

Main Referenced Co-authors
Depaepe, Marc (6)
PRIEM, Karin  (6)
Catteeuw, Karl (3)
Verstraete, Pieter (3)
Burke, Catherine (2)
Main Referenced Keywords
body-machine metaphors (1); circulation of materials (1); commercialization (1); conferences and exhibitions (1); histoire croisée (1);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
InES (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Education & instruction (31)
History (28)
Art & art history (3)
Arts & humanities: Multidisciplinary, general & others (3)
Human health sciences: Multidisciplinary, general & others (1)

Publications (total 34)

The most downloaded
THYSSEN, G., & DITTRICH, K. (2014). Water and Dust: Recovering Washed-Out Pasts of Industry in Luxembourg. In C. Burke, I. Grosvenor, B. Haenggeli-Jenni, H. Ribeiro de Castro, E. Tabacchi, G. THYSSEN, ... P. Verstraete (Eds.), Education across Europe: A Visual Conversation (pp. 63-66). Network 17 - Histories of Education, EERA.

The most cited

338 citations (OpenAlex)

De Witte, K., Cabus, S., THYSSEN, G., Groot, W., & Maassen van den Brink, H. (2013). A Critical Review of the Literature on School Dropout. Educational Research Review, 10, 13-28. doi:10.1016/j.edurev.2013.05.002

THYSSEN, G. (In press). Boundlessly Entangled: Travels and Performances of School Hygiene in the Context of Open-Air Education (c. 1904-1936). Canadian Bulletin of Medical History.
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THYSSEN, G. (In press). Engineered Communities: Industry-Related Open-Air Schools Forging Common Identities and Forms of Citizenship? (c. 1913-1963). History of Education and Children's Literature.
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HERMAN, F., PRIEM, K., & THYSSEN, G. (2015). Körper_Maschinen? Die Verschmelzung von Mensch und Technik in Pädagogik, Industrie und Wissenschaft. In M. Caruso, U. Mietzner, ... U. Wiegmann (Eds.), Jahrbuch für Historische Bildungsforschung (pp. 47-75). Bad Heilbrunn, Germany: Klinkhardt.

PRIEM, K., & THYSSEN, G. (2014). Fragmented Utopia: Luxembourgian Industrialists, Intellectual Networks and Social-Educational Reforms between Tradition and Avant-Garde. In U. Mietzner (Ed.), Jahrbuch für Historische Bildungsforschung 2013 (pp. 106-126). Bad Heilbrunn, Germany: Klinkhardt.

Burke, C., Grosvenor, I., Haenggeli-Jenni, B., Ribeiro de Castro, H., Tabacchi, E., THYSSEN, G., & Verstraete, P. (2014). Of the Past, Present and Future: Visual Conversations on Education across Europe. In C. Burke, I. Grosvenor, B. Haenggeli-Jenni, H. Ribeiro de Castro, E. Tabacchi, G. THYSSEN, ... P. Verstraete (Eds.), Education across Europe: A Visual Conversation (pp. 13-17). Network 17 - Histories of Education, EERA.

Burke, C., Grosvenor, I., Heanggeli-Jenni, B., Ribeiro de Castro, H., Tabacchi, E., THYSSEN, G., & Verstraete, P. (Eds.). (2014). Education across Europe: A Visual Conversation. Network 17 - Histories of Education, EERA.

PRIEM, K., & THYSSEN, G. (2014). Eine Internationale Bühne für Marionetten? Zur Interaktion von Bildern, Texten, Objekten, Räumen und Bewegung in der Ausstellung 'The Family of Man' in den 1950er- und 1960er-Jahren. In M. Caruso, T. Koinzer, C. Mayer, ... K. PRIEM (Eds.), Zirkulation und Transformation: Pädagogische Grenzüberschreitungen in historischer Perspektive (pp. 191-210). Köln, Unknown/unspecified: Böhlau.

