

University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance (FDEF) > Department of Economics and Management (DEM)

Main Referenced Co-authors
DEROUICHE, Imen  (7)
WEBER, Véronique  (7)
Löhlein, Lukas (4)
Breitkreuz, Robert (3)
LOEHLEIN, Lukas  (3)
Main Referenced Keywords
Risk disclosure (6); Analyst following (3); institutional work (3); Risk Disclosure (3); Audit oversight (2);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Accounting & auditing (27)
Finance (2)

Publications (total 28)

The most downloaded
DEROUICHE, I., MUESSIG, A., & WEBER, V. (2020). Risk disclosure and analyst following: a study of French listed firms. European Journal of Finance, 26 (14), 1355-1376. doi:10.1080/1351847X.2020.1726428

The most cited

23 citations (Scopus®)

DEROUICHE, I., MUESSIG, A., & Allaya, M. (2019). Voluntary disclosure, ownership structure, and corporate debt maturity: A study of French listed firms. International Review of Financial Analysis. doi:10.1016/j.irfa.2018.12.008

DEROUICHE, I., LUXEMBOURGER, M., & MUESSIG, A. (01 June 2023). Sustainability-Related Forward-Looking Disclosure: informativeness, role of corporate governance and corporate resilience [Paper presentation]. International Conference of the Financial Engineering and Banking Society.
Editorial reviewed

DEROUICHE, I., Manita, R., & MUESSIG, A. (2021). Risk disclosure and firm operational efficiency. Annals of Operations Research, 297, 115–145. doi:10.1007/s10479-020-03520-z
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

MUESSIG, A. (2021). What Do We Know About Audit Oversight. In A. Dutzi, M. Gros, K. Nowak, ... B. Roese (Eds.), Corporate Governance, Rechenschaft und Abschlussprüfung: Festschrift für Hans-Joachim Böcking zum 65. Geburtstag (pp. 365-370). München, Germany: C.H.Beck.

DEROUICHE, I., MUESSIG, A., & WEBER, V. (September 2020). The effect of risk disclosure on analyst following. European Journal of Finance, 26 (14), 1355-1376. doi:10.1080/1351847X.2020.1726428?journalCode=rejf20
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WEBER, V., & MUESSIG, A. (05 June 2020). The relevance of risk disclosure and the role of readability and comparability [Paper presentation]. CAAA Annual Conference 2020, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.

Löhlein, L., & MUESSIG, A. (May 2020). At the boundaries of institutional theorizing: Individual entrepreneurship in episodes of regulatory change. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 83, 1-21. doi:10.1016/j.aos.2019.101102
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DEROUICHE, I., MUESSIG, A., & WEBER, V. (2020). Risk disclosure and analyst following: a study of French listed firms. European Journal of Finance, 26 (14), 1355-1376. doi:10.1080/1351847X.2020.1726428
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WEBER, V., & MUESSIG, A. (24 October 2019). Information Content of Systematic and Idiosyncratic Risk Disclosure [Paper presentation]. 4th Symposium "Quantitative Finance and Risk Analysis", Trier, Germany.

WEBER, V., & MUESSIG, A. (04 July 2019). Information Content of Systematic and Idiosyncratic Risk Disclosure [Paper presentation]. 23rd Annual Financial Reporting and Business Communication Conference.

DEROUICHE, I., MUESSIG, A., & Allaya, M. (2019). Voluntary disclosure, ownership structure, and corporate debt maturity: A study of French listed firms. International Review of Financial Analysis. doi:10.1016/j.irfa.2018.12.008
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DEROUICHE, I., MUESSIG, A., & WEBER, V. (17 December 2018). Risk disclosure and analyst following:A study of French listed firms [Paper presentation]. Paris Financial Management Conference.

WEBER, V., & MUESSIG, A. (September 2018). Information Content of Systematic Risk Disclosure [Paper presentation]. 8th European Risk Conference, Katowice, Poland.

DEROUICHE, I., MUESSIG, A., & Manita, R. (2018). Risk disclosure and firm operational efficiency [Paper presentation]. The 2018 International Conference of the African Federation of Operational Research Societies (AFROS 2018).

