

Main Referenced Co-authors
SIEBENTRITT, Susanne  (14)
MELCHIORRE, Michele  (7)
BABBE, Finn  (6)
WERNER, FLorian  (6)
REDINGER, Alex  (4)
Main Referenced Keywords
KPFM (2); Band bending (1); Chalcopyrites (1); CIGS (1); CISe (1);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Physics (22)

Publications (total 22)

The most downloaded
REY, G., SPINDLER, C., RACHAD, W., SIEBENTRITT, S., BABBE, F., Nuys, M., Carius, R., Li, S., & Platzer-Björkman, C. (2018). Absorption Coefficient of a Semiconductor Thin Film from Photoluminescence. Physical Review Applied, 9, 064008. doi:10.1103/PhysRevApplied.9.064008

The most cited

64 citations (WOS)

SPINDLER, C., BABBE, F., WOLTER, M., EHRE, F., Santhosh, K., Hilgert, P., WERNER, F., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (23 September 2019). Electronic defects in Cu(In,Ga)Se2: Towards a comprehensive model. Physical Review Materials, 3, 1-20. doi:10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.3.090302

MARTIN LANZONI, E., GALLET, T., SPINDLER, C., RAMIREZ SANCHEZ, O., KAMENI BOUMENOU, C., SIEBENTRITT, S., & REDINGER, A. (02 July 2021). The impact of Kelvin probe force microscopy operation modes and environment on grain boundary band bending in perovskite and Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells. Nano Energy, 88, 106270. doi:10.1016/j.nanoen.2021.106270
Peer reviewed

KAMENI BOUMENOU, C., Babbe, F., Elizabeth, A., MELCHIORRE, M., SPINDLER, C., Guillot, J., Mönig, H., SIEBENTRITT, S., & REDINGER, A. (2020). Passivation of the CuInSe2 surface via cadmium pre-electrolyte treatment. Physical Review Materials. doi:10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.4.045405
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Lanzoni, E., SPINDLER, C., RAMIREZ SANCHEZ, O., MELCHIORRE, M., SIEBENTRITT, S., & REDINGER, A. (2020). Surface characterization of epitaxial Cu-rich CuInSe2 absorbers. IEEE. doi:10.1109/PVSC40753.2019.8981200

COLOMBARA, D., ELANZEERY, H., Nicoara, N., Sharma, D., Claro, M., Schwartz, T., Koprek, A., WOLTER, M., MELCHIORRE, M., SOOD, M., Valle, N., Bondarchuk, O., BABBE, F., SPINDLER, C., Cojocaru-Miredin, O., Raabe, D., DALE, P., Sadewasser, S., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (2020). Chemical instability at chalcogenide surfaces impacts chalcopyrite devices well beyond the surface. Nature Communications. doi:10.1038/s41467-020-17434-8
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WERNER, F., Veith-Wolf, B., SPINDLER, C., BARGET, M., BABBE, F., Guillot, J., Schmidt, J., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (2020). Oxidation as Key Mechanism for Efficient Interface Passivation in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Thin-Film Solar Cells. Physical Review Applied. doi:10.1103/PhysRevApplied.13.054004
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SPINDLER, C., BABBE, F., WOLTER, M., EHRE, F., Santhosh, K., Hilgert, P., WERNER, F., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (23 September 2019). Electronic defects in Cu(In,Ga)Se2: Towards a comprehensive model. Physical Review Materials, 3, 1-20. doi:10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.3.090302
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MARTIN LANZONI, E., SPINDLER, C., RAMIREZ SANCHEZ, O., MELCHIORRE, M., SIEBENTRITT, S., & REDINGER, A. (2019). Surface characterization of epitaxial Cu-rich CuInSe2 absorbers. IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference. Conference Record. doi:10.1109/PVSC40753.2019.8981200
Peer reviewed