THYSSEN, G., & DITTRICH, K. (2014). Water and Dust: Recovering Washed-Out Pasts of Industry in Luxembourg. In C. Burke, I. Grosvenor, B. Haenggeli-Jenni, H. Ribeiro de Castro, E. Tabacchi, G. THYSSEN, ... P. Verstraete (Eds.), Education across Europe: A Visual Conversation (pp. 63-66). Network 17 - Histories of Education, EERA.

THYSSEN, G. (2014). Das Fremde im Vertrauten und das Vertraute im Fremden. Eine Bildanalyse jenseits des Verstehens aus dem Kontext einer deutschen Waldschule (ca. 1923-1939). In K. TE HEESEN (Ed.), Pädagogische Reflexionen des Visuellen. Münster, Germany: Waxmann Verlag.

THYSSEN, G. (2013). The Stranger within: Luxembourg’s Early School System as a European Prototype of Nationally Legitimized International Blends (ca. 1794-1844). Paedagogica Historica, 49 (5), 625-644. doi:10.1080/00309230.2013.786105
Peer reviewed

PRIEM, K., & THYSSEN, G. (2013). Puppets on a String in a Theatre of Display? Interactions of Image, Text, Material, Space and Motion in The Family of Man (ca. 1950s-1960s). Paedagogica Historica, 49 (6), 828-845. doi:10.1080/00309230.2013.846925
Peer reviewed

THYSSEN, G., & PRIEM, K. (Eds.). (2013). Mobilizing Meaning: Displays of Evidence in Education (Special Issue Paedagogica Historica). Taylor & Francis.

THYSSEN, G., & PRIEM, K. (2013). Mobilising meaning: multimodality, translocation, technology and heritage. Paedagogica Historica, 735-744. doi:10.1080/00309230.2013.848912
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De Witte, K., Cabus, S., THYSSEN, G., Groot, W., & Maassen van den Brink, H. (2013). A Critical Review of the Literature on School Dropout. Educational Research Review, 10, 13-28. doi:10.1016/j.edurev.2013.05.002
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THYSSEN, G., & Depaepe, M. (2012). Essor et déclin d’une école de plein air: le Centre Dupré de Roubaix (v. 1921-1978). Revue du Nord, 94 (397), 947-965. doi:10.3917/rdn.397.0947

THYSSEN, G. (2012). Christophe Knebeler and Denis Scuto, Belval: Passé, Présent et Avenir d’un Site Luxembourgeois Exceptionnel (1911-2011), Esch-sur-Alzette: Éditions Le Phare. Hemecht : Zeitschrift für Luxemburger Geschichte = Revue d'Histoire Luxembourgeoise, 64 (4), 161-162.

THYSSEN, G. (2012). Mapping a Space of Biography: Karl Triebold and the Waldschule of Senne I-Bielefeld (c. 1923-1939). History of Education, 41 (4), 457-467. doi:10.1080/0046760X.2011.620010
Peer reviewed

THYSSEN, G., Depaepe, M., & Depaepe, M. (2012). The Sacralization of Childhood in a Secularized World: Another Paradox in the History of Education? An Exploration of the Problem on the Basis of the open-Air School Diesterweg in Heide-Kalmthout. In Between Educationalization and Appropriation: Selected Writings on the History of Modern Educational Systems (pp. 89-117). Leuven, Belgium: Leuven University Press.

THYSSEN, G., De Witte, K., Groot, W., & Maassen van den Brink, H. (2011). De stereotypen van voortijdig schoolverlaten. Impuls, 41 (3), 151-153.

THYSSEN, G., Depaepe, M., Dillen, A., & Pollefeyt, D. (2010). The Sacralization of Childhood in a Secularized World: Another Paradox in the History of Education? An Exploration of the Problem on the Basis of the Open-Air School Diesterweg in Heide-Kalmthout. In Children’s Voices: Children’s Perspective in Ethics, Theology and Religious Education (pp. 187-215). Leuven, Unknown/unspecified: Peeters.

THYSSEN, G. (2010). The Open-Air schools of Dudelange and Esch-sur-Alzette: A Threat to the Regular School System in Luxembourg or a Peripheral Phenomenon? Forum für Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur in Luxemburg, (301), 40-42.

