

Main Referenced Co-authors
SIEBENTRITT, Susanne  (20)
MELCHIORRE, Michele  (8)
BABBE, Finn  (7)
ELANZEERY, Hossam  (6)
SPINDLER, Conrad  (6)
Main Referenced Keywords
admittance steps (1); deep defects (1); high‐performance solar cells (1); low bandgap CIGS (1); quasi‐Fermi‐level splitting (1);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Physics (21)
Materials science & engineering (1)

Publications (total 22)

The most downloaded
WERNER, F. (04 October 2017). Hall measurements on low-mobility thin films. Journal of Applied Physics, 122, 135306. doi:10.1063/1.4990470

The most cited

121 citations (WOS)

SIEBENTRITT, S., Avancini, E., Bär, M., Bombsch, J., Bourgeois, E., Buecheler, S., Carron, R., Castro, C., Dugay, S., Felix, R., Handick, E., Hariskos, D., Havu, V., Jackson, P., Komsa, H.-P., Kunze, T., Malitckaya, M., Menozzi, R., Nesladek, M., ... WOLTER, M. (2020). Heavy Alkali Treatment of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Solar Cells: Surface versus Bulk effects. Advanced Energy Materials, 1902752. doi:10.1002/aenm.201903752

SOOD, M., ELANZEERY, H., ADELEYE, D., LOMUSCIO, A., WERNER, F., EHRE, F., MELCHIORRE, M., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (2020). Absorber composition: A critical parameter for the effectiveness of heat treatments in chalcopyrite solar cells. Progress in Photovoltaics. doi:10.1002/pip.3314
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SIEBENTRITT, S., Avancini, E., Bär, M., Bombsch, J., Bourgeois, E., Buecheler, S., Carron, R., Castro, C., Dugay, S., Felix, R., Handick, E., Hariskos, D., Havu, V., Jackson, P., Komsa, H.-P., Kunze, T., Malitckaya, M., Menozzi, R., Nesladek, M., ... WOLTER, M. (2020). Heavy Alkali Treatment of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Solar Cells: Surface versus Bulk effects. Advanced Energy Materials, 1902752. doi:10.1002/aenm.201903752
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Abessolo Ondo, D., Loyer, F., WERNER, F., Leturcq, R., DALE, P., & Boscher, N. (2020). Atmospheric-Pressure Synthesis of Atomically Smooth, Conformal, and Ultrathin Low‑k Polymer Insulating Layers by Plasma-Initiated and Ultrathin Low‑k Polymer Insulating Layers by Plasma-Initiated. ACS Applied Polymer Materials. doi:10.1021/acsapm.9b00759
Peer reviewed