SPINDLER, C., GALVANI, T., WIRTZ, L., Rey, G., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (2019). Excitation-intensity dependence of shallow and deep-level photoluminescence transitions in semiconductors. Journal of Applied Physics. doi:10.1063/1.5095235
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SPINDLER, C. (2018). Optical Detection of Deep Defects in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

ROBERT, E., Gunder, R., DE WILD, J., SPINDLER, C., BABBE, F., ELANZEERY, H., El Adib, B., Treharne, R., Miranda, H., WIRTZ, L., Schorr, S., & DALE, P. (April 2018). Synthesis, theoretical and experimental characterisation of thin film Cu2Sn1-xGexS3 ternary alloys (x = 0 to 1): Homogeneous intermixing of Sn and Ge. Acta Materialia, 151. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2018.03.043
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SPINDLER, C. (2018). Defects in Cu(In,Ga)Se2: Photoluminescence vs Theory [Poster presentation]. IW-CIGSTech 9, Stuttgart, Germany.

COLOMBARA, D., WERNER, F., Schwarz, T., Cañero Infante, I., Fleming, Y., Valle, N., SPINDLER, C., Vacchieri, E., REY, G., Guennou, M., Bouttemy, M., Garzón Manjón, A., PERAL ALONSO, I., MELCHIORRE, M., El Adib, B., Gault, B., Raabe, D., DALE, P., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (2018). Sodium enhances indium-gallium interdiffusion in copper indium gallium diselenide photovoltaic absorbers. Nature Communications. doi:10.1038/s41467-018-03115-0
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REY, G., SPINDLER, C., RACHAD, W., SIEBENTRITT, S., BABBE, F., Nuys, M., Carius, R., Li, S., & Platzer-Björkman, C. (2018). Absorption Coefficient of a Semiconductor Thin Film from Photoluminescence. Physical Review Applied, 9, 064008. doi:10.1103/PhysRevApplied.9.064008
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WERNER, F., BABBE, F., BURKHART, J., SPINDLER, C., ELANZEERY, H., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (2018). Interdiffusion and Doping Gradients at the Buffer/Absorber Interface in Thin-Film Solar Cells. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 10, 28553-28565. doi:10.1021/acsami.8b08076
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SPINDLER, C. (2017). Can deep defects limit the open circuit voltage in Cu(In,Ga)Se2? [Poster presentation]. MRS Spring Meeting, Phoenix, United States - Arizona.

SPINDLER, C. (2017). Luminescence detection of the 0.8 eV defect [Poster presentation]. MRS Spring Meeting, Phoenix, United States - Arizona.

SPINDLER, C., SIEBENTRITT, S., & REGESCH, D. (July 2016). Revisiting radiative deep-level transitions in CuGaSe2 by photoluminescence. Applied Physics Letters, 109, 032105. doi:10.1063/1.4959557
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WERNER, F., COLOMBARA, D., MELCHIORRE, M., Valle, N., El Adib, B., SPINDLER, C., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (2016). Doping mechanism in pure CuInSe2. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 119, 173106. doi:10.1063/1.4947585
Peer reviewed

SPINDLER, C. (2016). Extraction of absorption coefficients from photoluminescence [Poster presentation]. Gordon Research Seminar - Defects in Semiconductors, New London, United States - New Hampshire.

SPINDLER, C. (2016). Excitation dependence of photoluminescence transitions [Poster presentation]. Gordon Research Conference - Defects in Semiconductors, New London, United States - New Hampshire.

REY, G., WEISS, T., SENDLER, J., FINGER, A., SPINDLER, C., WERNER, F., MELCHIORRE, M., HALA, M., Guennou, M., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (2016). Ordering kesterite improves solar cells:A low temperature post-deposition annealing study. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 151, 131-138. doi:10.1016/j.solmat.2016.02.014
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Maiberg, M., SPINDLER, C., Jarzembowski, E., & Scheer, R. (11 October 2014). Electrical characterization of Cu(In,Ga)Se2-solar cells by voltage dependent time-resolved photoluminescence. Thin Solid Films, 582, 379-382. doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2014.09.022
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