

Main Referenced Co-authors
GREIFF, Samuel  (23)
NIEPEL, Christoph  (10)
Goldhammer, Frank (5)
Kröner, Stephan (4)
HARDT, Katinka  (3)
Main Referenced Keywords
Complex Problem Solving (1); Complex problem solving (1); construct validity (1); latent multitrait–multimethod models (1); Metacognition (1);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Education & instruction (13)
Theoretical & cognitive psychology (7)
Social & behavioral sciences, psychology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (4)
Social, industrial & organizational psychology (1)

Publications (total 25)

The most downloaded
RUDOLPH, J., NIEPEL, C., GREIFF, S., Goldhammer, F., & Kröner, S. (2017). Metacognitive confidence judgments and their link to complex problem solving. Intelligence. doi:10.1016/j.intell.2017.04.005

The most cited

27 citations (Scopus®)

RUDOLPH, J., GREIFF, S., Strobel, A., & Preckel, F. (2018). Understanding the link between need for cognition and complex problem solving. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 55, 53 - 62. doi:10.1016/j.cedpsych.2018.08.001

RUDOLPH, J. (2018). The Nomological Network of Complex Problem Solving – Under Special Consideration of its Potential Twin Scientific Inquiry [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

RUDOLPH, J., GREIFF, S., Strobel, A., & Preckel, F. (2018). Understanding the link between need for cognition and complex problem solving. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 55, 53 - 62. doi:10.1016/j.cedpsych.2018.08.001
Peer reviewed

RUDOLPH, J., NIEPEL, C., GREIFF, S., Goldhammer, F., & Kröner, S. (2017). Metacognitive confidence judgments and their link to complex problem solving. Intelligence. doi:10.1016/j.intell.2017.04.005
Peer reviewed

RUDOLPH, J., NIEPEL, C., GREIFF, S., Goldhammer, F., & Kröner, S. (March 2016). Welche Rolle spielt metacognitive Selbsteinschätzung beim Lösen komplexer Probleme? [Paper presentation]. 4th Conference of the German Association of Empirical Educational Research, Berlin, Germany.

NIEPEL, C., RUDOLPH, J., Goldhammer, F., & GREIFF, S. (2016). Die Rolle transversaler Kompetenzen für schulisches Lernen. Das Beispiel des komplexen Problemlösens. In BMBF, Forschungsvorhaben in Ankopplung an Large-Scale Assessments (pp. 48-62). BMBF.

RUDOLPH, J., NIEPEL, C., GREIFF, S., Goldhammer, F., & Kröner, S. (September 2015). Den Zusammenhang zwischen Konfidenz und komplexer Problemlöseleistung verstehen: Eine Betrachtung unter Einbezug von Verhalten, Selbstkonzept und kognitiven Fähigkeiten [Paper presentation]. Conference on Educational Psychology of the German Psychological Association, Kassel, Germany.

Wüstenberg, S., NEUBERT, J., HARDT, K., RUDOLPH, J., & GREIFF, S. (28 August 2015). Exploiting process data. The link of students’ behavior to performance in PISA 2012 problem solving [Paper presentation]. EARLI, Limassol, Cyprus.

RUDOLPH, J., NIEPEL, C., Wüstenberg, S., & GREIFF, S. (2015). Prädiktoren komplexen Problemlösens besser verstehen: Bearbeitungszeit als partieller Mediator für den Effekt von Reasoning und Need for Cognition auf komplexes Problemlösen [Paper presentation]. 3rd Conference of the German Association of Empirical Educational Research (GEBF), Bochum, Germany.

RUDOLPH, J., NIEPEL, C., MARTIN, R., & GREIFF, S. (2015). Die Erfassung naturwissenschaftlicher Kompetenzen bei Luxemburger Schülerinnen und Schülern. In Bildungsbericht Luxembourg (pp. 84-90). MENJE/SCRIPT.

RUDOLPH, J., NIEPEL, C., & GREIFF, S. (2015). How motivational and cognitive correlates and their interaction influence Complex Problem Solving Processes [Paper presentation]. Szeged Workshop on Educational Evaluation, Szeged, Hungary.