WERNER, F., Veith-Wolf, B., SPINDLER, C., BARGET, M., BABBE, F., Guillot, J., Schmidt, J., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (2020). Oxidation as Key Mechanism for Efficient Interface Passivation in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Thin-Film Solar Cells. Physical Review Applied. doi:10.1103/PhysRevApplied.13.054004
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WERNER, F., Veith-Wolf, B., MELCHIORRE, M., BABBE, F., Schmidt, J., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (2020). Ultra-thin passivation layers in cu(in,Ga)Se2 thin-film solar cells: full-area passivated front contacts and their impact on bulk doping. Scientific Reports. doi:10.1038/s41598-020-64448-9
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SPINDLER, C., BABBE, F., WOLTER, M., EHRE, F., Santhosh, K., Hilgert, P., WERNER, F., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (23 September 2019). Electronic defects in Cu(In,Ga)Se2: Towards a comprehensive model. Physical Review Materials, 3, 1-20. doi:10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.3.090302
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ELANZEERY, H., MELCHIORRE, M., SOOD, M., BABBE, F., WERNER, F., Brammertz, G., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (16 May 2019). Challenge in Cu-rich CuInSe2 thin film solar cells: Defect caused by etching. Physical Review Materials, 3, 055403. doi:10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.3.055403
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WERNER, F., BABBE, F., ELANZEERY, H., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (2019). Can we see defects in capacitance measurements of thin‐film solar cells ? Progress in Photovoltaics, 27, 1045–1058. doi:10.1002/pip.3196
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ELANZEERY, H., BABBE, F., MELCHIORRE, M., WERNER, F., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (2018). High‐performance low bandgap thin film solar cells for tandem applications. Progress in Photovoltaics, 1-6. doi:10.1002/pip.3026
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WERNER, F., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (2018). Buffer Layers, Defects, and the Capacitance Step in the Admittance Spectrum of a Thin-Film Solar Cell. Physical Review Applied, 9, 054047. doi:10.1103/PhysRevApplied.9.054047
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COLOMBARA, D., WERNER, F., Schwarz, T., Cañero Infante, I., Fleming, Y., Valle, N., SPINDLER, C., Vacchieri, E., REY, G., Guennou, M., Bouttemy, M., Garzón Manjón, A., PERAL ALONSO, I., MELCHIORRE, M., El Adib, B., Gault, B., Raabe, D., DALE, P., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (2018). Sodium enhances indium-gallium interdiffusion in copper indium gallium diselenide photovoltaic absorbers. Nature Communications. doi:10.1038/s41467-018-03115-0
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WERNER, F., WOLTER, M., SIEBENTRITT, S., Sozzi, G., Di Napoli, S., Menozzi, R., Jackson, P., Witte, W., Carron, R., Avancini, E., WEISS, T., & Buecheler, S. (2018). Alkali treatments of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin‐film absorbers and their impact on transport barriers. Progress in Photovoltaics. doi:10.1002/pip.3032
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WERNER, F., BABBE, F., BURKHART, J., SPINDLER, C., ELANZEERY, H., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (2018). Interdiffusion and Doping Gradients at the Buffer/Absorber Interface in Thin-Film Solar Cells. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 10, 28553-28565. doi:10.1021/acsami.8b08076
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WERNER, F. (04 October 2017). Hall measurements on low-mobility thin films. Journal of Applied Physics, 122, 135306. doi:10.1063/1.4990470
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ZELENINA, A., WERNER, F., ELANZEERY, H., MELCHIORRE, M., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (2017). Space-charge-limited currents in CIS-based solar cells. Applied Physics Letters, 111, 213903. doi:10.1063/1.5006040
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HALA, M., Kato, H., Algasinger, M., Inoue, Y., REY, G., WERNER, F., Schubbert, C., Dalibor, T., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (2017). Improved environmental stability of highly conductive nominally undoped ZnO layers suitable for n-type windows in thin film solar cells. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 161, 232-239. doi:10.1016/j.solmat.2016.11.015
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WERNER, F., BERTRAM, T., Mengozzi, J., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (2017). What is the dopant concentration in polycrystalline thin-film Cu(In,Ga)Se2 ? Thin Solid Films, 633, 222-226. doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2016.09.038
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WERNER, F., COLOMBARA, D., MELCHIORRE, M., Valle, N., El Adib, B., SPINDLER, C., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (2016). Doping mechanism in pure CuInSe2. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 119, 173106. doi:10.1063/1.4947585
Peer reviewed

SENDLER, J., THEVENIN, M., WERNER, F., REDINGER, A., Shuyi Li, Hägglund, C., Platzer-Björkman, C., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (2016). Photoluminescence studies in epitaxial CZTSe thin films. Journal of Applied Physics, 120, 125701. doi:10.1063/1.4962630
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HALA, M., Inoue, Y., Kato, I., REY, G., WERNER, F., Schubbert, C., Dalibor, T., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (2016). Environmental stability of highly conductive nominally undoped ZnO layers. IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference. Conference Record, 978-1-5090-2724. doi:10.1109/PVSC.2016.7749860
Peer reviewed

Crêpellière J., Lunca Popa P., Bahlawane N., Leturcq R., WERNER, F., SIEBENTRITT, S., & Lenoble D. (2016). Transparent conductive CuCrO2 thin films deposited by pulsed injection metal organic chemical vapor deposition: up-scalable process technology for an improved transparency/conductivity trade-off. Journal of Materials Chemistry C. doi:10.1039/c6tc00383d
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REY, G., WEISS, T., SENDLER, J., FINGER, A., SPINDLER, C., WERNER, F., MELCHIORRE, M., HALA, M., Guennou, M., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (2016). Ordering kesterite improves solar cells:A low temperature post-deposition annealing study. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 151, 131-138. doi:10.1016/j.solmat.2016.02.014
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