, ... S. Krenn (Eds.), Privacy and Identity Management (pp. 3-17). Cham, Unknown/unspecified: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-72465-8
Peer reviewed

SCHMITZ, S., & ANHEIER, F. (2021). Synergies in Cybersecurity Incident Reporting – The NIS Cooperation Group Publication 04/20 in Context. European Data Protection Law Review, 7 (1), 101-107. doi:10.21552/edpl/2021/1/13
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SCHMITZ, S., & SCHIFFNER, S. (2021). Ein Schritt vor, zwei Schritte zurück? - Folgen einer verpflichtenden Zugriffsmöglichkeit auf verschlüsselte Daten. In J. Taeger (Ed.), Im Fokus der Rechtsentwicklung – Die Digitalisierung der Welt (pp. 289-304). Oldenburg, Germany: OlWIR.

SCHMITZ, S., & SCHIFFNER, S. (2021). Don’t Tell Them now (or at all) – Responsible Disclosure of Security Incidents under NIS Directive and GDPR. International Review of Law, Computers and Technology, 35 (2). doi:10.1080/13600869.2021.1885103
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SCHMITZ, S. (02 December 2020). New Legal Aspects of the NISD Review [Paper presentation]. Cybersecurity@CEPS Summit 2020.

SCHMITZ, S., & SCHIFFNER, S. (06 May 2020). Don't tell them now (or at all) - End user notification duties under NIS Directive and GDPR [Paper presentation]. BILETA 2020: Regulating Transitions in Technology and Law.

COLE, M. D., & SCHMITZ, S. (2019). The Interplay between the NIS Directive and the GDPR in a Cybersecurity Threat Landscape. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

SCHMITZ, S., & Berndt, C. (2018). The German Acton Improving Law Enforcement on Social NEtworks (NetzDG): A Blunt Sword? ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

SCHMITZ, S. (25 April 2018). The interplay between the NIS Directive and the GDPR in a cybersecurity threat landscape [Paper presentation]. 5th Winchester Conference on Trust, Risk, Information and the Law (TRILCon), United Kingdom.

SCHMITZ, S. (2017). Internetdelikte und die Herausforderungen des Forum Shoppings. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

SCHMITZ, S., & ROBINSON, G. (2017). Das NetzDG und die CPS Guidelines zur Verfolgung strafbarer Inhalte in sozialen Medien. In J. Taeger (Ed.), Recht 4.0 - Innovationen aus den rechtswissenschaftlichen Laboren (pp. 289-304). Oldenburg, Germany: OlWir.

SCHMITZ, S. (2017). Internetrecht. Wochenspiegel Region Trier - Rechtsratgeber 2017.

SCHMITZ, S. (2017). The article 29 Working Party's Guidelines for Identifying the Lead Supervisory Authority in Cross-Border Data Processing. European Data Protection Law Review, 3 (1), 90-92.
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SCHMITZ, S., & Matzneller, P. (2016). Der Rechtsrahmen für Fotografien in der Großregion. In M. COLE & S. Ory (Eds.), Fotografien in der Großregion (pp. 10-85). Saarbrücken, Germany: EMR.

SCHMITZ, S. (2016). Länderbericht Deutschland. In M. COLE & S. Ory (Eds.), Fotografien in der Großregion (pp. 113-167). Saarbrücken, Germany: EMR.

SCHMITZ, S. (2015). The Struggle in Online Copyright Enforcement - Problems and Prospects. Nomos with Hart Publishing.

SCHMITZ, S. (2015). The Redtube Copyright Infringement Affair in Germany: Shame on Who? International Review of Law, Computers and Technology, 29 (1), 33-49. doi:10.1080/13600869.2015.1012777
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SCHMITZ, S. (December 2013). Facebook’s Real Name Policy: Bye-Bye, Max Mustermann? Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and Electronic Commerce Law, 4 (3), 190-204.
Peer reviewed

SCHMITZ, S. (14 October 2013). Zur Durchsetzung von Urheberrechten im Internet: Ein Warnhinweismodell als Ausweg? Der Jurist, 3, 109 - 141.
Peer reviewed

SCHMITZ, S. (2013). HADOPI und DIGITAL ECONOMY ACT 2010: Zum Scheitern verurteilt? In J. Taeger (Ed.), Law as a Service (LaaS) - Recht im Internet- und Cloud-Zeitalter. Oldenburg, Germany: OlWIR.

SCHMITZ, S. (2013). The US SOPA and PIPA - A European Perspective. International Review of Law, Computers and Technology, 27 (1-2), 213-229. doi:10.1080/13600869.2013.764141
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SCHMITZ, S. (2012). Protection of the Content of a 'Wiki' Database under the European Database Directive. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

SIRY, L., & SCHMITZ, S. (2012). ONLINE ARCHIVES: Finding a Common Ground in the Quicksand of Online Defamation Developments. European Journal of Law and Technology, 3 (1).
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SCHMITZ, S. (2012). From where are they Casting Stones? – Determining Jurisdiction in Online Defamation Claims. Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technology, 159 - 176.
Peer reviewed

SCHMITZ, S. (2012). Die Verfolgung von Urheberrechtsverletzungen im Internet — Neues vom EuGH. In J. Taeger (Ed.), IT und Internet - mit Recht gestalten (pp. 227 - 243). Oldenburg, Unknown/unspecified: OlWIR.

SCHMITZ, S., & RIES, T. (2012). Three songs and you are disconnected from cyberspace? Not in Germany where the industry may ‘turn piracy into profit’. European Journal of Law and Technology, 3 (1).
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SCHMITZ, S. (2011). Der Digitale Pranger – Die Benotung von Lehrern im Zeitalter des Web 2.0. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

SCHMITZ, S., & SIRY, L. (2011). Teenage Folly or Child Abuse? State Responses to "Sexting" by Minors in the US and Germany. Policy and Internet, 3 (2). doi:10.2202/1944-2866.1127
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SCHMITZ, S., & SIRY, L. (2011). Internationale gerichtliche Zuständigkeit bei Persönlichkeitsverletzungen im Internet. In J. Taeger (Ed.), Die Welt im Netz - Folgen für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft (pp. 83 - 100). Oldenburg, Unknown/unspecified: O|WIR Oldenburger Verlag für Wirtschaft, Informatik und Recht.

SCHMITZ, S., & SIRY, L. (2010). Online-Archive - "Der ewige Pranger im Internet?". In J. Taeger (Ed.), Digitale Evolution - Herausforderungen für das Informations- und Medienrecht (pp. 217 - 232). OlWIR Verlag für Wirtschaft, Informatik und Recht.

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