DE JESUS SOUSA, T. A., RIES, B., & GUELFI, N. (2024). Data Augmentation in Earth Observation: A Diffusion Model Approach. |
JAHIC, B., GUELFI, N., & RIES, B. (01 April 2023). SEMKIS-DSL: A Domain-Specific Language to Support Requirements Engineering of Datasets and Neural Network Recognition. Information, 14 (4). doi:10.3390/info14040213 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
SOUSA, T., RIES, B., & GUELFI, N. (2023). Formal Verification of Ecosystem Restoration Requirements using UML and Alloy. (TR-LASSY-23-02). |
SOUSA, T., RIES, B., & GUELFI, N. (2023). Formal Verification of Ecosystem Restoration Requirements Using UML and Alloy. In T. A. DE JESUS SOUSA, B. RIES, ... N. GUELFI, Formal Verification of Ecosystem Restoration Requirements Using UML and Alloy. Peer reviewed |
JAHIC, B., GUELFI, N., & RIES, B. (2021). SEMKIS-DSL: a Domain-Specific Language for Specifying Neural Networks’ Key-Properties. Belval, Luxembourg: Lassy. |
RIES, B., GUELFI, N., & JAHIC, B. (2021). An MDE Method for Improving Deep Learning Dataset Requirements Engineering using Alloy and UML. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (pp. 41-52). SCITEPRESS. doi:10.5220/0010216600410052 Peer reviewed |
JAHIC, B., GUELFI, N., & RIES, B. (2020). Specifying key-properties to improve the recognition skills of neural networks. In Proceedings of the 2020 European Symposium on Software Engineering. New York, United States: Association for Computing Machinery. doi:10.1145/3393822.3432332 Peer reviewed |
JAHIC, B., GUELFI, N., & RIES, B. (2019). Software Engineering for Dataset Augmentation using Generative Adversarial Networks. In Proceedings of 10th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science. doi:10.1109/ICSESS47205.2019.9040806 Peer reviewed |
CAPOZUCCA, A., GUELFI, N., & RIES, B. (2019). Design of a (yet another?) DevOps course. In J.-M. Bruel, M. Mazzara, ... B. Meyer (Eds.), Software Engineering Aspects of Continuous Development and New Paradigms of Software Production and Deployment (Revised Selected Papers, pp. 1-18). Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-06019-0 Peer reviewed |
Tenbergen, B., & RIES, B. (2019). Methodological Aspects of Software Engineering, Assurance, Quality, and Reliability Engineering (MAS/AQR) 2019 Welcome from the Minitrack Co-Chairs. Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). |
RIES, B., CAPOZUCCA, A., & GUELFI, N. (2018). Messir: A Text-First DSL-Based Approach for UML Requirements Engineering (Artifact Evaluation) accepted at the 11th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE). doi:10.5281/zenodo.1458158 |
RIES, B., CAPOZUCCA, A., & GUELFI, N. (2018). Messir: A Text-First DSL-Based Approach for UML Requirements Engineering (Tool Demo), in ACM SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH) [Poster presentation]. ACM SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH), Boston, United States - Massachusetts. |
RIES, B., CAPOZUCCA, A., & GUELFI, N. (2018). Messir: A Text-First DSL-Based Approach for UML Requirements Engineering (Tool Demo). In Proceedings of the 11th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software Language Engineering SLE'18. doi:10.1145/3276604.3276614 Peer reviewed |
GUELFI, N., CAPOZUCCA, A., & RIES, B. (08 November 2017). A Product Line of Software Engineering Project Courses [Poster presentation]. 30th IEEE Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training, Savannah, Georgia, United States. |
GUELFI, N., JAHIC, B., & RIES, B. (2017). TESMA: Requirements and Design of a Tool for Educational Programs. Information. doi:10.3390/info8010037 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
GUELFI, N., JAHIC, B., & RIES, B. (2016). TESMA : Towards the Development of a Tool for Specification, Management and Assessment of Teaching Programs. In E. Pyshkin, A. Vazhenin, ... V. Klyuev (Eds.), Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on Applications in Information Technology (pp. 5-8). Aizuwakamazsu, Japan: The University of Aizu Press. Peer reviewed |
GUELFI, N., CAPOZUCCA, A., & RIES, B. (25 August 2016). Measuring the SWEBOK Coverage: An Approach and a Tool [Paper presentation]. SWEBoK Evolution Town Hall. |
Ledyayev, R., RIES, B., & Gorbenko, A. (2012). REACT: an Architectural Framework for the Development of a Software Product Line for Dependable Crisis Management Systems. Radioelectronic and Computer Systems, 59 (7), 284-288. Peer reviewed |
RIES, B. (2009). SESAME: a Model-Driven Process for the Test Selection of Small-size Safety-related Embedded Software [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. |
GUELFI, N., & RIES, B. (October 2008). SESAME: A Model-Driven Test Selection Process for Safety-Critical Embedded Systems. ERCIM News, 75. Peer reviewed |
GUELFI, N., & RIES, B. (2008). Selection, Evaluation and Generation of Test Cases in an Industrial Setting: a Process and a Tool. In Practice and Research Techniques, 2008. TAIC PART '08. Testing: Academic & Industrial Conference (pp. 47-51). IEEE. doi:10.1109/TAIC-PART.2008.12 Peer reviewed |
GUELFI, N., & RIES, B. (2005). SCTL: A StateChart Transformation Language for Test Sets Reduction. In ERCIM Workshop on Dependable Software Intensive Embedded Systems, workshop of the 31st EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Appli. ERCIM. Peer reviewed |
GUELFI, N., LE COUSIN, G., & RIES, B. (2004). Engineering of Dependable Complex Business Processes using UML and Coordinated Atomic Actions. In International Workshop on Modeling Inter-Organizational Systems (MIOS'04). Springer. Peer reviewed |
GUELFI, N., MAMMAR, A., & RIES, B. (2004). A Formal Approach for the Specification and the Verification of UML Structural Properties: Application to E-Business Domain. In International Workshop on Software Verification and Validation (SVV 2004), workshop of ICFEM'04. Peer reviewed |
GUELFI, N., PRUSKI, C., & RIES, B. (2004). A Study of Mobile Internet Technologies for Secure e-commerce Applications Development. In Techniques and Applications for Mobile Commerce (TAMOCO) part of Multi-Konferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2004. infix. Peer reviewed |
GUELFI, N., RIES, B., & STERGES, P. (2003). MEDAL: A CASE Tool Extension for Model-driven Software Engineering. In SwSTE'03 IEEE International Conference on Software - Science, Technology & Engineering. IEEE Computer Society. doi:10.1109/SWSTE.2003.1245422 Peer reviewed |
GUELFI, N., & RIES, B. (2002). Using and Specializing a Pattern-Based E-business Framework: An Auction Case Study. In The 6th Annual IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications. ACTA Press. Peer reviewed |