THYSSEN, G., HERMAN, F., Kusters, W., Van Ruyskensvelde, S., & Depaepe, M. (2010). From Popular to Unpopular Education? The Open-Air School(s) of ‘Pont-Rouge’, Roubaix (1921- 1978). History of Education and Children's Literature, 5 (2), 199-227.

THYSSEN, G., & Bakker, N. (2009). Architectuur van het zelf in de stad van het kind? Een cartografie van vakantiekolonie en openluchtschool "Trotter" in Milaan (1918-1968). In Kinderen in Gevaar: De geschiedenis van pedagogische zorg voor risicojeugd (pp. 48-67). Assen, Unknown/unspecified: Van Gorcum.

THYSSEN, G. (2009). New Education Within an Architectural Icon? A Case Study of a Milanese Open-Air School (1922-1977). History of Education, 4 (1), 243-266.
Peer reviewed

THYSSEN, G. (2009). The "Trotter" Open-Air School, Milan (1922-1977): A City of Youth or Risky Business? Paedagogica Historica, 45 (1-2), 157-170. doi:10.1080/00309230902746222
Peer reviewed

THYSSEN, G. (2007). Openluchtscholen... Iets nieuws onder de zon behalve lucht? In ctes du VIIe Congrès de l’Association des Cercles Francophones d’Histoire et d’Archéologie de Belgique et LIVe Congrès de la Fédération des Cercles d’Archéologie et d’Histoire de Belgique. Congrès d'Ottignies – Louvain-la-Neuve, 26-28 août 2004 (pp. 131-140). Brussels, Belgium: Safran.

THYSSEN, G. (2007). Visualizing Discipline of the Body in a German Open-Air School (1923-1939): Retrospection and Introspection. History of Education, 36 (2), 243-260. doi:10.1080/00467600601171500
Peer reviewed

THYSSEN, G., & Depaepe, M. (2006). The Sacralization of Childhood in a Secularized World: Another Paradox in the History of Education? An Exposition of the Problem on the Basis of the open-Air School Diesterweg in Heide-Kalmthout. In A. Dillen & D. Pollefeyt (Eds.), Children’s Voices: Children’s Perspective in Ethics, Theology and Religious Education. Expert Seminar, 11-13 January 2007 (pp. 167-186). Leuven, Unknown/unspecified: Faculty of Theology.

THYSSEN, G. (2006). Youth Health? History of School Medicine in Geneva: 1884-2004. Paedagogica Historica, 42 (6), 890-892.

Henkens, B., Catteeuw, K., & THYSSEN, G. (2005). Heuristiek voor het Historisch-Pedagogisch Onderzoek en de Waarde van het Internet. Over de Concrete Zoektocht naar het Pedagogisch Verleden. In M. Depaepe, F. Simon, ... A. Van Gorp (Eds.), Paradoxen van Pedagogisering. Handboek Pedagogische Historiografie. Leuven, Unknown/unspecified: Acco.

Depaepe, M., Simon, F., THYSSEN, G., Depaepe, M., Simon, F., & van Gorp, A. (2005). Vernieuwing in de Franjes? Openluchtscholen en de Traditie van Pedagogisering. In Paradoxen van Pedagogisering. Handboek Pedagogische Historiografie (pp. 425-439). Leuven, Unknown/unspecified: Acco.

Catteeuw, K., & THYSSEN, G. (2005). Internet, ICT en historische pedagogiek. In Paradoxen van pedagogisering: Handboek pedagogische historiografie. Leuven, Unknown/unspecified: Acco.

Verstraete, P., Van Hooste, A., THYSSEN, G., & Catteeuw, K. (2004). Het is maar hoe je het bekijkt. Een experiment met filmseminaries voor orthopedagogiek en historische pedagogiek. Leuvens Bulletin LAPP, 53, 47-66.

THYSSEN, G. (2004). The History of Open-Air Schools: a Fruitful Failure to Dis-cover? Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Historiographie, 10 (2), 113-114.

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