RUDOLPH, J., NIEPEL, C., Kröner, S., Goldhammer, F., Strobel, A., Preckel, F., & GREIFF, S. (2015). Linking confidence in complex problem solving to problem solving selfconcept, achievement, and need for cognition [Paper presentation]. 31st International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan.

RUDOLPH, J., Krkovic, K., NIEPEL, C., GREIFF, S., Goldhammer, F., & Kröner, S. (2015). Explaining response confidence in Complex Problem Solving perfomance [Paper presentation]. 16th biennal EALI conference, Limassol, Cyprus.

RUDOLPH, J., NIEPEL, C., & GREIFF, S. (25 September 2014). Komplexes Problemlösen und naturwissenschaftliche Erkenntnisgewinnung. Internationale Forschung zu interaktiven Kompetenzen [Paper presentation]. Leibniz Institute for International Educational Research, Frankfurt, Germany.

RUDOLPH, J., HARDT, K., Preckel, F., Strobel, A., Vainikainen, M.-P., & GREIFF, S. (September 2014). Komplexes Problemlösen und sein Bezug zu Need For Cognition [Paper presentation]. 49th Congress of the German Psychological Association, Bochum, Germany.

RUDOLPH, J., HARDT, K., Strobel, A., Vainikainen, M.-P., Preckel, F., & GREIFF, S. (August 2014). Need for cognition and complex problem solving [Paper presentation]. EARLI SIG1 conference, Madrid, Spain.

Strobel, A., Luong, C., GREIFF, S., RUDOLPH, J., Vainikainen, M.-P., & Preckel, F. (July 2014). Need for Cognition in Children and Adolescents: Correlates and Relations to Intelligence and School Performance [Paper presentation]. Paper presented at the 17th European Conference on Personality, Lausanne, Switzerland.

RUDOLPH, J., & GREIFF, S. (April 2014). Scientific Inquiry. Conception, assessment and first results regarding the assessment tool SINQ (Scientific Inquiry) [Paper presentation]. 6th Szeged Workshop on Educational Evaluation, Szeged, Hungary.

RUDOLPH, J., & GREIFF, S. (January 2014). Komplexes Problemlösen im naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht [Paper presentation]. Invited speech at the Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education, Kiel, Germany.

GREIFF, S., & RUDOLPH, J. (January 2014). Benefits of computer-based assessment. Perspectives and examples [Paper presentation]. Invited speech at the Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education, Kiel, Germany.

GREIFF, S., & RUDOLPH, J. (November 2013). Domänen-spezifisches und komplexes Problemlösen: Unterschiede und Verknüpfungspunkte [Paper presentation]. networking event of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

MAINERT, J., Müller, J., GREIFF, S., & RUDOLPH, J. (25 September 2013). Komplexes Problemlösen als eigenständiges Konstrukt [Paper presentation]. 14th Conference on Educational Psychology of the German Psychological Association, Hildesheim, Germany.

RUDOLPH, J., KRKOVIC, K., & GREIFF, S. (September 2013). Komplexe Problemlösekompetenz. Einfluss von Alter und Schulform [Paper presentation]. 14th Conference on Educational Psychology of the German Psychological Association, Hildesheim, Germany.

RUDOLPH, J., KRKOVIC, K., & GREIFF, S. (16 April 2013). Domain-Specific Problem Solving. Bringing Complex Problem Solving research to school [Paper presentation]. 5th Szeged Workshop on Educational Evaluation, Hungary.

KRKOVIC, K., RUDOLPH, J., & GREIFF, S. (16 April 2013). Collaborative Problem Solving: current assessment possibilities and issues [Paper presentation]. 5th Szeged Workshop on Educational Evaluation, Hungary.

RUDOLPH, J., Schoreit, E., & Lipowsky, F. (September 2012). Interesse und Leistung in der Grundschule [Paper presentation]. Workingroug for Empirical Pedagogical Research, Bielefeld, Germany.

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