
PRÜM Agnès

University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE) > Department of Humanities (DHUM) > English Studies

Main Referenced Co-authors
KMEC, Sonja  (5)
BALTES - LÖHR, Christel  (4)
RECKINGER, Rachel  (4)
WILLE, Christian  (4)
BELLING, Luc  (2)
Main Referenced Keywords
space (4); Gender (3); Luxembourg (3); Luxemburg (3); media (3);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Arts & humanities: Multidisciplinary, general & others (13)
Sociology & social sciences (4)
Literature (3)
Anthropology (3)
Human geography & demography (3)

Publications (total 17)

The most downloaded
KMEC, S., & PRÜM, A. (2014). De l’insoutenable banalité des lieux-cyborgs. Les stations-essence dans l’imaginaire de l’extrême contemporain. In S. FREYERMUTH & J.-F. Bonnot (Eds.), Ville infectée, ville déshumanisée (pp. 183-211). Bruxelles, Belgium: Peter Lang.

PRÜM, A. (14 January 2016). What happened to the Gas Station? [Paper presentation]. Trier Centrum für Amerikastudien: Gastvorträge, Trier, Germany.

BELLING, L., DE BRES, J., CICOTTI, C., DEMBECK, T., DI FELICE, P., GLESENER, J., KMEC, S., MILLIM, A.-M., PETTIAU, H., PRÜM, A., SCHALL, C., & VARGA, M. (2016). Representations and Projections. In C. WILLE, R. RECKINGER, S. KMEC, ... M. HESSE (Eds.), Spaces and Identities in Border Regions. Politics – Media – Subjects (pp. 141-146). Bielefeld, Germany: transcrit.
Peer reviewed

PRÜM, A. (2016). Petrol Stations as In-Between Spaces II: Transfiguration. In C. WILLE, R. RECKINGER, S. KMEC, ... M. HESSE (Eds.), Spaces and Identities in Border Regions. Politics – Media – Subjects (pp. 218-229). Bielefeld, Germany: transcript.
Peer reviewed

PRÜM, A. (07 July 2014). Petrol Stations as In-Between Spaces: Practices, Narratives, Signs [Paper presentation]. Espaces et identités dans des régions transfrontalières, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

BELLING, L., DE BRES, J., CICOTTI, C., DEMBECK, T., DI FELICE, P., GLESENER, J., KMEC, S., MILLIM, A.-M., PETTIAU, H., PRÜM, A., SCHALL, C., & VARGA, M. (2014). Repräsentationen und Projektionen. In C. WILLE, R. RECKINGER, S. KMEC, ... M. HESSE (Eds.), Räume und Identitäten in Grenzregionen. Politiken – Medien – Subjekte (pp. 137-143). Bielefeld, Germany: transcript.
Peer reviewed

PRÜM, A. (16 January 2014). 'Between Angelic Submission and Monstrous Assertion': Women, Writing and Illness in Gilman’s 'The Yellow Wallpaper' [Paper presentation]. Trier Centrum für Amerikastudien: Gastvorträge, Trier, Germany.

KMEC, S., & PRÜM, A. (2014). De l’insoutenable banalité des lieux-cyborgs. Les stations-essence dans l’imaginaire de l’extrême contemporain. In S. FREYERMUTH & J.-F. Bonnot (Eds.), Ville infectée, ville déshumanisée (pp. 183-211). Bruxelles, Belgium: Peter Lang.
Peer reviewed

PRÜM, A. (2014). Tankstellen als Zwischenräume II: Transfiguration. In C. WILLE, R. RECKINGER, S. KMEC, ... M. HESSE (Eds.), Räume und Identitäten in Grenzregionen. Politiken – Medien – Subjekte (pp. 223-236). Bielefeld, Germany: transcript.
Peer reviewed

PRÜM, A. (31 January 2013). (Re)reading Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s 'The Yellow Wallpaper' [Paper presentation]. Trier Centrum für Amerikastudien: Gastvorträge, Trier, Germany.

PRÜM, A., & KMEC, S. (23 November 2012). « Je vais encore faire le plein! » De l’insoutenable banalité des lieux-cyborgs [Paper presentation]. Ville infectée, Luxembourg.

PRÜM, A. (2011). CSI and more: Negotiating Perceptions of Justice, Crime and Self in Contemporary Detective Fiction. In G. MEIN & H. SIEBURG (Eds.), Medien des Wissens: Interdisziplinäre Aspekte von Medialität (pp. 243-260). Bielefeld, Germany: transcipt.

BALTES-LÖHR, C., PRÜM, A., RECKINGER, R., & WILLE, C. (2011). Cultures du quotidien et identités. In IPSE – Identités, Politiques, Sociétés, Espaces (Ed.), Construire des identités au Lxembourg. Appropriations subjectives – Projections institutionnelles – Milieux socio-culturels (pp. 245-306). Paris, Unknown/unspecified: Berg International.
Peer reviewed

BALTES-LÖHR, C., PRÜM, A., RECKINGER, R., & WILLE, C. (2011). Everyday Cultures and Identities. In IPSE – Identités, Politiques, Sociétés, Espaces (Ed.), Doing Identity in Luxembourg. Subjective Appropriations – Institutional Attributions – Socio-Cultural Milieus (pp. 233-290). Bielefeld, Unknown/unspecified: transcript.
Peer reviewed

BALTES-LÖHR, C., PRÜM, A., RECKINGER, R., & WILLE, C. (July 2010). Alltagskulturen und Identitäten [Paper presentation]. International Conference: Doing Identity in Luxemburg. Subjektive Aneignungen – institutionelle Zuschreibungen – sozio-kulturelle Milieus, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

BALTES-LÖHR, C., PRÜM, A., RECKINGER, R., & WILLE, C. (2010). Alltagskulturen und Identitäten. In IPSE – Identités, Politiques, Sociétés, Espaces (Ed.), Doing Identity in Luxemburg Subjektive Aneignungen – institutionelle Zuschreibungen – sozio-kulturelle Milieus (pp. 235-293). Bielefeld, Germany: transcript.
Peer reviewed

PRÜM, A. (2008). Entre science et fiction : le mythe de Frankenstein. Science Fiction & Hugo Gernsback.

KMEC, S., & PRÜM, A. (2008). La guerre au féminin : récit(s) et résistance(s). Forum für Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur in Luxemburg, 282, p. 24-27.

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