

Main Referenced Co-authors
NIENABER, Birte  (14)
SOMMARRIBAS, Adolfo  (9)
JACOBS, Sarah  (7)
BALTES - LÖHR, Christel  (5)
LI, Lisa  (5)
Main Referenced Keywords
asylum (8); asile (7); immigration (7); international protection (7); migration (7);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
University of Luxembourg: Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Political science, public administration & international relations (12)
Sociology & social sciences (4)
Law, criminology & political science: Multidisciplinary, general & others (2)
Social & behavioral sciences, psychology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (2)
Human geography & demography (1)

Publications (total 20)

The most downloaded
PETRY, D., LI, L., BALTES-LÖHR, C., & SOMMARRIBAS, A. (Other coll.). (2014). Policies, practices and data on unaccompanied minors in 2014. Walferdange, Luxembourg: LU EMN NCP.

PETRY, D., SOMMARRIBAS, A., CODA, N., & NIENABER, B. (Ed.). (2018). L’efficacité du retour dans les États membres de l’UE: défis et bonnes pratiques dans l’application des règles européennes en matière de retour. EMN Inform.

JACOBS, S., ADAO DO CARMO, K., PETRY, D., & NIENABER, B. (Ed.). (2018). Rapport annuel sur les migrations et l'asile (2017). LU EMN NCP.

JACOBS, S., ADAO DO CARMO, K., PETRY, D., & NIENABER, B. (2018). Annual report on migration and asylum (2017). LU EMN NCP.

SOMMARRIBAS, A., PETRY, D., & NIENABER, B. (Ed.). (2017). The effectiveness of return in EU Member States: challenges and good practices linked to EU rules and standards. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: LU EMN NCP.

JACOBS, S., PETRY, D., SOMMARRIBAS, A., & NIENABER, B. (Ed.). (2017). Le regroupement familial des ressortissants de pays tiers en UE: pratiques nationales. EMN Inform.

PETRY, D., JACOBS, S., SOMMARRIBAS, A., & NIENABER, B. (2017). Family reunification of third-country nationals in the EU: national practices (country report Luxembourg). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg.

JACOBS, S., ADAO DO CARMO, K., PETRY, D., & NIENABER, B. (2017). The changing influx of asylum seekers in 2014-2016: Member State responses (Country Report Luxembourg). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg.

PETRY, D., JACOBS, S., & NIENABER, B. (2017). Rapport politique sur les migrations et l'asile (2016). LU EMN NCP.

PETRY, D., JACOBS, S., & NIENABER, B. (2017). Policy Report on Migration and Asylum (2016). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg.

SOMMARRIBAS, A., PETRY, D., MARCUS, N., & NIENABER, B. (2016). Resettlement and Humanitarian Admission Programmes in Europe – what works? Esch/Belval, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg.

PETRY, D., Marcus, N., Li, L., & NIENABER, B. (Ed.). (2016). Rapport Politique sur les Migrations et l'Asile 2015 - Luxembourg. Esch-Belval, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg.

PETRY, D., & Marcus, N. (2016). Desired Mobilities. Forum für Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur in Luxemburg.

PETRY, D., SOMMARRIBAS, A., & NIENABER, B. (2016). Integration of beneficiaries of international/humanitarian protection into the labour market: Policies and good practices. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: LU EMN NCP.

LI, L., PETRY, D., & NIENABER, B. (Ed.). (2015). Dissemination of information on voluntary return: How to reach irregular migrants not in contact with the authorities - Luxembourg. Luxembourg: LU EMN NCP.

LI, L., PETRY, D., NIENABER, B. (Ed.), & BALTES-LÖHR, C. (Ed.). (2015). Policy Report on Migration and Asylum 2014 - Luxembourg. Luxembourg: LU EMN NCP.

LI, L., & PETRY, D. (2015). Politiques, pratiques et données sur les mineurs non-accompagnés au Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. Conférence "Enfants non-accompagnés au Luxembourg : situation actuelle et intérêt supérieur".

PETRY, D., LI, L., BALTES-LÖHR, C., & SOMMARRIBAS, A. (Other coll.). (2014). Policies, practices and data on unaccompanied minors in 2014. Walferdange, Luxembourg: LU EMN NCP.

BECKER, F., PETRY, D., BALTES-LÖHR, C., & SOMMARRIBAS, A. (Other coll.). (2014). The use of detention and alternatives to detention in the context of immigration policies - Luxembourg. Luxembourg: LU EMN NCP.

LI, L., PETRY, D., & BALTES-LÖHR, C. (2014). Policy Report on Migration and Asylum 2013 - Luxembourg. Luxembourg: LU EMN NCP.

PETRY, D., BALTES-LÖHR, C., BECKER, F., SOMMARRIBAS, A., & Li, L. (2014). The interaction between the media and the public opinion: social media becoming a source of information in Luxembourg, 2014 [Paper presentation]. International Metropolis Conference 2014, Milan, Italy.

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