

University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE) > Department of Geography and Spatial Planning (DGEO) > Geography and Spatial Planning

Main Referenced Co-authors
NIENABER, Birte  (12)
SOMMARRIBAS, Adolfo  (10)
HALLACK-WOLFF, Florence  (3)
MELLINGER, Lukas  (3)
SCHWANDT, Roxane  (2)
Main Referenced Keywords
migration (4); Migration (3); asile (2); asylum (2); Integration (2);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
EMN Luxembourg/University of Luxembourg (7)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Political science, public administration & international relations (8)
Human geography & demography (7)
Social & behavioral sciences, psychology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (7)
European & international law (5)
Sociology & social sciences (5)

Publications (total 12)

The most downloaded
HOLZAPFEL-MANTIN, N., MELLINGER, L., SOMMARRIBAS, A., HALLACK, F., & NIENABER, B. (2022). Annual Report on Migration and Asylum Part 1 2021 Luxembourg. Esch/Belval, Luxembourg: EMN Luxembourg.

SOMMARRIBAS, A., HOLZAPFEL-MANTIN, N., THIRY, D., & NIENABER, B. (Ed.). (2024). EMN Luxembourg - 2023 Rapport Annuel sur les Migrations et l'Asile - FR. Esch/Belval, Luxembourg: European Migration Network Luxembourg.

HOLZAPFEL-MANTIN, N., SOMMARRIBAS, A., THIRY, D., & NIENABER, B. (Ed.). (2024). EMN Luxembourg - Annual Report on Migration and Asylum 2023 - EN. Esch/Belval, Luxembourg: European Migration Network Luxembourg.

SOMMARRIBAS, A., HOLZAPFEL-MANTIN, N., & NIENABER, B. (2023). MIGRATION INTERNATIONALE AU LUXEMBOURG, Système d’observation permanente des migrations OCDE, 2023.

NIENABER, B., HOLZAPFEL-MANTIN, N., & SOMMARRIBAS, A. (2023). Migration und Migrationspolitik in Luxemburg. Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung.

NIENABER, B., HOLZAPFEL-MANTIN, N., & SOMMARRIBAS, A. (2023). Migration and Migration Policy in Luxembourg. Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung.

HOLZAPFEL-MANTIN, N., SOMMARRIBAS, A., SCHWANDT, R., & NIENABER, B. (Ed.). (2023). EMN Luxembourg - Annual Report on Migration and Asylum 2022 - EN. Esch/Belval, Luxembourg: European Migration Network Luxembourg.

SOMMARRIBAS, A., HOLZAPFEL-MANTIN, N., SCHWANDT, R., & NIENABER, B. (Ed.). (2023). EMN Luxembourg - 2022 Rapport Annuel sur les Migrations et l'Asile - FR. Esch/Belval, Luxembourg: European Migration Network Luxembourg.

NIENABER, B., HOLZAPFEL, N., & BUDACH, G. (23 March 2023). “Crossing borders, connecting cultures”: an introduction to the special issue. Comparative Migration Studies, 11 (7).
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

HOLZAPFEL, N., MELLINGER, L., SOMMARRIBAS, A., HALLACK, F., & NIENABER, B. (Ed.). (2022). Annual Report on Migration and Asylum 2021 – Luxembourg. Esch/Belval, Luxembourg: European Migration Network Luxembourg.

MELLINGER, L., HOLZAPFEL-MANTIN, N., SOMMARRIBAS, A., HALLACK, F., & NIENABER, B. (Ed.). (2022). Rapport annuel sur les migrations et l'asile 2021 – Luxembourg. Esch/Belval, Luxembourg: European Migration Network Luxembourg.

HOLZAPFEL-MANTIN, N., MELLINGER, L., SOMMARRIBAS, A., HALLACK, F., & NIENABER, B. (2022). Annual Report on Migration and Asylum Part 1 2021 Luxembourg. Esch/Belval, Luxembourg: EMN Luxembourg.

NIENABER, B., HOLZAPFEL, N., & ZANAJ, S. (2022). Ad-hoc childcare at University of Luxembourg-events. A guidance. University of Luxembourg.

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