
HAPP Christian

University of Luxembourg

Main Referenced Co-authors
STEFFGEN, Georges  (31)
MELZER, Andr�  (27)
KOHL, Diane  (3)
PFETSCH, Jan  (3)
VÖGELE, Claus  (3)
Main Referenced Keywords
aggression (2); empathy (2); prosocial behavior (2); eating disorders (1); eating disorders, interoception (1);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
European Commissions' Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Program (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Social, industrial & organizational psychology (28)
Communication & mass media (5)
Treatment & clinical psychology (3)
Social & behavioral sciences, psychology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (1)

Publications (total 37)

The most downloaded
STEFFGEN, G., SISCHKA, P., SCHMIDT, A. F., KOHL, D., & HAPP, C. (2016). The Luxembourg Workplace Mobbing Scale: Psychometric properties of a short instrument in three different languages. European Journal of Psychological Assessment. doi:10.1027/1015-5759/a000381

The most cited

49 citations (Scopus®)

VAN DYCK, Z., Herbert, B. M., HAPP, C., Kleveman, G. V., & Vögele, C. (2016). German version of the Intuitive Eating Scale: Psychometric evaluation and application to an eating disordered population. Appetite, 105, 798-807. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2016.07.019

ORTMANN, J., LUTZ, A., Rose, G., HAPP, C., Vögele, C., SCHULZ, A., & Zoé, V. D. (2024). Development and initial validation of a self-report measure to assess eating disorderspecific interoceptive perception. Psychological Assessment, 36 (2), 162-174.
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ORTMANN, J., LUTZ, A., Rose, G., HAPP, C., SCHULZ, A., VÖGELE, C., & van Dyck, Z. (September 2023). Entwicklung und Validierung eines Fragebogens zur Erfassung der essstörungsspezifischen interozeptiven Wahrnehmung. Adipositas, 17 (3), 136. doi:10.1055/s-0043-1771552
Peer reviewed

MELZER, A., HAPP, C., & STEFFGEN, G. (2019). Lerneffekte interaktiver Medien bei Kindern und Jugendlichen.

HAPP, C., MELZER, A., & STEFFGEN, G. (June 2016). Trick with Treat – Reciprocity increases the willingness to communicate personal data [Paper presentation]. 66th ICA Annual Conference, Fukuoka, Japan.

STEFFGEN, G., SISCHKA, P., SCHMIDT, A. F., KOHL, D., & HAPP, C. (2016). The Luxembourg Workplace Mobbing Scale: Psychometric properties of a short instrument in three different languages. European Journal of Psychological Assessment. doi:10.1027/1015-5759/a000381
Peer reviewed

HAPP, C., MELZER, A., & STEFFGEN, G. (2016). Trick with treat – Reciprocity increases the willingness to communicate personal data. Computers in Human Behavior, 372-377. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2016.03.026
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VAN DYCK, Z., Herbert, B. M., HAPP, C., Kleveman, G. V., & Vögele, C. (2016). German version of the Intuitive Eating Scale: Psychometric evaluation and application to an eating disordered population. Appetite, 105, 798-807. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2016.07.019
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STEFFGEN, G., KOHL, D., Reese, G., HAPP, C., & SISCHKA, P. (2015). Quality of Work: Validation of a New Instrument in Three Languages. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 12 (12), 14988–15006. doi:10.3390/ijerph121214958
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STEFFGEN, G., KOHL, D., & HAPP, C. (22 November 2014). Predicting Workplace mobbing by working conditions [Paper presentation]. XVIV Workshop Aggression.

HAPP, C., & MELZER, A. (2014). Empathy and Violent Video Games: Aggression and Prosocial Behavior. (Palgrave Studies in Cyberpsychology). Palgrave Pivot.

MELZER, A., HAPP, C., & STEFFGEN, G. (November 2014). Moral disengagement, media preferences, and the effects of violent video games [Paper presentation]. XIX. Workshop Aggression, Berlin, Germany.

MELZER, A., HAPP, C., & STEFFGEN, G. (May 2014). Moral disengagement as a predictor of violent video game preference [Paper presentation]. 64th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Seattle, United States.

HAPP, C., MELZER, A., & STEFFGEN, G. (2014). Gewalthaltige Computerspiele. In T. Porsch & S. Pieschl (Eds.), Neue Medien und deren Schatten (pp. 191-218). Göttingen, Germany: Hogrefe.

HAPP, C., & MELZER, A. (2014). The glue of the (virtual) social world? Exploring the role of empathy in violent video games [Paper presentation]. XIX. Workshop Aggression, Berlin, Germany.

HAPP, C.* , MELZER, A.* , & STEFFGEN, G. (2014). Like the Good or Bad Guy—Empathy in antisocial and prosocial games. Psychology of Popular Media Culture. doi:10.1037/ppm0000021
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* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

HAPP, C., MELZER, A., & STEFFGEN, G. (22 October 2013). Superman vs. BAD man? - The effects of empathy and game character in violent video games. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 16 (10), 774-778. doi:10.1089/cyber.2012.0695
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STEFFGEN, G., HAPP, C., & PFETSCH, J. (September 2013). Measuring bystander bahaviour in bullying and cyberbullying incidents [Paper presentation]. 16th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Lausanne, Switzerland.

