SAPCARIU, S. (2016). Metabolic and Transcriptional Control of Metabolism in Pro-inflammatory Macrophages [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. |
SAPCARIU, S., Kanashova, T., Dilger, M., Diabate, S., Oeder, S., Passig, J., Radischat, C., Buters, J., Sippula, O., Streibel, T., Paur, H.-R., Schlager, C., Mulhopt, S., Stengel, B., Rabe, R., Harndorf, H., Krebs, T., Karg, E., Groger, T., ... Zimmermann, R. (2016). Metabolic Profiling as Well as Stable Isotope Assisted Metabolic and Proteomic Analysis of RAW 264.7 Macrophages Exposed to Ship Engine Aerosol Emissions: Different Effects of Heavy Fuel Oil and Refined Diesel Fuel. PLoS ONE, 11 (6), 0157964. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0157964 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
SAPCARIU, S., Oeder, S., Kanashova, T., Sippula, O., Streibel, T., Arteaga-Salas, J. M., Passig, J., Dilger, M., Paur, H.-R., Schlager, C., Mülhopt, S., Diabaté, S., Weiss, C., Stengel, B., Rabe, R., Harnsdorf, H., Torvela, T., Jokiniemi, J., Hirvonen, M.-R., ... Zimmermann, R. (2015). Particulate Matter from Both Heavy Fuel Oil and Diesel Fuel Shipping Emissions Show Strong Biological Effects on Human Lung Cells at Realistic and Comparable In Vitro Exposure Conditions. PLoS ONE. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0126536 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Meiser, J., KRAEMER, L., SAPCARIU, S., BATTELLO, N., GHELFI, J., FOUQUIER D'HÉROUËL, A., SKUPIN, A., & HILLER, K. (2015). Pro-inflammatory macrophages sustain pyruvate oxidation through pyruvate dehydrogenase for the synthesis of itaconate and to enable cytokine expression. Journal of Biological Chemistry. doi:10.1074/jbc.M115.676817 Peer reviewed |
SAPCARIU, S., Kanashova, T., WEINDL, D., GHELFI, J., Dittmar, G., & HILLER, K. (2014). Simultaneous extraction of proteins and metabolites from cells in culture. MethodsX. doi:10.1016/j.mex.2014.07.002 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
WEGNER, A., WEINDL, D., Jäger, C., SAPCARIU, S., DONG, X., Stephanopoulos, G., & HILLER, K. (January 2014). Fragment Formula Calculator (FFC): Determination of chemical formulas for fragment ions in mass spectrometric data. Analytical Chemistry, 86 (4), 2221–2228. doi:10.1021/ac403879d Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
WEGNER, A., SAPCARIU, S., WEINDL, D., & HILLER, K. (28 March 2013). Isotope Cluster-Based Compound Matching in Gas Chromatography/ Mass Spectrometry for Non-Targeted Metabolomics. Analytical Chemistry, 85 (8), 4030-4037. doi:10.1021/ac303774z Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |