

Main Referenced Co-authors
Garofalo, Véronique (1)
Giebert, Stefanie (1)
Göksel, Eva (1)
Main Referenced Keywords
multilingualism (9); theatre in education (6); ethnography (3); theatre (3); arts education (2);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Languages & linguistics (12)
Performing arts (11)
Education & instruction (6)
Arts & humanities: Multidisciplinary, general & others (3)
Art & art history (1)

Publications (total 17)

The most downloaded
WEYER, D. (2019). Investigating trust in a multilingual theatre project: Potentialities for a humanising pedagogy [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

WEYER, D. (2019). Investigating trust in a multilingual theatre project: Potentialities for a humanising pedagogy [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

WEYER, D. (2018). „Mit Herz, Fuß, Mund und ganzem Körper“ – Sprachen lehren und lernen mit Drama und Theater [Paper presentation]. Mehrsprachige Bildung in Luxemburg in formalen und non-formalen Bildungsinstitutionen, Luxembourg.

WEYER, D. (07 March 2018). “Où est mon prince? Wo ist mein Prinz? Wou ass mäi Prënz?” – A multilingual theatre in education project in a primary school class in Luxembourg City explored through video ethnography [Paper presentation]. Lecture series “Languages and the World”, Antwerp, Belgium.

WEYER, D., Göksel, E., & Giebert, S. (2017). Neue Impulse für den Fremdsprachenunterricht – niederschwellige Zugänge zur dramapädagogischen Methode [Paper presentation]. 27. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung (DGFF), Jena, Germany.

WEYER, D. (2017). Am Grupp Sprooche léieren (radio interview).

WEYER, D. (22 June 2017). “I am moved to tears. Am I allowed to behave like this?” – Exploring positionality in classroom ethnography [Paper presentation]. Ethnographic Explorations of the Arts and Education Conference (ETHNOARTS), Porto, Portugal.

WEYER, D. (2017). Students as global citizens – International Panel on the Art of Cultural Diplomacy [Paper presentation]. 4th Transatlantic Dialogue – Creating Human Bonds through Cultural Diplomacy, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.

WEYER, D. (2017). From high school student to PhD student: My trajectory [Paper presentation]. Chercheurs à l'école.

DE SAINT-GEORGES, I., Garofalo, V., & WEYER, D. (2017). Plurilinguisme et multimodalité : les dilemmes de l’enseignant débutant en contexte linguistiquement hétérogène. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. doi:10.58098/lffl/2017/1/598

WEYER, D. (02 January 2017). Agentive space for multilingual and multimodal learning and teaching – The case of a multilingual classroom theatre project in Luxembourg City explored through video ethnography [Paper presentation]. Winter school “Language, youth and identity – explored through ethnographic methodologies”, Oslo, Norway.

WEYER, D. (09 December 2016). “It’s like society on a smaller scale” – First observations of a multilingual classroom theatre project in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. Colloque international: L'éducation bi-/plurilingue pour tous. Enjeux politiques, sociaux et éducatifs, Strasbourg, France.

WEYER, D. (2016). Theater, Méisproochegkeet an interkulturellt Léieren (radio interview).

WEYER, D. (September 2016). Theaterspiel als Schlüssel zum Erfolg. Sprachliche und kulturelle Vielfalt schätzen lernen. Forum für Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur in Luxemburg, 365.

WEYER, D. (01 September 2016). The role of theatre in education for developing multilingual skills and global competencies [Poster presentation]. 10th International Conference on Multilingualism and Third Language Acquisition, Vienna, Austria.

WEYER, D. (23 July 2016). Collaborative art in the multilingual and multicultural classroom: Appraising the role of theatre for developing multilingual skills and global competencies [Paper presentation]. Drama in Education Conference, Reutlingen, Germany.

WEYER, D. (2015). Appraising the role of the dance ensemble of the University of Luxembourg for developing interpersonal and intercultural skills [Bachelor/master dissertation, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

WEYER, D. (2013). Das Projekt „Joy“ der Stiftung EME: Wie Musik hörgeschädigte Kinder und Senioren zusammenbringt [Bachelor/master dissertation, Hochschule Konstanz]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

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