STEFFGEN, G., Tintorri, L., HAPP, C., & PFETSCH, J. (October 2012). Empathic responsiveness of different participant roles in bullying and cyber bullying [Poster presentation]. Conference of Bullying and Cyber-Bullying: The Interface between Science and Practice, Vienna, Austria.

HAPP, C., MELZER, A., & STEFFGEN, G. (July 2012). Superman vs. BAD man? Empathy and game character influence the effects of violent video games [Poster presentation]. XXth ISRA World Meeting, Walferdange, Luxembourg.

HAPP, C., MELZER, A., Dax, A.-K., Eichner, F., & STEFFGEN, G. (July 2012). I love violent media, but it may harm others: Personality factors and attitudes towards violent media [Paper presentation]. XVII Workshop Aggression, Walferdange, Luxembourg.

HAPP, C., MELZER, A., Volkert, L. R., & STEFFGEN, G. (2012). IT Security. An empirical study on the willingness of people to communicate personal data. Luxembourg: Unversité du Luxembourg, INSIDE.

HAPP, C., MELZER, A., & STEFFGEN, G. (November 2011). Do we judge a game by its cover? A comparison of crime descriptions in fictitious video games and newspaper articles [Paper presentation]. XVI Workshop Aggression, Marburg, Germany.

HAPP, C., Sütterlin, S., MELZER, A., & STEFFGEN, G. (September 2011). Emotionale Medienstimuli und die moderierende Rolle von Empathie auf Entscheidungsprozesse [Paper presentation]. 13. Conference of the Social Psychology Division of the German Psychology Society, Hamburg, Germany.

HAPP, C., MELZER, A., & STEFFGEN, G. (July 2011). Great feelings in small boxes - Empathy as a mitigating factor in video games [Paper presentation]. 16th European Association for Social Psychology General Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden.

Bönigk, M., HAPP, C., & STEFFGEN, G. (May 2011). Resistance to Organizational Change: The Role of Anger Regulation Strategies [Paper presentation]. 15th Conference of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Maastricht, Netherlands.

MELZER, A., HAPP, C., & STEFFGEN, G. (May 2011). More empathic, but not more recollective: Dissociating effects of task-irrelevant information in violent racing games on memory and behavioral Intentions [Poster presentation]. 23rd Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, Washington DC, United States - Washington.

HAPP, C., MELZER, A., & STEFFGEN, G. (May 2011). Can you feel the game – How empathy in video games affects behavior [Poster presentation]. 23rd Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, Washington DC, United States - Washington.

STEFFGEN, G., König, A., HAPP, C., & PFETSCH, J. (April 2011). Empathy and cyberbullying behavior: A critical review of the research findings [Paper presentation]. Cinquième Conférence Mondiale sur la Violence à l'Ècole, Mendoza, Argentina.

HAPP, C., MELZER, A., & STEFFGEN, G. (2011). Bringing empathy into play: On the effects of empathy in violent and nonviolent video games. In J. L. Anacleto, S. Fels, N. Graham, B. Kapralos, M. S. El-Nasr, ... K. Stanley (Eds.), Entertainment Computing - ICEC 2011: 10th International Conference, ICEC 2011, Vancouver, BC, Canada, October 5-8, 2011, 6972 (pp. 371-374). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-24500-8_44
Peer reviewed

HAPP, C., MELZER, A., & STEFFGEN, G. (November 2010). Preventing Violence and Aggressive Behavior in Children and Adolescents Using Interactive Media Instruments (PREVAMI-Projekt) - Grundlagen eines medienunterstützten Gewaltpräventionsprogramms [Paper presentation]. XV Workshop Aggression, Bonn, Germany.

HAPP, C., MELZER, A., & STEFFGEN, G. (September 2010). Mitleid mit dem Gegner: Fällt das Spielen schwer? Wirkung einer Empathie-Induktion auf Erleben und Verhalten in einem gewalthaltigen Videospiel [Paper presentation]. 47. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Bremen, Germany.

MELZER, A., HAPP, C., & STEFFGEN, G. (September 2010). Besser werben mit Liebe und Hass? Zur Wirkung empathie- und aggressionsbezogener Wörter in einem gewalthaltigen Rennspiel [Paper presentation]. 47. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Bremen, Germany.

MELZER, A., HAPP, C., & STEFFGEN, G. (July 2010). Empathy for the devil? Empathy and prosocial behavior in violent video games [Paper presentation]. XIX World Meeting, International Society for Research on Aggression, Storrs, United States - Connecticut.

MELZER, A., HAPP, C., & STEFFGEN, G. (2010). Violence for the masses: The impact of violence in electronic mass media. In M. Herzog-Evans (Ed.), Transnational criminology manual (pp. 701-718). Nijmegen, The Netherlands, Unknown/unspecified: Wolf Legal Publishers.
Peer reviewed

MELZER, A., & HAPP, C. (2010). Kinder, Jugendliche und Videospiele: Was Eltern wissen sollten (I) – Videospiele und ihre Wirkung. In Kuck mat wat deng Kanner maachen! (pp. 29-43). Salon International du Livre de l’Enfance et de la Jeunesse – Luxembourg

HAPP, C., MELZER, A., & STEFFGEN, G. (2010). Media, violence and prevention: A literature survey. Report of the PREVAMI project. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: AASC.

HAPP, C., MELZER, A., Rossi, M., & STEFFGEN, G. (November 2009). Who chooses what in the game store? The relationship between game preferences and dimensions of aggression [Paper presentation]. XIV Workshop Aggression, Berlin, Germany.

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