MUESSIG, A. (2017). Zur Zufriedenheit von Mitgliedern des Verwaltungsrats und der Geschäftsleitung Schweizer Aktiengesellschaften mit dem "umfassenden Bericht" der Revisionsstelle : Ergebnisse einer explorativen Studie. In W. Funk, Internationale Rechnungslegung und Internationales Controlling : Herausforderungen - Handlungsfelder - Erfolgspotenziale (dritte, erweiterte Auflage, pp. 251-279). Wiesbaden, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany: Springer Gabler.

Löhlein, L., & MUESSIG, A. (2017). Understanding audit oversight transformation : ramifications of institutional work and the power of (de-)mythologizing. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

Löhlein, L., & MUESSIG, A. (12 May 2017). MAINTAINING AND DISRUPTING INSTITUTIONS: (UN)INTENDED CONSEQUENCES OF PARALLEL INSTITUTIONAL WORKS IN A LOCAL REGULATORY CONTEXT [Paper presentation]. 40th European Accounting Association Annual Congress, Valencia, Spain.

MUESSIG, A. (2017). Regional Disparities in Audit Pricing : Evidence from Switzerland. In J. Baldauf & S. Graschitz, Theorie und Praxis aus Rechnungslegung und Wirtschaftsprüfung (pp. 307-339). LexisNexis.
Peer reviewed

MUESSIG, A. (2016). Führt die EU-Bilanzrichtlinie zu inkonsistenten und unsystematischen Rechnungslegungsnormen? Eine kritische Würdigung am Beispiel von Aufwandsrückstellungen. ACE Comptabilité, fiscalité, audit, droit des affaires au Luxembourg.
Peer reviewed

MUESSIG, A. (2015). L’analyse des résultats de la consultation publique : quels objectifs pour la révision du PCN (Table ronde – débat) [Paper presentation]. La révision du Plan comptable normalisé (PCN), Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

Löhlein, L., & MUESSIG, A. (12 September 2015). Change to Remain the Same: Institutional Work after a Regulatory Intervention – The Case of the Establishment of the German Audit Oversight System [Paper presentation]. EARNet 2015 Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland.

MUESSIG, A. (2014). Missing the opportunity to develop a systematic accounting approach: the case of recognition of provisions [Paper presentation]. L’avenir du droit comptable luxembourgeois suite à l’adoption de la directive comptable du 26 juin 2013 (2013/34/UE), Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

Löhlein, L., & MUESSIG, A. (14 April 2014). What do we know about U.S. audit oversight regulation? – A literature review of 30 years of U.S. audit oversight research [Paper presentation]. BAFA 2014 Annual Conference, London, United Kingdom.

Löhlein, L., & MUESSIG, A. (29 March 2014). What do we know about U.S. audit oversight regulation? – A literature review of 30 years of U.S. audit oversight research [Paper presentation]. 2014 mid-year meeting of the Public Interest Section of the American Accounting Association, San Diego, United States.

Löhlein, L., & MUESSIG, A. (28 September 2013). What do we know about audit oversight regulation? – A literature synthesis of 30 years of research on the external quality assurance mechanisms of U.S. audit firms [Paper presentation]. EARNet Symposium 2013, Trier, Germany.

MUESSIG, A., & Breitkreuz, R. (2012). Kritische Würdigung des Diskontierungsverbots bei latenten Steuern – Ein Plädoyer für eine konzeptions- und prinzipienkonforme Bewertung. Steuer und Wirtschaft, 89, 71-84.
Peer reviewed

MUESSIG, A., & Breitkreuz, R. (2011). Zur Zeitwertbilanzierung latenter Steuern in der internationalen Rechnungslegung. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 81, 1225-1256.
Peer reviewed

MUESSIG, A., & Breitkreuz, R. (2010). Kritische Analyse der Anbieterkonzentration auf dem Schweizer Markt für Revisions- und Beratungsleistungen. Zeitschrift für internationale und kapitalmarktorientierte Rechnungslegung, 10, 510-514.
Peer reviewed

MUESSIG, A. (2006). Bilanzielle Risikovorsorge und ausserbilanzielle Risikoberichterstattung. Deutscher Universitätsverlag.

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